Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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>>Stirring the pot- Vika@PrinceAlexus. Distracting- Elise@KatKook I have a surprise in the post, just for you @Pilatus

Ryan checked his phone. No replies from Joel Nicolosi. It is to be expected. The man is probably busy. Besides, whatever car troubles he was having could wait. He simply would take a different vehicle as his mode of transportation. Sitting in his living room, with his restaurant still on a 'hiatus' or sabbatical, however one would call it, Ryan flipped through the newspaper, idly catching up on the news du jour.

"Ah. So there is some sort of city-sponsored dating event..." he thought to himself before looking up at his surroundings. Modern, simplistic decor adorned his apartment. Grey and neutral tones with minimal decorations, some succulents, a few accent pieces with looks that betrayed their retail price. Overall, a very 'city-living'-esque way one would appoint their living space. "I suppose I should try my hands at this whole dating thing... Mom and dad... I mean...hopefully if something pans out they can relax for a bit with the whole grandkids thing..." Ryan thought to himself again, sighing softly.

Through the Sonos speakers he has littered around his living space, a song came up. Ryan chuckled. He liked the song. It put him in a mood. Looking out at the afternoon sun and his slightly warm chai. He started to form ideas for the night.

First, a stroll through Light Lane to see if he bumps into any familiar faces and possible make some new friends. Then, if things decides to carry on, transition himself over to The Pit to dance and drink the night away. Sounds like a good plan, at least in his mind. The actual execution thought, that remains to be seen. In any case, Ryan decidedly needs to change out of his loungewear of Nike joggers, plain grey t-shirt and house slippers. His apartment is tidy enough should people get invited back so he isn't too worried about that. Sliding open his walk-in closet, he looked at the rows of neatly hung shirts and pressed slacks. Shrugging slightly, he chose a pair dark stonewashed denim that fit more on the skinny side, a simple grey t-shirt layered with a similarly grey Irish fisherman's sweater. As for the only accessory he wears, he chose a simple Tissot with blue dials and matching blue straps. Shoes. Now how does he finish up his ensemble? He glanced at his shoe rack, noticing various sneakers and other comfortable shoes. Hmm. Perhaps a pair of grey derby dress shoes for that smart casual look. Fair enough. Given the seasonality of things, he thinks his current outfit should be fine. Dabbing on some light cologne, he checked himself out in front of his floor-length mirror, tugging at his top to straighten it out, he grabbed his riding helmet and made his way downstairs.

Hopping on his Vespa, he made his way down towards Light Lane. Before he starting going, he shook his head slightly. His vespa had the bad fortune of receiving its plate numbered 'PFP-069'. Ryan sighed. Not only is a vespa already the butt of many jokes, but now his plate as well? One of these these days he'll get it changed. Regardless, he made his way down to Light Lane.

Along the way, he spots a purple Bentley. "Ah, interesting. Vika is here somewhere...though...given her current state..." Several questions popped into his mind. He parked his ride near the 'start' of the street and reached for his phone, sending a message to Vika

-Hey, its Ryan. I noticed your car. Its kind of hard not to notice anyways. So, I've had some questions for you for a little bit now. Feel free to answer, but don't feel pressured to. I've seen you at several different places now, always accompanied by your sister or a bodyguard. But never the father to your child... Why is that...?-

Ryan hesitated. His thumb hovered over the backspace tile. Drawing in a quick breath, his thumb moved up slightly and hit the send button instead. Whats the worst that can happen? She tells him she doesn't want to talk about it? Psh.

In any case, he took off his helmet, locked it in the under-seat compartment and walked away.

Walking around, he took in the lights, sights, and sounds of the city. It sure was lively. There were people walking about, mostly couples. Food was being sold and enjoyed. Drinks were being had responsibly. And. There was a girl dabbing what looked like an alcohol wipe on a man's face. Ryan furrowed his eyebrows. "I wonder what happened there..." He was still a good distance away from that odd interaction but he could feel the crowd packing into the tight street. Ryan did his best to follow in the same direction of the crowd but people would stop and start erratically. Ryan of course did his best to follow along with the flow but the occasional bumping into and stepping on of others were bound to happen. Before he knew it, he was dangerously close to the woman dabbing the wipes from earlier. Being unable to stop, he bumps into her rather hard and nearly stumbles over, almost taking her with him. At the last moment, he regained his balance and reached out an arm in case the woman was to fall...
Can I go from Killbox to Infinite Cosmos

Thank you!

