With their finished shelters, the humans started to go idle and sit comfortably in their shelters. Rolling my many eyes, I foresaw that they would eventually go hungry if they think that they would forever stay safe in their shelters and away from the curse of their neighbors greed. "A shame that you would curse the humans with idle hands, Lucifer. I expected much more of you than for them to simply have them die slowly."
For a time, some of the humans began to use my knowledge to hunt the animals for food, but one particular human had been gathering plants of various kinds, for he used his tools to gather them and replant them by the river and lakes in order to feed himself. I watched in wonder, thinking that if enough of the humans ate from the plants then they would not have to anger my other siblings, such as Okami. As they would be able to feed themselves with more than enough food that would nourish their bodies. In order to do this, I gave away my voice to them to be able to speak to them directly and revealed our existence to the humans.
"Human... make the rows of the plants in a line so that more of the land can be used to house the space of the plants. Feed them with water, and good soil, and teach your fellow man as I have."
I quickly departed and began to hide myself from the human who began to look for me. After he had given up, he took his tools and did as he was told, making his knowledge know with his tribe. They gathered seed, plant, and root, and made their villages grow farms of food and now were able to feed themselves as they stored it for later. With that, I began to wonder what did my other sibling of Mischief and his creation of griffins do.