Dweller slithered out from the surprisingly clean manhole cover. 'God they even clean their manhole covers, guess thats Kingdale for ya' he thought to himself. The street was quite populated before he arrived but his mere appearance sent them all running to the hills. Dweller hadn't even begun yet, but the state of the street didn't concern him he looked more bewildered as he saw the panic his presence created. In Brookside and the lot they just keep a bit of distance, he strokes the scaly appendages that hung from his lips as if it were a mustache of a wise sensei while in thought about this. He then carried on to the task at hand.
'Kingsdale Genetic Research Facility' he had come to the right place. Perhaps they would have some answers as to his transformation where the lab in New Athens sorely lacked. But first he needed to do stretches, the environment of a sewer does little in the way of keeping the body limber and limber is what he will need to be with the hero response times Kingsdale is so willing to brag about. With his game face on he picked up a nearby bike locked to a light post, almost taking the light post with it before the bike lock snapped apart like a piece of gum. Not long after, the bike was flung at the window with such high velocity that the window and bike itself were smashed into tiny pieces. Even Dweller had to take a step back and cover his eyes.
Screams came from inside the reception area that had just gained a new ventilation plan. Dweller spent no time at all leaping in and bringing it back to silence, mostly by knocking them out. He isn't a savage. By the time any heroes arrive the reception would be smashed up, mostly vacant and with the lights smashed. Dweller lies deeper in the lab and its now darkened corridors.