Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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So Kovu will moved 35ft used Daunting Roar and they to do a wisdom saving throw greater than... 11?

Indeed. The DC is 11. I'll roll for those bandits.
In the meantime, is there anything Kovu will want to do for his action?

Don't forget to post Kovu's turn IC. ^_^

EDIT: Well then....Um...Both Bandits made the save.
Bandit 1: Natural 20 Wisdom Save
Bandit 2: 11 Wisdom Save
So if move 35 feet and used Daunting Roar that's in range for both of them.

That indeed would be the case. ^_^
And that's only his bonus action! XD Not bad!
Hmm... So both bandits are 45ft away from the table, correct? How close are they to each other?

As for how close they are to each other, that would 5 feet. They are right next to each other.
Oh no.

That’s when rush knew…

…He goofed up.
@Lucius Cypher Nice! XD
OK, The readied action is duly noted.

Now, it is...Kovu's turn!
@Martian Typical D&D Languages (Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, etc.)

OOC thread, or PM, I'm fine with either option. Go with what you're comfortable with.

P.S., Don't mind the change in status. You're still good to create an app.
I changed it so I won't forget again. ^^"
@XxFellsingxX I also vote to keep Shieldwing as an NPC and keep him in the clutch.
Ye. I wanna do some tactical stuff but maybe I also ought to keep it simple for our first combat.

It's up to you. ^_^
Tactical or Simple, either is good with me. XD
I'll get a post up soon, been a hella week for me.

Looking forward to your post. Don't rush yourself. ^_^
Well Fellwing and Stargaze expelled the creature of Darkness, and Skobeloff returned Fogdance from her Shadowself, convinced Garrock to be nicer, and got both of them to join the Unnecessary Backup Brigade. So I'd say both of those questions can be answered with a yes.

I’m inclined to agree with this.
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