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Very interesting, very interesting indeed.
<Snipped quote by Rtron>


Are you

<Snipped quote by Vec>

It never really died, but no one else stepped up to write something for it after Slough.


Who wants to be the next contestant on Feature God weekly?

Explain what this is to me, por favor.

One does not simply get rid of Keriss' angst

One does not simply get rid of Keriss' angst

I swear nothing in this universe breathes and can operate near perfectly with little light. Oh well.
Jacques Clerc

Location: Market

The crowd did not seem to be calming down, in fact it only seemed to get angrier and angrier with each passing moment, earning a gulp from Jacques. He began to worriedly glance around at the requests of what killing would work. Following Mary, he kept his eyes on the crowd as he tugged at his collar for a moment. ”Perhaps we should pick up the pace, Miss Hale,” he suggested, nervously looking at the catholic for a moment before the crowd took his gaze. Jacques seemed to be sweating at the tension in the air, the demands only growing more and more outrageous by the second.

That was until one heathen comment caught his ears, "Why should we listen to you? You all are the cause of this! The church brought these things into the world! And now we're supposed to believe you'll get rid of them and protect us!" Spinning on his heel, Jacques spotted the person who dared make the comment. Before he hand a chance to remark, another heathenous remark reached his ears. "Yeah! Think about it! Jesus came back in seventy-two hours from the dead! So do these creatures! Their god did this!"

The man’s head snapped to the person who dared suggest the very idea, anger boiled in his blood and he wanted to fight them. ”Do you really believe such heathous words?! You dare mock our merciful lord and saviour, Jesus Christ! Jesus was resurrected by God’s will! The devil has obviously blinded you and no longer will I no longer associate myself with one who has embraced the devil’s view over God’s word! I say good day to you, sir!,” roared Jacques, no longer caring that the crowd around him still wished the boy’s death. Reverend Clerc spat on the ground in front of the man as one last insult before he turned to continue walking.

He could deal with that of Mary for she worshipped the same God that Jacques, himself, did. His passion was that to be reckoned with and the man was lucky that Jacques had not gone further, clenched fists around the pistol in his hand. Rage burned in his eyes as he made his way to Mary’s horse.
Speaking of which, Keriss can consider herself stalked by one of the little cutesy spies as well, now that she's back.

I bet those spies are having fun in that ash storm

Sin, The 7 Sins, The Sinner, Pride, Gluttony, Wrath, Envy, Sloth, Lust, Greed
2 MP, Level 4


Level 4, 3 MP

Once more Keriss took the flight from the Venomweald to Xerxes, but instead of the city that she had once fought in, she found a city that seemed to be crumbling. It was a confusing sight to her. Was she too late? Had she missed an important battle? Her thoughts went to assumptions as she flew towards what remained of the Cipher.

She landed outside and inspected her surroundings, attempting to piece together what had happened at the city. "Strange." the beast muttered to herself, gazing at the cinders before her eyes went to a mound of ash. Keriss stared for a few moments before turning her back to the ruins and thinking. Crossing her arms, the demi-goddess grunted.

Keriss, turned back to the Cipher and walked in, not expecting to find much but burnt objects inside. Ruin was the only thing that she had found, only living up to her assumption that something attacked the city. She doubted that Sin would have been slain, thinking Vestec would save him from the same thing he prevented from Keriss from doing. Her eyes darted from smoldering remains to smoldering remains, becoming angered that she may have missed the battle. A familiar feeling came to her- bloodlust, the same one she had felt upon first entering Xerxes. "AmartĂ­a! Where are you?!" She called into the ruin, wanting to be sure that nothing inhabited it before she would departed.

What Keriss did not know was that a predator stalked her every movement. From the moment she entered Xerxes, the hunter knew of her existence, documenting each and every movement she made. The stalker silently traversed the smoldering ruins with unnatural ease, its glowing eyes borrowing into her as she called out for it.

