Either way, I have a question. Can Brutrumukk hear any birds nearby?
Just small birds, like finches and sparrows, that rest high up in trees. He hasn't seen or heard of any birds like the giant crane at the beginning of Hither in Downfall.
And now I know what Mordent would be like if it were a Domain of Delight rather than a Domain of Dread.
If horrific stuff can exist in Domains of Delight, who's to say goofy things and fun Musical Numbers like Barnaby's aren't possible in Domains of Dread?
The bullywugs look at Aurora and Gabriel as they ask their questions and ask about Gullop's character. The leading bullywug simply answers them, "Anyone can see that Gullop is a witless buffoon! You wouldn't even question it if you saw him yourself!"
He continues, "If anyone is the rightful King, it would be me! And if you help with this plan, then I will make you high ranking nobility here in Downfall,"
He then asks, "Well, it's clear that you don't think my plan is up to snuff. Unlike Gullop, I am capable of considering better ideas. So, if you have a better plan, then I'm all ears,"
You'd notice that the crate in this hut has Bavlorna's name scrawled on it. The hunting gear piled on top of it includes a heavy crossbow, six crossbow bolts, a hunting trap, and a rolled-up cape of moss.
Upon hearing Jub's warning, the scarecrow immediately hops onto one of the poles with a beheaded bullywug head, only giving a "Woah!" in fear and shock that Jub was going to set the bridge on fire. The scarecrow gives a sigh of relief when Brutrumukk stopped him from casting that spell.
The heads and the scarecrow look towards the sounds of the Bullywug knights shouting at them,
"STOP! By order of King Gullop the Nineteenth, you are under arrest! Stop running!"
The heads quickly inform the pair,
"Oh dear, well that simply won't do!" "You'd best take a swamp gas balloon out of Downfall!" "Unless you wanna end up like us! We can chat forever!"
The scarecrow points to a building (towards D2) and speaks, "You can grab a balloon and escape over there! Hurry!"
After the scarecrow says that, Jub and Brutrumukk would see that the guards have made it onto the bridge and are hurrying after them.
Now that I took a bit of time to familiarize myself with the rules as well as let the NPCs give Jub and Brutrumukk a clear way to escape the guards and Downfall (D2), the Chase can truly begin!
Brutrumukk and Jub start at the end of the bridge in D5 towards D4, while the Bullywugs start at D6 due to their delay. On their initiative, Knights 4, 5, and 6 dash to make it to the middle of the bridge in D5. I am using the Downfall Map as reference. Remember that each square on the Downfall Map is 10 feet.
Since Jub is the one who's running and carrying a tiny Brutrumukk, he can freely use the Dash action a number of times equal to 3 + his Constitution modifier. Each additional Dash action he takes during the chase requires him to succeed on a DC 10 Constitution check at the end of its turn or gain one level of exhaustion.
For this round, Complication Roll was an 18, so there are no complications to impede the chase this time around. ^_^