Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts


Mind if I ask where exactly you are building the bridge? I'm unsure if by natives you mean my tribe
Welcome to the slave academy otherwise known as poppy academy (poppy in flower language means pleasure) in this school women from all over the world come. Many for different reasons, from far and wide to innocent mistakes to retribution or revenge it truly doesn't matter.

Regardless of how you got here your here and you won't ever escape! In this academy we mold you for a whole year on how to be a perfect for your master or mistress. A second year follows if a special request is made for additional training. You may come in as ladies but One way or another we will mold you, it's just a question of how...

Okay now this is meant for a single woman to join in but if enough people like this idea we could all form a pm thread and do this together as either students or teachers. Please pm if you are interested. If you still wish for this to be one on one that is no problem of course.
Argos had been peacefully sleeping in his hut that day unaware that the world was about to change on its head. He was the Alpha otherwise considered the leader of the werewolves or shadow strider tribe to be specific. They were a tribal race that coexisted with the nature around them. They had shamans and potion users that helped in protecting them along with warriors and hunters that helped keep them safe and provide the meat for their dinners. As the alpha, he was the strongest of all of them and was honor bound to keep everyone safe from whatever dangers that may come.

However, that duty has less meaning in peacetime since he mostly dealt with watching duels that sprung up from different disputes and organizing the tribe so they don't starve by overpopulating. Their kind can produce like crazy if not kept in check so it was the duty of the alpha to make sure that not everyone mated at once during a heat cycle. His duty was to keep everyone safe and to keep everyone except for the head shaman away from the tree of the eternal mother for if she falls the entire forest falls with her.

As he woke up he went and ate breakfast before he left and went to his throne made of thorns, wood, and the bones of previous alphas before him. It was a large throne obviously meant for his large size and as he sat there he watched everyone go through their lives peacefully. Then a young shaman came over saying she had important news. She said that something horrible was coming and that they should prepare. Something so horrible that her fairy could sense it and be actually shaking in fear! That was saying something! He then ordered for the hunters to go out for longer periods so they can develop a stockpile and for the warriors to train their apprentices longer than usual. He had a feeling that whatever was coming wouldn't be seeking peace and if it did then they needed to show they had the upper hand.

Before he knew it they were treated to the sight that Argos had never seen before. Argos watched like all the others as they saw the pillars of light in the distance. He knew and he didn't even need to see it know that like him all of his tribesmen had their fur standing on edge. We couldn't tell if it was from fear, excitement, or something in between. Pillars of light were a sign of something but of what nobody, not even the shamans with their great wisdom could tell. They all began to panic asking the shamans for answers and even talking to him directly asking what they would be doing and if they were even safe here.

Argos crossed his arms and stood tall before he gave a loud roar snarling at them and they all understood that he wanted their attention and he wanted them silent. When they calmed down Argos then said "Calm down! I saw it too, stop whining like little pups who got lost in the forest! We can handle anything that comes our way! Nothing that could have come from that pillar will be able to break us! Remember what you are! We are the mighty shadow striders! WE DO NOT GIVE UP! WE DO NOT SURRENDER! AND WE WILL STRIKE FEAR INTO THEIR HEARTS!" He called out then gave a loud howl and soon everyone in the tribe followed in melody and a loud howling could be heard from miles around. Anyone who has been around them for even a small amount of time would know that when the shadow striders howl it means that they are preparing for something big. This was there home and they would die to the last pup to protect it.

Thanks for letting me know I'll keep you informed about what has happened while your gone

He will bite your head off for trying. He may be bigger but he needs to be an alpha to be a mount. You need to develop trust with him, a bond as strong as a brother before he will trust you on his back

No he just grew to your size. Now he is bigger then most wolves but you haven't done enough fighting with him to qualify for the alpha title

Goblin Grandpa was already at his spot next to the church doors and was asleep until he heard someone call out to him and he awoke with a start when he was suddenly hugged. Not that it was unwelcomed but it was so rare for a young one to care about him. He was usually just ignored and insulted at worse so this was unfamiliar but he smiled wide all the same. He gently stroked her hair when she sounded guilty and said "I am glad you are safe young one. I will always worry about each and every one of you. After all I have watched you all since you couldn't even speak. I will always worry but I'm glad your safe" he said encouraginly.


The goblin saw what was essentially his death but he stood strong. The elemental paid him little mind it was only when he was attacked did he notice the young gonlins. It then started to slash at him with burning claws. It didn't bother with burning since it was sure it would win without much effort. However the time the young gonlins bought was enough for the child to regain it's strength then it let out it's own deafening roar.

Vines appeared and wrapped around the elemental and started to choke the life out of it. The elemental couldn't burn these Vines and if he did two more appeared to strengthen the hold. Then the child imbude the Vines with the goddesses magic and killed it. The elemental turned into burning coals that scorched the Earth but didn't move. The goblin was able to survive albeit with severe burns on his shoulders. He survived to tell the tale...

Achievement earned: fire dampener; has higher resistance to fire and fire based magic



The goblin now turned ghoul then felt a familiar chill go down his spine. Though now it felt familiar even, warm. As he followed the trail it led him back inside and towards the shrine to the goddess. She then whispered to him "you have done well I am proud of you. Your one step closer to earning my favor. Now that you can hear them speak your next test is to see if you have any brains rather then just brawn. Look in the books in that shelf. Find a purple one with a skull and start ready. The next time you call I won't answer unless it's in that language" she ordered as the shrine fell silent and the chill vanished

Lol I am merely providing the stage you all are the actors
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