Suddenly, the eternal voice called out in a sly tone. "You search for me? You're back so soon?" it mused.

"Unfortunately, the plan did not work as expected. However, Vestec did release some information to me." Keriss relayed, keeping her sight trained directly in front of her rather than searching for the source of the voice. ”Lifprasil is coming with a powerful army of Knights, blessed by four gods.”

Silence reigned upon that revelation. A yawning void of uncomfortable soundlessness that prevailed for but a few seconds before a large mass dropped gracefully unto the dias that lay before Keriss. Amartía rose from a crouching position to his full height, showing off the full force of the Face of Wrath to the Lizard. As his unblinking eyes trained itself on Keriss, the voice spoke out; "An army of Knights. Tell me more about these…..Knights." the voice commanded, its curiosity clear.

Keriss gazed upon Amatía's new form, a more savage form that seemed mildly intimidating at first glance. ”You have changed.” The lizard said, stating the obvious before eying his new form a bit more. Keriss straightened herself, speaking in a clear voice, ”Vestec was vague to say the least. All he said was that it was an army of Knights, designed and empowered by four gods. Along with a normal army, in which I can only assume is mortals.” Keriss reported.

”Now tell me, what happened here. What foul chaos occurred to destroy this place?”

Despite the shock that AmartĂ­a felt at that moment, his gaze displayed a different emotion, sheer rage. With his face contorted already, upon the mention of four gods, a growl echoed from his throat.

Machinations of war spawned from the imagination of four god's was no simple matter, it was a reality that no mortal could think up. It was a fairy tale of a story; but Vestec had no reason to lie, or exaggerate, not when he had clearly won. No matter what he did, he lost. There was no fight, no perfection that could bring him back the retribution soon to face him, the Armageddon of Xerxes would soon be upon them. But this frustrated AmartĂ­a, how could he be so naive, so short-sighted, so stupid?

Sin stood unmoving, his mind attempting to wrap itself around the ramifications of the Hain gods curse, and Keriss' news. As was such, behind the Lizard, in the city, stirred it's people, his army, his artistic rendition of perfection.

"No mortal army could take such a force." the ethereal voice murmured, voicing AmartĂ­a's current concerns as he willfully ignored Keriss' own.

Keriss nodded in agreement with Amartía, not wishing to say anything to displease Sin in his new form. She looked into his eyes for a few moments, feeling the rage that was imitating from his gaze. The demi-goddess turned to look outside the Cipher’s ruined entrance, taking a deep breath.

After a few moments of silence, the lizard spoke up in an emotionless tone, ”What is your next course of action? Abandon the remains of this dead city? Or shall you fight to the last man over Logos’ promise of power?” Her gaze did not shift from the city, not bothering to inspect the form of Sin any longer than she needed to.

"I'll take it all back..." the voice whispered.

Confusion came upon the face of the lizard, forcing her to look at Sin to figure out what he had in store for. "What do you mean by that?" the beast inquired, wishing to indulge herself in the thought process of AmartĂ­a.

"I'll take it all back." the voice repeated insensately, a growl spitting itself out at the end of the statement. Sin no longer cared. Playing god made him no weaker than he already was compared to them. The Dagon could not make a case against the abomination that was the god's imagination. There was no point to fighting them at this point, less he actually survive after the battle.

In silence, AmartĂ­a began to make his way to Keriss, his vestigial eyes gazing through her.

The lizard continued staring out at the city, a city that had become ruined for reasons unknown to Keriss. She gaze out a sigh at Sin’s harsh voice before forcing herself to turn to the approaching monster. Watching him approach, Keriss retained an emotionless stare. ”I ask once more, what happened to Xerxes?”

AmartĂ­a suddenly snarled, his teeth gnashing as his faced Keriss. "The city? You worry about the city! Curse that Hain and his pretentiousness! I gave my city perfection!" the voice spat.

