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Current What lies in the hearts of the drae if not madness? - Ma'doc
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"Fly you fools!"
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Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, E3 -> F,4

"Fine, fine." The mobster skull complained. "Look toots I got a name and I'd be appreciative if you used it else it'd be a bone of contention between us. Get it? Bone of contention!" A faintly annoyed look flickered across Athanasia face as she rolled her black eyes. Ask a skull a question it seemed and they just chattered away. It was annoying, but she found it rather amusing. A good few of the places she had visited with her mother had been so entirely serious and dreary it was good to have a bit of humor. Even if it was from a skull. Even in the middle of a war game.

Noting Alannah's question, Athanasia gave a small smile to the older girl. "Well I'm from Rhode Island for now." She noted with a slight frown as she stepped over a large stick. If they were scouting surely it wasn't a good idea to step on sticks. That was always bad in hide-and-seek. "Though I stayed with Mor- mother- in New Orleans for a little while. It was so awesome and my friends were really nice." The young girl shrugged looking a bit sad as she glanced back the way Arthur was. She missed having a solid friend at her back. Even if she had a ton of questions about her newly found half-brother she didn't trust him more than most of the other campers in the Camp. "They couldn't visit and Mor didn't let me go to their neighborhood. Where are you from? Did you get sent to a creepy school and have to scheme to break out of it?" She grinned cheekily. "I like that word. 'Scheme'. It's like scene but all sneaky."

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, E3

Athanasia was almost grateful that she would be leaving the stream behind, but there was a downside. It meant leaving Arthur, who had been a willing ally through the School and now this camp. Seeing her half-brother so quick to agree to the plan Athanasia sighed. "Oh, la. It sounds better than wading through the creek." She noted with a grin at Alannah, though Athanasia was privately troubled. She could boast some knowledge of the sword, but it was certainly not on par with those who had been fighting the monsters for far longer than she.

"Do me a favor and tell me if you see anything," Athanasia ordered the skull that sat on the pommel of her borrowed sword. "Without your chattering." The pale girl added as an afterthought to the disembodied cranium. Her hand tight on the top of the skull lest it fall off. She wasn't sure how much damange the skull could handle, but Chatters seemed nice enough so she wouldn't risk the odd gift.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Faeril Ashkevron

Winged Boar in Aren, Askavi

Interacting with @SilverPaw

The walk would be a long one and Faeril was not looking forward to it. Rather that she would fly there, but it was no like she could carry any memeber of their little party easily. Leave such tasks to the Eyrien warriors for did love to show off. And speak of the devil, Faeril paused watching Xandar swoop off with Queen in his grasp. Narrowing her eyes, she felt her wings rustle in annoyance. Of course he was stealing away the Queen when a walk would have helped her get a measure for the woman! And the thrice cursed Warlord Prince had her supplies as well! But her laspe in thought had given Jandar time to catch up, Jassen trailing behind. The drunk's face red and his golden eyes furious as his Lady was quite literally carried off. "Your Queen will be at my residence so I suggest you save your wind for walking." Faeril bristled at her attacker before moving to keep walking. A thin Blood Opal shield forming about her as she did so. Attack her once, shame on you. Attack her twice? Faeril would never forgive herself. Let alone her three self proclaimed protectors. Four, she amended, with the addition of Mikhail.

Listening to Jandar confirm her suspicion the woman frowned more to herself than anyone else. She was going to wrinkles at this rate. "I do not know if he is part of this corruption." Faeril denied sharply, before running a hand over her face in thought. Damn this entirely too long walk! And damn Xandar for leaving it to her! An unfair thought but she was not in the mood to be fair. "He is a part of something, but I cannot place what." And that was bothering the Black Widow on multiple levels. Faeril liked knowing things, the unknown was something even as a child she could never stand. [color=SlateBlue]"Curse that Eyrien bastard."[/oolor] She muttered as they came within sight of the twisting stairs that led up the cliff face to her eyrie.

Ahkevron Residence, Aven, Askavi Terreille
@13org @Zoey White
"They don't want peace, Prince." Gen reminded the man as the three fellows got tangled up in the wires of the Grey Jeweled Prince. He could appreciate the skill for the deadly wires forged of Craft though he wondered what else they might be put to use to. Always looking for new tools and to master them while Faeril was off doing her business, and not wearing herself to the bone doing it as she was prone to do, Gen made a mental note to ask the Dea Al Mon about the spell later. When they survived this.

