Drakel said
I know.... I was honestly really surprised that it was helpful. Usually I just hold it all in until I do the same thing though this really was something new and I really didn't care or want to yell at my family on this shit...
Now other than my sister and my family's BS... I was never able to get back into my Final or anything though that 90% of work that I DID do was in fact saved. This means that my teacher did see 90% of my final and apparently I got 200/250 on it even though I missed every single essay question other than 1 or 2. This meant every question I was asked was correct and thus I got a B in my class ( A was only possible if I got the final by 100%)... So Yeah, celebration time mother fuckers xD
Also to help the mood I even got my next set of classes up next week, thus means I get a 1 week break from schooling all of this week and to make matters better my classes this year is Advanced comp (English, which I'm good at) and basically a hard-ware class for computers (CIS.1.2 in other words) So yeah... This semester should be fun since I actually know a lot of shit on this stuff due to a good sum of my family knowing this and working in fields that includes hardware... not to mention that this could also be used to at least place a start in rebuilding the long dying relations between me and my father (We never saw eye to eye)... maybe.
Hopes up is all I can do. :D