Keriss snarled back at Sin, disliking this new attitude that he had gotten with his new form. ”Of course I worry about this city! This is where the war is coming and all I see is ruin! Is that your perfection? Or is there some underlying secret that I have not been informed of?” The lizard growled, her wings flaring out slightly.

"What difference does it make, I gave the people power! But it means nothing! I'm protecting my city and all I get is judgment! Judgement!? For what? For what?" Sin bellowed, his hackles raised as he bared his predatorial maw.

Keriss eyes widened to give Amartía a dumbfounded look at his reasoning, her mouth open at the absurd notions. ”Protecting your city?! Have you looked at the state of this place?! There is nothing great to fight for anymore! You fight for ruins! You fight for yourself and not for any basis of morality! What do you stand for Amartía?! Please tell me!” She hissed, a deep grumble coming from her throat.

Sin growled, "What do I stand for!?" AmartĂ­a paused. "What do I stand for?" he murmured. His mind raced, searching for his pillar, his meaning in life. "What do I stand for!? I am sin incarnate, a being without morality. What is your point."

”And what is Sin? No morality? A false pretense, for even sinners have morals. I ask again; what do you stand for?” Keriss inquired, voice filled with annoyance.

AmartĂ­a remained silent, for he knew exactly where Keriss was going. But he wouldn't admit it, he couldn't admit it, not to her, not to anyone, not to his nation. Upon that notion Sin turned to gaze at his city, at its twisted perfection. He watched as Dagon crawled from the rubble of thier old home's, screaming into the air as rage pulsed in thier hearts. For a moment, AmartĂ­a missed the perfection of imperfection, the imperfection that plagued every being in the universe and spawned sin. It was the reason why AmartĂ­a couldn't agree with Logos, he couldn't side with the god of Order, the little morals he had wouldn't allow it. Bringing perfection to the world would destroy him.

Slowly, Wrath drained out of AmartĂ­a, his claws shrunk back into well manicured nails. His fur torso shed and realigned itself as red energy commanded rock to rise and transmute into a linen skirt cloth for himself. His predatory maw evolved, returning itself to normal as his teeth flattened and closed the space between them. Finally, his blood red eyes returned to its natural brown color, and his black, unkept hair turned white once again.

AmartĂ­a looked upon Xerxes, remembering the Hain gods words; he had destroyed a civilization, but he couldn't care less. Sin did not feel remorse, only bitterness towards the Face of Wrath and the gods power.

"I stand for myself." he finally retorted, his voice returning. "But if this god damned nation is what makes me…me, then I'll play this differently."

"Whatever you say." Keriss huffed, wings slowly retracting from their flared stance. She turned to look upon the ruined city as well, daring to speak another word of the subject to Sin. At least now, her worries of a fight could rest as he seemed to settle into some degree of calm, by Sin's standards.

However, the thoughts of the demi-goddess wondered and her gaze returned to AmartĂ­a once more. "What of Tauga? How does she fare through all of this?" Keriss investigated, wishing to know of how her one mortal friend fared through all of this.

"Tauga? You mean the Blowfly girl?" AmartĂ­a jibbed rather harshly. "She's off somewhere I'd assume, shambling with the rest of her turned brethren. Find her if you will, I need to see her. AmartĂ­a sighed, waving Keriss off.

Keriss narrowed her eyes at the comment that AmartĂ­a made about Tauga, the very one who kept this place intact while he was away. She hesitated upon leaving, wishing to do nothing more but to reprimand him. However, that may yet bring back that beast that she was previously conversing with, she held her tongue. The Demi-goddess turned and proceeded to walk out the way she came, looking at the Dagon momentarily before taking flight. Focused she remained, beginning the search for her hain friend.

Meanwhile, Sin himself was lost in thought. The Hain god's curse, Keriss' words, the impending invasion that was still without a viable solution. He was back to square one; at least this time he was king without a nation. AmartĂ­a no longer understood himself; a demi-god of sin condemned because of his nature and because of how he treated his nature. AmartĂ­a grunted, it was an ironic existence.

