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I've been perfectly fine with connection, what browser do you use? Perhaps it could just be wifi acting up? I don't know.

If someone steals Keriss crown will Vestec turn into 10/10 IGN Dad memelord?

random question, I know

Alright you got me, the only other good race are the trandoshans

I'm thinking of playing a Kaleesh mercenary who joined in for the glory. The Kaleesh be the only good race.
Gotta say, I got hooked onto this. Consider me interested.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Curses can do more than cause bad luck, friend. Fear the black feathers.

And you should fear the Suffering One for she knows how to break you.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Yes, definitely. It'll also earn you curses and possible broken bones.

Oh please, what could the little witch do to make Keriss, Demi-goddess of suffering and chance, have bad luck? Luck can be on her side at all times
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

No, you're free to do whatever you want to him, just don't chicken out when he comes for you.

Oh please, Vestec wouldn't lay a hand on his adopted daughter. By the by, does mercilessly slaughtering crows count as bullying?
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