Avatar of Lauder


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@Kho@Double Capybara

Who cares about a silly notion as time? I mean we already killed the god of thyme so that's a thing.
<Snipped quote by Scarifar>


The oaken-faced spectre of the time issue raises its ancient head once more


<Snipped quote by Kho>

Dang, Kho sounding like some cranky boss right there. I can almost close my eyes and see you lecturing him xD

<Snipped quote by Vec>

I thought the 'noppity' would take away from the crankiness, make me more like...

PG. 2 Kho being... Kho

Oh gods, turn it 1950's family normal!

Jvan. Obviously Jvan

I just had a disturbing thought. What if this little Vestec and his children {included the adopted Keriss} were a normal family? *shivers*
<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

It IS in Vestec's most recent Creations hider.

But that means I would have to go to into the character tab and willingly find Vestec, that takes effort, man
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