Sin scrutinized his city, its buildings stood in defiance of the people who once were. Vulnerable flesh no longer existed, only stone and scale, not as timeless as the mountains that encircled the city but able to outlast the civilization that created them by centuries. Given enough time even the smooth grey would give way to a jungle of green and his civilization would gain the moniker “ancient”. It would lay ruined for future generations to discover and perhaps piece together how Xerxians lived. One would wonder what disaster befell the great nation, with all its complex devices and culture.

Such a stain on his pride would never wash away.

From the shadows behind AmartĂ­a materialized a Dagon, a Victor, Asmod, the first. Kneeling, he spoke; "Liege, the civilians are stirring, shall we organize and prepare them?"

AmartĂ­a was silent for but a second, but his answer was resolute; "No."

Asmod, confused, cocked his head to the side. "But master, how will they be ready for the impending invasion."

AmartĂ­a sighed. "They won't." he echoed simply. "You will." Without warning, Sin's hand darted out, grasping the Victors face before he could react. Fear shown in his eyes as his masters impressive face started down at him, masking his true intentions.

* * * * *

It didn't take long to spot the general- She, too, was airborne. The glow orbiting plumes marked her out as she glided slowly over the city, a tiny figure scanning the ground from above. When she noticed Keriss, she swept effortlessly through the rain towards her.

"What is it," said Tauga, shortly, simply.

”Personally, I wished to see how you fared through all of this the utter destruction of the city and all.” Keriss responded happily, glad to see her mortal friend seemed unharmed.

"Same way I get through all the other shit," was the vague response. It was easy to get the impression that even without the flight suit's goggles, one wouldn't be able to see much life in Tauga's expression.

"Don't waste time thinking 'bout me. I'm already dead." Stretch. Some of the blood rain still dripped from her as she moved. "Anything else?"

Keriss’ expression turned to confusion towards Tauga, the hain certainly did not seem dead in the eyes of the Demi-Goddess. ”You do not seem dead, in fact you look living. Anyways, Amartía wishes to see you. Though, I wish to know what causes you to believe that you are dead.” The lizard inquired, flying ever so closer to Tauga. The arms of the beast went behind her back, the eyes focused on the hain alone. Tauga didn't flinch.

"Yeah. I guess that's a story."

As broken buildings passed below, they slowed their course at the hain's lead, made speaking easier. "I'm a stonemason's daughter. Peasant. But way back, when I was doing my second hatching, a cultist of Y'Vahn found me. I was her apprentice. Her name was Help." A short silence.

"Help taught me stuff. She cared, I guess. When the Purifiers came to burn everything, God showed up to take her back. She wanted me to follow her. I chose not to. Then I changed my mind." With a quick flourish, Tauga unsheathed the sword Keriss had been teaching her to use. "This was her scalpel."

"I was alone in the place where she went. It was Hell. Tunnels that ran forever. Metal walls. Shaped like twisting bodies. Huge worms. Dim cold light. There was water, everywhere, dripping, but no food. After a while it got worse. My body went all light, like nothing was attached to the ground anymore. Every once in a while I found things. I still don't know what. Twitching shapes in puddles. I tried to eat them. Couldn't. And then I starved. It's the last thing I remember."

"And then," she concluded simply, as they made the final descent and touched down, "I was here, and I was this, and I had ophanim floating above me and tentacles in my skin and a mask on my face, and since then I haven't felt jack shit. So I'm probably dead. Oh, no, wait, fuck, frustration. I still get pissed every now and again." Shrug. "It's not a great story."

Keriss listened to her fullest extent, tilting her head ever so at the end of the story, her eyes seemingly staring into the soulless mask of Tauga. "You have a far more tragic history than I would have expected from a mortal. Though, I suppose you are past the worst bit from what I have heard." The demi-goddess commented, her gaze going forwards once more.