>>Texting the Knights, getting the school year started. @HaleyTheRandom@Hey Im Jordan@Pyxis@ayzrules@KZOMBI3@spooner@Bee

The alarm goes off. Rich rolls over and checks the time. "Eh. Its 8 am already...? Shit, I guess I gotta go get ready for school..." With an audible 'Hng', Rich got out of bed and dragged himself into the bathroom to get ready. There wasn't anyone else at home at this point in the day to take up the precious real estate so Rich had the whole room to himself. Of course, Rich was just being dramatic, calling it 8 am. In reality it is closer to 7:30 than 8. He had plenty of time to get himself ready, but it never seems to be enough anyways.

Walking out of the bathroom, hair as unkempt as ever, Rich half stumbles back into his room to pick out his outfit. "What is the OOTD then? Its the first day after all." He did a quick scan of his closet and dresser drawer. The outfit he chose consisted of skinny, dark denim, a colorful t-shirt with geometric block patterns, and of course some sunglasses with red lenses. Rich then glanced over to a corner of his room. His old, black, Jansport was just sitting there, zipper undone. "Backpack, nah. Fanny pack, yes." He whispered to himself. Clipping on his fanny pack, containing pens, his cell phone, and other teen necessities, Rich slipped on his white Chuck Taylors and hopping in his car, at exactly 8 am...

Pulling into the parking lot, Rich chuckled to himself, watching the 'rat race' of students filtering into the school. They may be freshman, or seniors. It didn't matter. In Rich's eyes, him and his friends ran the school, and being a senior he is definitely going to walk the halls as if that was a fact. Grabbing the red bull he had taking previously from his family restaurant, he turned his car off and stepped out. "Ah. The nerdy one is already here. Damn." Rich said, a wispy chuckle followed as he made his approach towards the school.

Just as he approached Aria, the school PA system come on with a screech. The principle announced that everyone had to pack themselves into the auditorium like sardines for the welcome back assembly. Great. Sighing, Rich said "Well. Good morning Aria, I guess we'll have to chat more after this stupid ass assembly. I'll see you around." Rich turned and waved slightly as he walked away.

"Well, lets get this year on the road then..." He reached for his phone and sent the Knights a message in their group chat

-Yo, you guys in school yet? Apparently we have this assembly or whatever...-

>>Tidying up his interactions, enjoying his chai and the day. @PrinceAlexus

"Ah. A gooner. No matter. We should attend a derby some times. Of course, I'll keep the banter friendly and when the flag flies blue, I'll keep the cheering to a bearable amount. And in terms of ice hockey, I learned it when I moved to the US, but its just not for me. Don't get me wrong, I love me some contact sport. But I cannot skate to save my life... You can see where this is going." Ryan replied, sarcastically.

From his seat, he can see that the day was clearing and he really should be getting back to work, or at least planning his trip to wherever he planned on going. The restaurant is entering somewhat of a lighter season and being that he was the owner, he can call his own vacations. His staff are used to it by now. They still get paid, they just take the same sabbatical as he does. He does his best to announce it to his staff before it happens, so they can plan something to do as well. Occasionally, he would ask if they wanted to join him on his trip, like the last one they all took back to Japan to explore the Hokkaido region. That trip was more of a work trip than a fun trip anyways. Ryan went to explore local ingredients and look into how available they are to him in the West Coast of the United States. Unfortunately, some of the ingredients simply did not keep well enough to make the trip to him. So, he did want he could, learned what he could and tasted what he could while there.

This next trip however, it is more than likely only going to be himself. Something he sorely needed. Just to get away from it all.

Ryan sipped his chai and gazed out the window, wondering if Joel would respond at all...


@ayzrulesNo, I caught that, lol. But then Youtube decided to follow that up with the remix to Panda by Higher Brothers.

Now I'm still at home, dumb hyped.

What is that WILDNESS???
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