Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
1 like
7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

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Yes it is simply the devils luck in its basest descriptions. Basically even in hopeless situations you have the chance to come out on top simply because your the luckiest goblin to ever walk the earth.

Good to hear, by the way guys I'm preparing for an interview on Monday so wish me luck. Depending on how it goes I might not reply for a few days
We have the best group, of course :)

I didn't he just didn't care
@Duthguy@kuroku@Wildman13@demonspade64@ReusableSword@Kheliop@Crusader Lord

The trolls soon laughed as they saw the goblin just walk in and challenge their chief like that as if she had any hope of winning. However, the other trolls were giving nervous laughs unsure who to be more afraid of since the troll leader was laughing up until the point a masked figure cut off the head of one of their previous brothers and threw it in an attempt to intimidate them. It worked on the other trolls and they looked away not wanting to get into a fight but not outright surrendering.

The trolls leader growled and stood up and revealed just how much larger and muscular he was compared to his smaller and weaker willed brethren. "You will be nice additions to my collection" he said flicking his goblin necklace to intimidate back. The goblin in the cage laughed and yelled "Not so tough now are you? you fucking waste of space! Aim for his neck! the hide is to tough to cut with normal weapons!" The goblin warned before his cage was banged causing him to cry out in anger. The chief then charged forward his steps echoing throughout the cave as he swung his club ready to turn them into mush.
Alright I'll move this along tomorrow
Guess I'll have to move this along
Take your time real life comes first
I would be willing to join up again
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