Then the Suffering One went silent, trying to think of a new topic of discussion but finding none, nor would she find any advice to give to her friend. An audible sigh emanated from Keriss, looking down at the ruins as they approached the Cipher. "Do you support this reckless destruction by the hands of Sin?"

Tauga's answer was reflexive. "The Énas is wiser than we know. He means the best for us." Evidence to the contrary resounded from somewhere in the city as a damaged building collapsed and a newborn Dagon snarled. Evidence in staggering abundance. Tauga stared resolutely ahead as they navigated the Cipher's damaged walls. "In the end, everything will be better."

And she obediently cast down her gaze as they entered the presence of Amartia.

Sin's gaze fell upon Tauga, his dead eyes revealing little of his intentions and current mental state as his grip tightened on Asmod's face.

"Tauga. Blowfly. Gaze upon the city behind you." he commanded, his voice devoid of life.

She did. It only took a quarter-turn of her head. Tauga's left eyes scanned the dismal horizon while she looked at Amartia with her right.

"What do you see? I want you to tell me the truth, because I see perfection, desire made real. But you... you may see different."

”I know what I see,” scoffed Keriss.

Amerita glared at the lizard before staring at Tauga expectantly.

"Well, the buildings are wrecked," observed Tauga, monotone. "The fields are untended and the crops died in the blood rain. Also, everyone is Dagon. So that's pretty fucking weird, I guess." There wasn't a trace of incrimination nor of discontent in her voice. She just recounted what she saw, as she'd been told.

"I'm not good at the whole... City thing. If you think this is better, then there's probably just something I haven't realised yet. Sir."

A smile danced itself upon Sin's face. "Well that settles that!" he boomed as he dropped Asmod's face and glared down at him. "Gather the Victors." with a fearful nod the Victor scurried off.

Keriss’ eyes only narrowed at Sin.”He only does this to please himself, to satisfy his lust for power. I see something only Chaos would bring and look at that, a child of Vestec sits right in front of us.” Keriss goes, making the snarky remark, folding her arms.

Leaving Tauga, he turned to Keriss, a frown marring his face. "You don't have to fuck the mood up all the time." he sighed, pausing for a moment before turning to Tauga. "I used that right, right? 'Fuck the mood up'?"

Keriss only growled lightly, not content with Tauga's willingness to go along with whatever Sin wanted. "Leave him be, Keriss," said Tauga, voice as flat as ever. "Sin's desires have always benefited us in the past. He's not the Devil."

A whistle caught the duo's attention to where the Énas waited expectantly. "Come, come now, we got stuff to do!" he called, gesturing for them to follow him deeper into the Cipher.

* * * * *

The war-room had once been an impressive dining-room, but the impact had taken its toll. The table that sat in the middle of the hall was long and solid wood- A banqueting table. The once crisp golden wallpaper was torn in places, revealing the organic metals below. On the walls were gilded mirrors but the frames were dusty and the light that shone off them showed flecks of dirt and food that was never polished off. The floor at first glance appeared to be mud, but it was made of large terracotta flagstones covered in ash and grime. Above the table hung a bronze candelabra with several black-wicked candles in it burnt to stumps.

Amartía sat at the head of the table, his chair carved of a fine oak, crested with several jewels and decorative metals forming an elegant coat of arms, a simple triangle and eye. Although the seat of the Énas was impressive, it was a mere stool compared to the throne he sought to reinstall after this war.

Loud thumps could be heard as Keriss strode into the war room, seating herself upon what seemed to be a dusty chair. The seat bent as it struggled to support the weight of the beast. Her tail folded over her lap, her eyes remained narrowed as her gaze went to AmartĂ­a. Keriss dared not lean back in her chair, fearing that she may break it. Keriss reached for her crown of thorns, taking it off her head and onto her lap, tail curling around it.

Sin chuckled watching Keriss' display. "I did not know the demi-god of Pain and Suffering to be so prim and proper." he chortled.

