Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Benzaiten Kida the Monk, not Rogue, I would like a Persuasion or Intimidation roll please. Let's see if the Diner guests will listen and leave.
@Benzaiten Nice! 19 hits!

Unfortunately, Kida would not be able to throw a second dart because it is indeed just a ranged weapon. ^^"

If Kida wanted to get into melee with a bandit, would she be able to without dashing? I feel like you said they're not within 30ft.

You are correct. The bandits are 45 feet away, so Kida would have to dash to get into melee with them.

The second bandit winces as Ariel's singing pierces his mind as well. He angrily speaks to the Huntsman in response, "Maybe harm wouldn't come ta her if she just left well enough alone!"

He swings his blade at the Huntsman...only for the blade to miss the Huntsman. The bandit's movements are clumsy. They are clearly untrained when it comes to any kind of combat, or any fighting whatsoever.

@Crimson Flame

OK. The Bandit rolled a 2 on his Wisdom Save, so he takes that 1 Point of Damage and still has a Disadvantage on his next attack.

EDIT: Excuse me, I just notice @Crimson Flame wrote they were targeting the Other Bandit, so it'll still be a 2 for the other Bandit and they have disadvantage. Sorry about that. ^^"
@CaptainManbeard Makes sense to me. XD
@CaptainManbeard Would it be okay if I just used HeroForge to create my character’s appearance and disregard the actor faceclaim?
There’s also Silvery Barbs, but Silvery Barbs is a reaction, so do I have to wait for the Bandit to attack before using that?

Yes. But this can work to your advantage.
For example, this spell will really help if you see a bandit get a Natural 20 on an attack, and they're in the spell's range (within 60 feet of Ariel).
I only started my first DnD campaign not that long ago. It’s Disney themed! (Hi @Guardian Angel Haruki) But I’m usually in most of your RPs so why not.

I’ll be a Fairy. Because that’s an option in DnD.

Hey there! XD Welcome to another D&D game.
Which class are you thinking?

@CaptainManbeard To add onto my character a bit, I do have a personality and a bit of her background for her previous life figured out.

For now, I am thinking that with her class being a Genie (Djinni) Warlock, I'm thinking that she would be reincarnated either as a Human or an Elf.
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

Don’t wanna do that…

Insulting the other bandit it is!

Vicious Mockery is always a good choice.

But be sure to take a look at Ariel's Character Sheet, because she does have other spells she can use if you are interested.

5e Tools is a great reference site for D&D 5e rules, or you can do a general google search if you need to know what any of your spells do.
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