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...I'm crazy. Got a doctor's note and everything.

Been role playing for over fifteen years, no stranger to forum rp'ing, as that is the way I learned to roleplay.

I don't bite, so don't be afraid to say hi.

I mostly prefer 1x1's, and am on PST. (Hello from the West Coast of the USA.)

If you are interested in rps, really, don't be afraid to say hi!!

Or if you just wanna talk, I'm usually very open.

For those of you still here, have some Pusheen!

Most Recent Posts

*gently bumps to the front*

"I promise, the ladder will work... I felt something when I touched it earlier." Katalina reached out, putting her hand on the ladder. She brought it over to a spot that would easily reach the top of the castle, and once her hands were on both sides of it, it extended itself to reach the top of the castle tower. Katalina gasped a bit as the ladder soon reached the full height they would need it to reach. "So... I think we have our way up. But as I said before, I think we need to go up one at a time. Aside from..." She looked over to Wash. "I'd say your good bye's now." She shrugged a bit at that and then went to climb the ladder first.


Astrid really was hating the weather here, and had shoved all the excess layers into her pack. She could not wait to be out of here and go wherever they were headed next. It had to be more stable right? Sure, she was use to weather fluctuation, but this was crazy.

She was distracted from her thoughts by seeing that ladder climb all the way to the top and she felt her spirits soar again. Maybe this would be the closest she could get to flying again, but she hung back as she had heard what Katalina had said. One at a time, or the weight might harm the ladder. Once Katalina was at the top, the former Valkyrie was hopping on the ladder and climbing easily to the top.
*Hip checks to the front of the check*

Yo yo. Please PM me if you're interested.

"I'll take us to the ladder and well... sorry." Kata looked over at Alex, giving him a sympathetic look as well. She felt for him. How many people had she left behind when she had been tossed from her world? Her hands clasped over the oyster in her pocket. She frowned as she remembered her beloved's face. Every rub of her thumb over the oyster reminded her of him. God... how many tides had it been? Sweet nereids she just wanted to once more hear him say those three words...

She was tugged from her thoughts as she heard Christopher asking her to lead the way. "Huh? Oh yeah... I can do that. Sorry." She frowned a bit as she turned toward the castle, and pointed at it. "We're going to have to go around, so that the guards can't spot us. Hope you guys are okay with that." She then took the lead to lead the merry little band of misfits towards the ladder.

Katalina saw Sumi and Astrid arrive before Kade, Hannah, and Alex returned with another young man. Alex and the young man were singing some kind of tune about... lying? Dear nereids, chanteys were weird in other worlds. She remembered the ones that she had learned in her world but of course, she couldn't sing any of them. It would hurt everyone's ears, and she didn't have the right vocal chords anymore.

"So, you found an old friend of Alexander's and the guards are... stubborn. Well then, I'm happy to say I have some good news. We found a ladder, and it has some kind of magic in it. It will get us to the roof of the tower, I promise. It is behind the castle, where there are no guards." Katalina smiled a bit and looked at them. "However we will have to go one at a time up the ladder. It might not hold the weight of all of us at the same time."

"Christopher and I know where it is, so we can show you."


Astrid shyly hid behind Sumi when the new boy approached. She was still unsure of how to approach boys sometimes, even while they were in another world. She had found it easy in Valhalla, but here... the boys were handsome and now, there were more of them. She looked over at the rest of the group, and listened to Katalina as she spoke.

"So, a ladder? That's our ticket up? Sounds good to me."

"Some rules are meant to be bent and broken... not all things in life are firm. However, we should go see if anyone else has had more luck than us first." Astrid looked over at Sumi, and then when the guard turned to leave, she turned and stuck her tongue out at his back. She then was rewarded by the rain pouring down over them both, and she sighed. She was already wet, muddy and cold, now she'd be wetter and colder. "I hope wherever we end up will be warmer than here. Gods know this isn't as cold as Hel, but at least I had a fur coat there." She shuddered at that as she looked at Sumi. "Town then." She turned back that way and started making her way, giving up on keeping herself dry at this point.


The fountain must have been beautiful when it was constructed, but now it was crumbling and being used for laundry. They did not seemed to mind even as the rain poured down, but neither did Katalina. The rain didn't bother her, even as it caused her hair to get wet. She simply tugged up the hood of her coat and she looked over at Christopher. "Seems we're the first people here. Who do you think will be next? Sumi and Astrid? Kade, Hannah and Alexander?" She looked up at him and paused a bit.

"I'd say Kade and the others... they're more likely to be on time." Christopher said softly as he looked over at Katalina.

"That's true, I'd believe this as well." Katalina looked out through the rain, wondering who would be joining them soon.

"It's fine Sumi, it was more fortunate if you had another... but I guess not." Astrid did her best to clean herself up, but she probably was still stained with mud as she got to the castle with Sumi. She did let the other girl do the talking, as she had the most experience, but they found themselves stonewalled.

She stepped in close and looked up at the guards. "Are you sure there is no way we can get to the top? Or manage to convince you that we need to get there?"

The first guard glared a bit at that. "Are you deaf? No one is allowed up top. Now go. Both of you."

