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No, they are specially crafted weapons to smite heretics such as yourself!


But still good nonetheless

Who needs some mundane objects when you got destruction magic? I mean it is proven that nothing wipes out heresy better than destruction!

... is stealing Vestec's lunch money also count as bullying?

Does bullying include maiming, killing, pillaging, raping, and sacrifice to the gods? {in that order}
Jacques Clerc

Location: Marketplace

A light smile only remained upon Father Clerc’s as Mary explained her predicament in the professional manner that he has only known of her. A chuckle of amusement came out as he heard her return his greeting with a foreign language that he hardly understood. He cocked his head to the side after hearing that she was heading to the very place that he had been invited to for the evening. The father attempted to understand why the Almack’s would need this heathen until he remembered her training.

He chuckled slightly upon hearing her little excuse for needing an escort, his hand reaching inside of his suit to bring out the flask he carried, sipping from it. ”I am doing well enough, just finished getting lamb for the stew I plan on cooking.” Jacques answered, his normal smile reappearing as he straightened himself. Putting his hands behind his back once more, he proceeded to answer Mary’s original question, ”I believe an escort would be wasted upon you, considering your… expertise,” he began before looking into the air. The father’s eyes then returned to the young woman on horseback.

”However, I will guide you through this market. Perhaps we shall begin moving along? We shan't keep your duties waiting.” Jacques insisted, knowing full well that time is a precious thing even to heathens. He turned away from Mary for a brief moment, his smile faltering and fading into a frown before he regained the strength to smile at the heathen once more.

The Frenchman turned to face the direction the horse was, his normal smile bright on his face for the time being. ”Lead the way, sister.” he insisted once more, motioning forward with a light wave of the hand.
I just got writing a post for Jacques and then fucking Heathens comes on my music list. My phone gets me.
How do you think i managed to not post IC for nearly 3 months?

By being lazy until you got hit with a sudden surge of inspiration???
I have returned from the land of art practice, time to begin writing something go- OH GOD NO THE PRACTICE IS DRAWING ME BACK IN. CALL THE MEME SQUAD *begins drawing on Krita*

You get the Wanderer of the OOC's approval. Obviously more important than any other approval as I am the puppet master of the RP and OOC
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