However, the group outside shifted as one of their number lashed out with the power of his Tiger-eye Jewel to clash against Mikhail's Grey. "There's more of us than you!" Called on fighter with a mocking grin. "And more on the way, so what do you think you'll get by fighting?" Some seemed to agree while others shifted nervously. Unhappy with how quickly their brothers-in-arms went down. Though considering that it was Denvar who gave voice to the thought.

"What did they think they would get? They were looking for the Reaper and they balk at a Grey Jewel?" Gen nodded though he didn't elaborate himself. This entire thing smelled like a farce and a trap. But why on earth would they bring the fight to a Black Widow and the Reaper? Unless they were bluffing on the Reaper being there and using it as a smokescreen to get at Faeril. Gen gritted his teeth. He truly hated politics.

The two men in Mikhail's wires had remained still but the third who was engaged with Dareen was covered in cuts from the wires where he had been forced to block blows or tried to strike a few of his own. "I see you shattered witch!" Snarled the man, his wings remaining omniously still, something Mikhail might take note of as they were by far the most delicate part (and in some cases the only delicate part) of an Eyrien.

As Fatima and Xandar arrived they would see a crowd of fighters grouped outside Faeril's front door and the Reaper would smell blood. These Eyrien warriors were well equipt with weapons and light armor. The door to the eyrie was open and three were within as was obvious. The ring of sword on sword audible though muffled by the stone of the eyrie.

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, E2 -> E3

Athanasia considered Alannah's explanation of the powers one might receive from one's godly parent and found it rather dissatisfactory. The fact her friends rarely left graveyards and such was explained by that. She had long ago suspected them to be exactly what they were. Ghosts. The sad forlorn looks they had when she had left had made her want to stay and talk with them more, but her mother had always insisted. Graveyards were dangerous after night Mother had said. The ghosts who were friendly would be of little help against the boogeymen that went bump in the night. Shivering at a particularly nasty recollection, Athanasia eyed the rippling creek and tried to forget that horrifying night.

It wasn't that she didn't mind getting wet, but it seemed a little bit extreme. Especially if this was only a game. "Stab. Slash. Parry." She quipped at Arthur as she flipped her braid over one shoulder. A smug smile on her lips. "Mother insisted on me learning how to fight. I begged her to let me learn about fencing." Though she was barely a novice, she still knew very well which end went into her opponent and where ideally to hit. It was more about the form and the practice now than the actual fighting. Ingrain the good habits early, her teacher had said. Whatever that meant. Though that seemed about to change. Stepping carefully, Athanasia tried to keep clear as much water as she could, glowering at the slippery rocks.
@Ezekiel Curious if you have room for another? I'm toying with the idea of a hedge knight seeking service at the Red keep and a possible dragon seed from Lys from a certain clever Targaryen who ran away from home (Saera Targaryen). Basically using the hedge knight to get into positions that amuse her, if that would be possible? As for the hedge knight himself, Viserys was known for holding tournaments and Jasper Wylde was known to have twenty-nine children. I can image one of them seeking such fame. I could take Lord Jasper 'Ironrod' Wylde as well if need be. I can't see him being pleased if a son was toting about a silver-haired witch.

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, 1F -> E2

Ash patted at the braid that bounded across her shoulder as she bounded after the others. She had little doubt that Arthur and she would be anything other than burdensome. They were young! She had never felt so small! Not to mention did Arthur even know how to use a sword or a dagger? Did Half-Bloods get some ingrained knowledge when they needed to use the weapons or was it survival based on how quick you were to pick up on those said skills? Questions flittered through her mind as she frowned at the skull on the pommel of the rapier. One small hand resting on the noggin's noggin lest he fall off.

