Arc I - Terreille in Trouble
"I am quite capable of taking care of myself." Snipped Faeril mostly to herself as she brushed aside the door to the tavern where Eyriens were shifting restlessly. A scene of tense discussion taking up one corner, as Jassen watched the room and ready to spring into action against a room full of enemies. Though at the appearance of the Ice Healer the regenade Eyriens withdrew to leave a line between the hostilities in the room much to the grizzled Randalvar's amusement. Spreading her wings slightly, the Healer forced the warriors back a bit more. Pointedly ignoring the sense of dread she felt from the corner of the room. Fatima and Jandar could see the Blood Opal the woman wore, though Jean would sense something deeper to it. As if it was not her Jewel of Rank, the one she had gained from her Offering to the Darkness.
"Randalvar. My guest are eating me out of house and home. I do hope you have my supplies?" Anyone who opposed the Queen could find a healing from Faeril and thus her reputation was a fearsome one with a temper that would make a Eyrien warrior pause when pitted against a Healer's instructions.
"Got them, right in the back. But first, can I tempt you for a drink?" Randalvar offered, having returned to the bar from delievering mugs of ale to the men and a decent wine to the Queen. All of which Jassen was thoroughly and openly checking for poison. "If I was goin' to poison it, you wouldn't be able to sense it!" Snapped the barkeep at the aforementioned man.
A set of blue eyes turned to glance at the trio of strangers and widened in something akin to shock. Turning back to late for Jean to not notice, Faeril closed her eyes and sat at the bar while considering her options.
"I shall take drink for now, Randalvar." A Queen and a Dhemlan man, both of who were wrapped with strings of a dream. Gripping the shot placed before her, Faeril downed the drink and placed her hand over the top lest the old man try to get her drunk which was less likely than the sun rising in the west.
"You are a fool Randalvar." She hissed with venom as she struggled with what exactly to do and the risks that could arise. Especially if the great lout she had healed and flown down here with decided to heed this Queen's call.
The general store was organized and the tottering older witch was more than happy to see to it that Xandar got what he needed, and at a steal of a price. Which, if he had been wise, he would not have contested.
"As if I would charge extra when you are doing such good work getting rid of those nasty folk, dearie. Now, you just keep on doing what you're doing and stop complaining. I'm quite able to put food on my table and when I can't I just go down the road and bully old Randalvar. The man's as soft as a kitten for little old ladies." A hint that told more than most would have liked. But he found himself with enough cigarettes to keep him for a long while and a good stock of coffee aside from that. Not to mention whatever else he had bought. "Now you take care dearie, and don't let our Healer slice you to ribbons. She's all bark." The old woman had assured the Reaper. A young, wingless lad sweeping the shop had muttered just loud enough for both to hear, 'The bites poisonous', before the elderly woman reminded the lad that it had been the Healer who had helped him not two weeks past when he had twisted his ankle!
"And then she told me the next time I tried to show off by being a fool, she'd cut it off!" Complained the lad. His lack of wings not the cruelty of a Queen, but rathr one of the few throwbacks to when Eyriens had offspring with the other races, and branding of the life of an outcast. "I was just trying to Craft some wings on myself!" The old woman merely rolled her eyes and shooed Xandar from her shop with his supplies.
Winged Boar, Aven, Askavi Terreille@13org @Zoey WhiteThe warrior paused in his sorting of books to raise a brow up at Dareen.
"The law..." He mused with a chuckle as though she was jesting. A chuckle that faded as he realized she was not.
"Sorry, witchling. I don't know if you hit your head or were raised with Landens." The Warlord Prince named those that worked the land without the Blood's connection to it. Queer folk who had relied on the Blood for a good harvest as it was the Queens who had the connection the strongest. It had been the Queens duty to walk the land and renew the power in the earth. A duty that lay forgotten as it was inconvient.
"The law is what the Queen's say. We could drag you there for a trial, but that would mean Faeril's death. I can't see Lady Ashkevron kneeling to some twisted bitch." Shaking his head the man continued his sorting of the books.
"The law here is what Faeril says. Though she's not Queen she's stepped up to keep our heads on our shoulders. Done a good job of it too."Turning his gaze on Mikhail, the newest come Eyrien bristled slightly before Denvar appeared in the archway. A glad cry on his lips as the two mirror images embraced with much back-thumping and suggests of beer. Still grinning Denvar gesture to their two guests then to his twin.
"If I may introduce Bellinar, my twin and all mouth.""And you're nothing but ears. Mother always says we balance each other out." Quipped Bellinar as he punched at his brother's head. Missing with good humor.
"Never said she was wrong." Denvar protested as he continued with the introductions.
"Mikhail, a patient of Faeril's and Dareen of Pruul. Faeril has something of an issue with her.""Faeril has issues with her mirror when the mood is on her." Complained Bellinar as he studied Mikhail with a look of slight confusion.
"I've seen a lot of people in my time but none that got pointy ears. Something of Faeril's doing?"