I would agree with Lug's placement of the characters, but I'll add his own.
Cain - Neutral Evil - Cain might have honorable intentions, but his methods would seem dishonorable and deceitful to even a Gerudo. Not saying that he as evil as Gannon, but would do the same if given the chance.
Frore - True Neutral - Frore doesn't really have a mind of his own and thus acts more of a puppet to Cain's will. It seems that whatever good intentions he has would backfire without Cain's assistance.
Felicia - Citizen (Kaiver), Honest Shopkeeper (Lyontus), Woman to woo and sleep with (Izzaz)
Jira - Shady, but honest merchant with a love-struck streak (Kaiver, Lyontus), victim, piggy bank, fool (Izzaz)
Idris - Good natured and honest Shiekah, but a bit untrustworthy until shown otherwise (Kaiver, Lyontus), misguided brother and tribefolk (Izzaz)
Mila - Kind and loving prodigy and potential master alchemist, Izzaz however might see a way to exploit her.
Veitaru - Thief and trained assassin with an oddly innate sense of honor (Kaiver, Lyontus), child to adopt and train into becoming a welcome member of Izzaz's tribe (Izzaz)
Magus - Dark, but mostly harmless and wondering hermit.
Cain - Mysterious shadow being that is lost, and could be a threat (Kaiver, Lyontus), Worthy opponent and ally (Izzaz)
Frore - Dangerous monster that means no ill, but should keep an eye on (Kaiver) interesting marvel of magic (Lyontus) Walking tank that might prove to be a bane (Izzaz)
Favorite food: Ordon Cheese (Kaiver), Pumpkin Soup (Lyontus), Pies from the Kakariko bakery (Izzaz)
Least favorite food: Goron dumplings (Kaiver), Reekfish (Lyontus), Deku seeds (Izzaz)
Favorite animal: Hawk (Kaiver), Owl (Lyontus), Wolfos pup (Izzaz)
Favorite person: Hans-Harker, Father (Kaiver) Elder Irontus (Lyontus) Master Izark (Izzaz)
Talents: Slingshot deadeye (Kaiver), Bookworm (Lyontus), Knife thrower (Izzaz)
Dream house: Kokiri Forest (Kaiver), Temple of Time (Lyontus), Shadow Temple (Izzaz)
Dream job: Adventurer (Kaiver), Wizard (Lyontus), Assassin (Izzaz)
Cain. I would like to see an expanded interaction between Cain and Izzaz surrounding the artifact that is bonded onto him, and can serve as a tool for surviving at night.
My prediction so far is that Ganondorf is going to show up at the festival and threaten to destroy Hyrule and his army will come soon, forcing King Daphnes to go to the Sacred Ream and gather the Triforce. As he is gathering the Triforce, as our heroes go on our adventure to set out defeating Ganondorf without it, it will be futile and then have to make the people of Hyrule into the mountians while Ganon’s Army invades, and is killed by the Great Flood.
People most likely to get wounded/killed: Izzaz, Cain, Idris, Jira, Veitaru, Frore, Navlov (passes away), Kaiver (killed defending his family during the end).