"Using weapons is good and all but weren't people say something about powers?" Frowning more to herself as she stepped about a stick, the young girl tapped a finger on the skull's head. A sound accompanied by a complaint about each rap. "I don't really have any. Aside from being able to talk with my friends." Athanasia admitted, ignoring the outraged 'And giving new meaning to drumming up a headache!' from Chatters. "I do know how to stab peole though, and I can always throw Chatters at them." Offered the youngest of the group cheerily. Perhaps only cheered by the fact the skull could annoy more than merely her. Even if she was getting attatched to his incestent bable.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Faeril Ashkevron

Winged Boar in Aren, Askavi

Interacting with @Slim Shady @eclecticwitch @SilverPaw

"My rest, is of little concern." Faeril argued shortly with the general opinion as both Randalvar and Fatima voiced their views on the matter. As for Xandar, she gave the Warlord Prince a disgusted look of annoyance as if she didn't know what he had done with the supplies. Muttering under her breath she turned the icy gaze back to the little, naive Queen. To be fair, she supposed the young woman had a viable point. "Talking and walking would be of the best idea. We have plenty of both to do. That one," She nodded her head sharply towards Jassen who snarled and looked about ready to leap over the table at the Black Widow. "He will be coming with us until I can work my Craft upon him." It was not so much for the sake of the Queen who looked troubled over the entire thing, so much as the fact Faeril knew she lacked the strength to do it. That knowledge kept her from snipping at Xandar, as well as the fact the Eyrien had stepped in. Curling a finger at Jean, she frowned slightly. "A word, Lord Jandar." If Jean were to approach the Black Widow as she left the tavern, not waiting to see if the others would follow or not, the woman would continue speaking in an undertone. Specifically to keep Jassen from hearing her words. She didn't trust that one in the slightest. "You say you are looking for SaDiablo? The Sadist?" She wondered aloud. Though her mind was already wincing and cringing at the fact the Queens were snatching away the odd Kaeleer male. The taint of the twisted Queens was spreading far further than she had thought. Would it-? Could it slip into Kaeleer? Mother's mercy if it did.

Jassen looked furious as the Black Widow mocked him and threatened him. He had acted in the best interest of his Queen! That was his first and only priority after all. That Lady Fatima was returned to the Court safely. They could not afford to lose the Grey Jeweled Queen, but this Black Widow! This bitch was trying to spirit the young Queen away with lies about power and status Fatima would never attain! "Lady it is a trap." He warned his Queen desperately, glowering at the retreating Black Widow. "How can we trust this Widow? Let alone the Reaper." He spats, unable to keep the fear from his voice. Standing and moving to block Xandar's access to the Queen. Well aware of the toes he was socially stepping on belonged to one of the more dangerous men in the Realm. But he was not going to leave his Queen with these... people!

Ahkevron Residence, Aven, Askavi Terreille
@13org @Zoey White
The door shivered as something heavy hit it from the other side. Gen frowned and winced with a snarl. "Dammit it all, Denvar! Give the lass her weapons. Would you rather Faeril ream you for being dead or being reckless?" Running a hand through his hair the Eyrien sighed and growled to himself. "Randalvar. Well if they go down that way, that old man would butcher them and half the town would help him. Grinning with a wolfish smile, the Green Jeweled Warlord concede the point that Faeril 'had some admirers in town for her abilities' and the town was quite thankful for the aid of their finest Healer.

Denvar snarled but knew better than to risk a fight with Gen at this current time. Summoning the saber, shield, bow and arrows the Tiger-eyed Warlord Prince tossed the lot at Dareen. "If I'm dead I don't have to deal with Ashke!" Snapped the man, as the door rattled and shook. "Do I open the door, too?" The sarcasm thick on Denvar's voice.

"Why not? We got the home advantage." Jested Bellinar, gripping his own warblade. Gen muttered about both his brothers being idiots, which Bellinar ignored and grinned sideways at Dareen. "Darling witchling, we let them in and they would make up evidence. They've been aiming for Faeril for years. We're just a bonus to their paycheck."

Gen gestured the door snapping open and a rather tall Eyrie came charging in. Most likely it was he who had been ramming the door to the jeers and cheers of his little unit. With the door opened they seemed to number just about ten, the jewel of the charger a gleaming Purple Dusk. The Grey Jeweled wires of Mikhail wrapped about the man as he, the eyrien, called in a nicked and worn warblade. The rest of the group slipping two more into the room. as they huddled about the door. "Well, there we go!" Laughed the Green Jeweled Prince of Queen Melian's court. "Now why don't you all, just go outside while we see if that bitch and bastard are in or not? Or you going to actually use those little sticks." He sneered, seeming unaware of Mikhail's Grey Jewel as Gen stepped slightly in front of the Dea Al Mon.