Astrid stepped back at that and then looked away blushing. She had failed at that. Oh gods, she usually was able to talk to people but it seemed that these guards really had a dedication to their duty.


Katalina looked over the castle, and felt a tingle of nostalgia at the back of her brain. The castle felt like one of the ones that she had seen in all those Disney movies as a kid. She wasn't sure which one it was, but she shrugged as she walked around the castle and then looked over as she noticed a shed.

She tilted her head as she walked over to the ladder by the shed and she touched her hand to it. It was burning to be used, and Katalina looked at it. It was perfect, and it looked like it would hold their weight. "Hey Christopher, I might have found our way up. We should hide it and then go tell the others. We were meeting up at the fountain, right? We should head that way."

"Yes, we're meeting there. Let's head that way." Christopher seemed happy to have found the ladder as well, so they had a good way to head to the top of the tower. However, Katalina was still worried about how this was going to go down. She hated heights, and she would have to jump into the unknown.

Katalina frowned as the snow turned into mush quickly and thankfully, she kept her balance, even as she slipped a little. Christopher however, was not even phased by the mud as they walked. The castle path was getting muddy and slippery at that point, even if they were walking towards the last place that she wanted to go.

"Hmm... there's a moat. Around the whole castle. And... no good place to climb up from the moat...unless..." Katalina frowned a bit as she looked around, trying to see where she could climb up. She frowned more a bit as it was cold... damn what she'd give to have a thicker coat. Why was it cold and muddy at the same time!


Astrid looked at Sumi and frowned as the ground got muddy and... Astrid slipped right in it and landed on her ass. She let out a cry, as she did not have much in the way of padding. She was still working on getting what some might call a 'bubble butt' as the hormones were helping but... "Annoying is.. an understatement."

She pulled herself up and groaned. Now she was wet, sticky and frozen. She frowned at that as she tried to get herself cleaned up and then looked over at Sumi. "I don't suppose you have a fresh clean coat?"

"Send the water girl to look for a moat. Alright. I think we can do that. C'mon Christopher." Katalina could feel the cold, and moved to tug out a jacket out of her pack. She tugged it on and shuddered a bit. She could tolerate the cold ocean when she had been at her home, but that had been different. Her body was use to that cold. This? Ugh. Snow was stupid. Frozen water did her no good, and it never felt the same as her beautiful ocean.

"So, uh... if there is a moat, what are we going to do?" Christopher was tugging on a coat, but while he did, his little flute never left his hand. Katalina found it odd that he always had the flute with him, but she had heard whispers that it never ended well when it was taken away from Christopher.

"What Sumi said. Find a way around it. There has to be a bridge somewhere, but if worst comes to worst, I'm sure we can ask Alexander for some help? He looked more than happy to climb up and jump from the castle earlier. Ugh... heights." Katalina shuddered at that. Katalina preferred the ocean, it's depth, it's comforting embrace. Heights? No way. She had never been the kid climbing up the trees. She had been the one diving into the pool.

"Alright..." Christopher shrugged at that as the two started walking towards the castle. Katalina zipped up her jacket and shuddered a bit more. Oh god... was it just her imagination, but was it getting colder the closer they got to the castle.


As the temperature started to drop, Astrid was at first not affected. She had been near Helheim a few times. The frozen land of the dead... where poor souls went if they could not go to one of the other afterlives. After a few minutes, Astrid reassessed her situation. It was getting colder, and she was not use to the cold that well. She tugged out a lovely wool coat, one that she had stitched a rune in (purely for her own pleasure.) She buttoned it up and looked to Sumi.

"So, the front gate huh? The direct approach for you and I? Alright, I guess we will see how that works out for us."

Astrid went relatively quiet as Kade and Sumi spoke. Sumi was the leader of this quest, as Eleanor and Kade had said, so she would listen. She was a bit surprised that Sumi wanted Astrid to go with her, but she didn't question it. It sounded like Sumi had an idea of what she was doing, and that comforted Astrid. She had always looked to her head Valkyrie for guidance and orders, especially when the lady Freya had not been around, which was most of the time. She was busy with other tasks, even if she was the one that helped assign new Valkyrie's to where they would be the most useful.

The thought of her Lady as well as her fellow Valkyries made her a bid sad. Of course, as the blast of wind almost knocked her over, she squeaked a bit as she tried to regain her balance. She blushed as she looked up at Sumi, hoping that little moment would pass without remark. "So, what shall we do? We're trying to find a path to the top of the castle, yes? Then we're going to jump from it? Okay then." She frowned at that. She was okay with heights, but usually she knew she'd be fine if she fell. If she died here and now... it would end poorly for her.


"Alright, I can work with Christopher." Katalina was aware that some of the other students had issues with Christopher, partly because where he had gone. Many boys went to other worlds, or their homes, to find adventure. To be a pirate, to explore the world. Christopher... had went to Maripose. What she knew about Maripose was that it was like a big Dios los Muertos painting.

The wind did not affect the girl from under the water. She was use to fighting the currents, so she firmly stood her ground as the wind whipped around, and looked around. "I think someone does not like that we're here. We should be quick. Where do you want our groups to go?"
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