Mira sat in the bathroom, and as takeshi knocked on the door, her "Special" main course was spewing out into the toilet..
"Ugh, I'm not so fine.." she said when Takeshi asked her if she was fine.....
"I used to have some sort of medication" she started spewing again.... eventually opening the door... when she got the chance..
Mira kept talking, well trying too, she eventually stopped and realized that her makeup was coming off, she must of been crying.. she couldn't remember.
"Thanks for being nice, sorry i've been such a clutz as well as a bore" she was actually acting herself for once.
She wanted to go apologize to the guy named Gavin, whom was asking if she was ok, they where all pretty nice.
Mira grabbed the paper, wiping the residue away from her mouth, luckily she didn't get her dress.
"I guess.. we should head back to the dorms.. I feel like playing that piano" she smiled.. as she tied her hair back into a ponytail, brushing herself off and getting rid of the smudged make up.
"Shall we?" she smiled.. still feeling awful.