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, F1

'Ash'tried to remember the lessons she had cajoled her mother into letting her take. If the sword was any heavier, Athanasia doubted she would have been able to use it. As it was swinging it to clash against another person who was bigger, stronger and most likely had more experience seemed like a very foolish idea. "Why put me on the offensive?" She whispered nervously. She couldn't see herself useful in a fight was slightly unsure of fighting and not sitting out had been that good an idea. She had wanted to make a good impression.

Hooking 'Chatters' my his mandible from the pommel of the sword despite the protests of the skull, Ash rubbed her shoulder were the armor sat. Needed if may have been but it was certainly not comfortable! Glancing over to Desdemona, the pale girl smiled though her nerves made it shakey. "Should be easier than Cyclops?" She offered weakly. A true enough statement. At least against other humans, of half-bloods they could swing back.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Faeril Ashkevron

Winged Boar in Aren, Askavi

Interacting with @Slim Shady @eclecticwitch @SilverPaw

Faeril's blue eyes weres filled with annoyance as she gazed at the child-Queen while the little girl tried to clean up the spilled wine. Though she most likely had seen her majority, the maturity of it seemed to not have caught up with her. While she was pleased, she had perhaps found a worthwhile Queen, if a bit foolish, Faeril was more so pleased by the fact Xandar was accepting her thus far and not ripping Fatima's head from her shoulders. The Warlord Prince had quite the reputation when it involved the ruling caste. Though it gave her no end of amusement to see his befuddlement at how this Queen was in her nature. He would learn in time, and the bit of iron in the young Fatima would keep the Court in check. Though Faeril figured if that didn't do it a bit of bullying from herself would.

"Faeril Ashkevron." She answered in a clipped voice as Randalvar entered through the back door with several large bags and a hefty crate. Normally she would not have blinked at Vanishing the items away into the sort of cupboard the Blood held within their power, but with the Blood Opal she was far more careful. It always amused her at how some Landens believed the Jewel was the power. It some case that was so, but the Jewel was a focus point and storage area for the excess power the Blood's body's created. A witch could have her Jewel broken, but she still would have access to her Craft. The cost, however, was a steep one. Sanity. Madness was a road the Blood called the Twisted Kingdom and she had walked many of it's paths.

Cursing herself for overstretching herself between weaving needless webs into the night to lure her hope to her, and the whole business with her many guests. Looking over at Jean and Jassen, Faeril spoke firmly and tried her best to keep bais out of it for the man attacking her. "And while I welcome Jean to join us," Like the man could refuse! "I cannot nor will I extend that invitation to Jassen. He is not a member of your Court." Not to mention he had to tried to kill her.

"A little harsh, eh?" Randalvar grunted as he set the crate and two sacks on the counter. Pouring a shot of whiskey, he slid it over to Xandar to cover up the slight jerk of his head at the other man that the supplies were his for the taking. He knew the Blood Opal when he saw it.

"Which means, Lady, he has a choice of death or having his mind wiped of these events." It was harsh, but Faeril had not lived this long without drawing that line for numerous others. There was quite the 'Like Hell!' from the old barkeep as the Healer-Black Widow shot him a warning look that it would be wise for him to keep his mouth shut. Which Randalvar didn't seem like taking.

"You are wearing the Blood Opal, Fae. Don't think I don't see it. Don't feel it. Why would you be wearing that and not the Red?"

Ahkevron Residence, Aven, Askavi Terreille
@13org @Zoey White

"Hell's fire, Mother Night and May the Darkness be merciful." Swore Denvar as he called in his war blade. "Why tell them the Red Jeweled Healer that scares the pants off us is gone?" He complained as the sound of running reached them and Gen appeared in the archway gasping and panting for breath.

"Because that would make them break the door down faster?" Bellinor offered tentatively as there was laughter from the other side. Gripping a fire poker, he Vanished the books once more. "I don't see us holding them off." He warned in a growl to the Green Jeweled brother.

Gen nodded as Mikhail formed his wires, though the others didn't know that exactly. They did know the Dea Al Mon was doing something. Tapping Mikhail on the shoulder Gen jerked his head towards the front door. "Faeril isn't here even if you were looking for her." He hated giving up his friend, but there were Eyriens in the town who could and would fight for the Healer. If she went to the town, that is. If not, then sending these fools the town would buy them time. "Where did Faeril go?" He hissed to the group in an undertone, his golden eyes still bleary from sleep. "Who is with her? You didn't let her go alone!" There was a dangerous current in Gen's voice as he started to fret.
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