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<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Now this, I'm pretty sure Amartía isn't the worst 'crowd' you can hang out with. Like....have you seen Vestec? And don't even get me started with Jvan!

Jvan is a good and clearly benevolent being.

-The sentence above makes no clear sense but is 100% accurate in the eyes of Heartworm
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

well i mean it's not THEIR fault Keriss took up with a bad crowd and became a heavy chainsmoker

Well maybe if Keriss' parents would actually visit her and teach to NOT stick around the bad people, this chain smoking wouldn't happen!
@Antarctic Termite

Well then, they need to stop braiding Amartía's hair for a second and evolve! Grow some lung filters!

@Lady Amalthea

I am confident that I might not die! Maybe... possibly...

Jacques Clerc

Location: Market Alleyway

The people greeted Father Clerc, and he greeted them back, primarily in his native language but switched to english soon after greetings. However, he could not help but notice the small amount of peasantry who greeted Sister Mary rather than the local priest and so it led him to the basic understanding that they were heathens. A small pension of anger rose in his gut, forcing himself to look away as to not let any expression of that anger to leak from Jacques’ normally calm exterior.

Jacques, walking and listening to Mary as she began her question, drew a breath as he was about to answer her before he stopped, confusion taking over his expression. ”Ryne?” The father echoed, before he noticed that she was not looking at him. Turning his head, the frenchman saw the boy, the crowd, and the shadow. Soon, Mary was off sprinting in front of him and he began following closely in a sprint himself.

Hearing Mary’s instruction, he grabbed the pistol she offered, using both hands to support it as he walked up to alley. Jacques turned to the crowd of bystanders and called upon them. ”Any man who has a weapon of any sort on him, follow me. We must track whatever has done this and dispose of it!” With that he turned back to the alley and took careful steps into it, keeping the massive pistol level in front of his.

Thoughts surged into his mind. Where the paupers he had seen earlier behind this? Could they be a part of the Soulless threat? He did not know, all he knew was that there was Ryne that he would need to dispose of, hopefully others would follow after him. Jacques did not look back to check, focusing only on the task at hand.

He could hear Mary and her incantation fading as delved deeper, he could feel his heart pounding within his chest as fear began to lurch up. Jacques stopped in the alley way before crouching down, running his hand across the ground momentarily. The father looked up and around to be sure there was not some monster in front of him. Upon finding there was none he utter a prayer in French, forming a barrier, wall to wall within the alley, so that no soulless may cross. Returning to his feet, Jacques drew a deep breath before stepping past his barrier and going further into the alley.
@Lady Amalthea

For the Diyo ability where I create a "Short term small holy ground that can be cast to create a boundary where Soulless will not cross," will I need any material object such as salt? I assume not but I just want to be sure.
@Double Capybara

Well there goes that plan.

Next your going to tell me an ash storm with strong wings is going to be a slight breeze with dust flowing around.
@poog the pig

But can the cosmic knights fight blindly?
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