Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts

@Crusader Lord

Don't blame me for YOUR speed


"You feeling lucky? Well do Yah, punk?"
@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword@demonspade64@Kheliop

An insane goblin-

The goblins plan was nearly suicidal and would take a miracle to work the way he hoped. As the stick was thrown what he expected to happen happened. The spider quickly leaped from its perch nearby and landed on the web where he threw the stick. However, the spider was no fool once the spider had realized it wasn't alive and moving it immediately leaped away only giving the goblin Nyma the chance to wound it again and not deliver the killing blow. The spider screeched once more and allowed the two hobgoblins to hear the direction it was coming from. They would soon notice the webs themselves and if they were careful they would provide aid to the now weaponless goblin...


One of the earth's children-

The hobgoblin kept running ahead unsure of what he would actually find. Soon enough though he would find something that would take his breath away either in fear or in aww. Soon he came upon a clearing of a large bear. However, this was no ordinary bear the bear had vines stretching its entire body and leaves growing where fur is meant to be. If not for the fact that it was moving it could have been mistaken for a naturally made statue. The bear was easily double the size fo the hobgoblin with razor sharp claws and fangs. It looked like it could tear the hobgoblins head off without any effort! What was most peculiar was the fact that upon its back was an actual tree growing where its spine should be! The tree itself was growing different fruits that looked almost like apples in a way. What was noticeable however was also the fact that there was a large wound on its side a long cut stretching from it's from shoulder to his back leg clearly unable to move. It also seemed to bleed green rather than red.

The goddess was saddened seeing one so strong so weak. Through the bracelet, he heard her whisper "Approach slowly young one. show him your open palm and remove your weapons. He must not see you as a threat or he will kill you" she warned

To a certain extent. She can only see souls as far as her natural vision can. If you were right in front of a wall you could see the soul right behind it but if you are trying to see a soul from miles away then no
God damn you guys replied fast. It took me hours just to get that post up

She could see the bea5ing of it not his actual heart. What you would see is like a pulse from a beacon a circle cascading outward in match to his hearts beat

Like I mentioned in the post before he has barely any interest in you. Words mean nothing, you need to let actions speak for you with him.

@Crusader Lord

Sounds interesting right?! Now I'm inspired to come up with a whole new tree thanks to you! What ill tell you now, you better like spider meat
@Crusader Lord

You can be a spider like creature. I never added it but it would be interesting... you could be this world's shelob!!
I want to ask, what do you guys think of my description of a soul? I mean it's hard to describe what a soul even is in our modern world so I wanted to know how my explanation stacks up

What a soul looks like-

As she put on her bracelet she soon saw things in a different light, literally. It seemed that her vision became slightly darker and everything was a little less bright. However, when she looked at Gird soul she would a pitch-black soul. The soul was pitch black and hard to see however it enveloped his entire body almost like a cloak and when she looked at where his heard should be she could see the beating of his heart matching in rhythm to the beating of his soul. His soul was strong that was clear because she could see the firmness of the edges in his souls' aura. It was like it was almost solid showcasing his strength both mentally and physically. If she looked at Gina's soul, for example, it would display the same firmness but the color would be as green as the purest of grasses, Ren's would be grey steel in color and so on. Each soul had its own color to correspond with its owner's strength and abilities.


on the hunt to protect-

He smiled at the little one and laughed lightly as he said that he liked the cave and in all honesty, he just lived here because it was one of the few safe havens for their kind. He smiled softly like a proud father as he pats his head and heard that he was a follower of the eternal mother. He listened to him as he spoke and when he was done Grandpa gently pats his cheek and said "I'm proud young one. Be sure to prove yourself to the goddess but promise me you WILL come back. What matters is that you survive young one. Also if anything I fear that I will just slow you young ones' down, I can only hope advice will be enough to help you all"He said before he walked back into the cave and waited for the young goblins to return so he could take them to this new safe place the young hobgoblins cleared out.

As the hobgoblin searched he would find...nothing. He would notice that the trees around him looked stronger and sturdier the further he went but it was clear he wouldn't find such a rare and fantastic creature right in his own backyard. He would need to dare to go farther into uncharted territory if he wanted a chance to find the ones he is meant to protect.


a wolf hunt-

The hobgoblin that had taken his newfound sword found himself heading towards the west like Grandpa had said earlier. However for the time being there were only signs of them. Things like scratched bark that was marked as territory not to mention areas where there was fresh marking like urine. No doubt that there were wolves around but for the time being he was safe...

@Crusader Lord@Kheliop

Spiders attack-

As the goblin threw his spear in the hopes that he would kill the spider in one shot it turned out that while he got the direction right he didn't put enough power into it. As the spear traveled it disturbed the webs making the spider alert and ready to move and it already was when the spear went through and missed entirely. Now the spider scurried quickly with speed that they couldn't follow it then lunged out of one of the nearby webs towards Nyma however before it could sink its venom-filled fangs into the goblin it was struck by the spear the goblin had pointed upwards. It cried out as it started to bleed but before the goblin could deliver the final push and force the spear through the spider jumped off and ran back into the trees hiding in the treetops for its next opening...


Gina kept running away from her hobgoblin and soon was back at the rabbit nest. She soon peaked inside and saw that the mother was nursing two of the babies and normally the mother would be fighting tooth and nail to keep ehr away it simply stayed where it was. It seemed being blessed by Shirila allowed her to interact with the bunnies freely. While they didn't move away from her they didn't move towards her either prefering the privacy. She soon noticed that Nene who was her loyal companion for so long was actually much larger then she was before. She now had a long streek of red fur running down her head to her fluff tail. It seemed that she had gained experience as well and became an Alpha herself. She was able to get close to the other rabbits with her and it seemed that they could both handle being around other bunnies without hostilities...
Angelo didn't pack much as he was getting ready to go into the XCOM project. He had known that he would be noticed after he killed so many of the greys but he didn't think he would be trusted into going into what was basically a black ops site. He went to the specified location only bringing with him a duffle bag full of clothes and a few personal belongings. Nothing of note of course like his father's jacket and his fiance's necklace and a picture of him and said, fiance. He wished he had someone to talk to before he left because if he had to hazard a guess once he goes inside-outside communication would be limited if any. He got into the skyranger and he put his bag under his seat before he strapped in and waited for the pilot to get them moving.

He got inside and he was mildly impressed at how much they had to work with but then again this was probably a huge undertaking for humanity as the last line of defense. He found his way into the barracks and he unpacked putting everything in his drawer that was provided for him. He then found his way to the couch that faced the monitor and soon he was greeted by a bear of a man that looked like he could snap Angelo like a twig if he wanted to. He didn't even need to ask to know that this guy would only be satisfied by using something as big as he was so he was in the heavy class. He then watched as two attractive looking women came in and one introduced herself. Then a fresh-faced kid came in looking in awe of the place around him. Angelo then wondered what was the minimum age to join this project but that was a thought for another time.

He could guess that it was time to introduce himself so he sat up a bit and said "Names Angelo. I am going to be the one marking targets in the field. Don't worry though, I am a crack shot" he said with a smirk wondering when their actual squad leader would show up to greet them. He was probably the only new guy unless that American kid counted. He had to go through orientation and all that though he wished he could drink more. Not being allowed to get drunk was a real drag especially considering that the things they would see together would make him have nightmares of that he had no doubt.
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