Avatar of Lauder


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Just curious. Is there an equivalent for 'feed' when it comes to drinks?
I.e 'Kho fed Lauder a rock.' What would it be if 'Kho ? Lauder acid.'?

Why the fuck am I being given acid?
@Lady Amalthea

I am going to be absent for about two days, but I will have a post coming Monday or Tuesday

Gonna be gone for the weekend, don't burn down the thread in my absence
<Snipped quote by Gunther>

But she's an Imperial.

Come on mate. Even Imperials need hugs.

As does female armor in many games. Especially anime.

Nah m8

The Galactic Empire is still life. Nothing can truly beat the Empire!

likes the Empire more than the rebel scum
Got my post up. Nothing about preparation, but hey, some character development... I guess.
Halliq Neban

First Platoon Common Area, 4th deck

”Stupid Processing Pads. I came to join a war, not some bureaucracy,” Halliq’s thoughts growled as he made his way through the ship, walking into somebody every few steps. He wondered as to why a ship was so crowded and even better as to how it was allowed to get this overstaffed in the first place. The warrior shifted his rifle to his other shoulder as he looked down at a holo-pad, telling him where to go and who to report to. His distraction led him to walk into another person, his patience already growing thin.

Soon, he would find the place that he was looking for, the common area of the platoon that he would be serving under. Halliq took a step in and saw the people, looking down at his holo-pad to be sure this was the right place. Concluding it was not so, he turned to leave.

“Where do you think you are going Kaleesh?,” spat a woman’s voice, causing the warrior to turn and to see that there were some gazes on him, not welcoming ones either. The woman walked over to him, sizing him up. “I am Sergeant Paltoy. I heard I was getting a Kaleesh as a replacement.”

Halliq extended his hand out, a hand wrapped in bandades “It is a pleasure to meet you, Sergeant I would like-,”

A raised hand from the Sergeant interrupted him, giving him an intimidating glare as her eyes narrowed. “Listen here, trooper, I do not need formalities right now nor did I ask for you as a replacement. The others are still grieving over the losses as am I. So for now, go find a place to settle down and store your junk,” Paltoy warned, turning a walking away from Halliq. Her hands went behind her back as she strolled back to the others of her squad.

The kaleesh gave a confused look, swinging his hand back to his side before letting out a sigh as he stood there for a moment or two. This was going to be a pain, but first impressions aside he would be able to settle in. Halliq followed his Sergeant, taking a seat and setting his rifle to his side. Silently looking at each of his squad mates.

“Go put your damned gun in the armory,” growled a human, who had the luck to be sitting next to Halliq. Short dark hair, brown eyes, and only a measly 64” tall and rather unintimidating to the Kaleesh who just scoffed.

“Be nice Marc, he’s new and we need him to like us. Kaleesh are natural born warriors man!” a bothan chuckled, looking straight at the human, Marc. The bothan was covered in brown hair, roughly 59”.

“You think he is gonna replace Arvin? Arvin was at least funny, Guillermo” the human sighed, slouching onto the table in front of him.

“I can be funny,” Halliq interjected.

“Then tell a joke,” Marc grumbled.

“How many Imperial Soldiers does it take to actually succeed in taking a Kaleesh village?” Halliq began, smiling under his ceremonial mask. All eyes at the table went to him, the Bothan’s excitedly waiting for the punchline as the others just gave a bored look. “All of them! One to take the village and the rest to die!” Halliq laughed rather loudly. He only received blank stares, except for the bothan who was laughing.

“What is your name,” Guillermo laughed, gripping his stomach. The bad joke still affecting even though the rest of the squad remained silent.

“I am Halliq Neban, kaleesh sniper,” He answered, laughing lightly still at his own terrible joke. Halliq extended his hand out to the bothan who actually shook it.

“Good to have you on board, man! You can share my bunk of some random guy hasn't stolen it by now,” Guillermo chuckled, earning a slight chuckle from the Kaleesh. The new guy was happy that someone within his squad was decently kind, granted the bothan may get annoying but he was new family so he would put up with it.


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