”Suffering is not all caused by violence and savagery.” Keriss remarked in a low growl, her eyes narrowing even further before forcing herself to look away. A calmer look came to her face as she looked away.

Sin raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, that seat seems to be a good example of that."

Tauga's boots clicked into the room softly amidst the conversation. She bowed and stood to attention without taking a seat.

In step followed three Dagon who dwarfed her in height and muscle. The rhythmic cadence of their footfalls marred by the incessant clicking of claws on tile. Their predatory gaze remained straight ahead, but as they stepped through the threshold of the makeshift war-room their eyes dropped in respect.

AmartĂ­a gestured for them to stand at the head of the table, while Tauga was offered a seat to his left. She took it gingerly. "Hey, Keriss," she greeted.

”Tauga.” Keriss nodded to Sin.

Sin clapped suddenly, capturing the attention that already belonged to him anyway. "Well then, lets get started shall we?" he smiled, his bright white teeth flashing.

"As you all may or may not know, Xerxes faces an invasion on a scale we cannot imagine. All we know about the enemy is that four gods had a hand in their creation." he explained, giving Keriss a sideways glance. "This means that we have nothing to go on. So," he paused. how do we play this?" he sighed, leaning back on his throne.

”Vestec was very vague when he released the information to me. However, I do know that we must not have any distractions during this battle and thus we should evacuate the city of anyone who cannot fight during this. Primarily the young and old,” Keriss stated, pushing her wants for the entire city to evacuate once more. Tauga didn't blink.

"Young and old no longer exist, only Dagon." he huffed, his face deadpan despite the gravity of the atrocity.

"There's nothing left to defend except ourselves," echoed the general. "Fields, buildings, ruined. Fifty, maybe sixty thousand Dagon. Few thousand animals caught in the blood rain. Three hundred Victors, quarter-thousand Rotflies. Nothing's left that we can't use 'til it breaks. With your permission, Sir."

”If there is nothing left to defend then why do we not just leave the city? Odds are we could avoid a battle, that may cost us our lives, if we just leave. A city just like this could be built anywhere else on this planet, probably better.” Keriss suggested, her eyes flicking over to Tauga.

"Granted. But Keriss, I didn't go through the process of transforming fifty-thousand some odd mortals to run away. This is no longer about Logos, never has been. Its about principal and pride." Sin countered.

"Lets not forget who's involved here, the gods. There is no where we can run that they can't find us. It would be futile and beneath me. If anyone wishes to leave though, they could, I won't stop you." he affirmed, gazing at both his lieutenants. The lizard growled at the notion of this war being about pride, forcing her to now stay. Tauga put it in simpler terms.

"If we don't fight here, we'll be cut down on the run, in the wilderness. Might as well die on home ground."

"Alright then. Back to the task at hand." he began, leaning forward in his seat and placing his hands on the charred table.

"We have quite the man power, or sin power I might add." he jibbed, smiling at himself. "None the less, we can only assume that our army is about a quarter of theirs. I'm not sure if the gods are capable of minimalism. I'm not."

Keriss thought to herself for a moment, an idea came to her soon enough. ”We could attempt to hold out in here. Get as many Dagon as we can in here. While it is not a fortress, we could certainly use the entrances as choke points. Or we could outpost Dagon in any other buildings as well.”

A Dagon Victor spoke up. "I mean no disrespect my lord." the Dagon began, dipping his head at Keriss. "The Cipher is no fortress as you said, with the numbers the Blowfly made known to us, we would make little use of the only advantage we may have one our side." he explained. The general's eyes flicked to the recently dented walls. Tauga, whose Jvanic tendrils plunged far into the architecture of the gifted palace and seen that it had, not long ago, been a formidable defense, said nothing.

AmartĂ­a nodded.

"Stuffing ourselves in here doesn't sound like a good idea. Nothing stops one of many Divine enemies from pointing a finger and blowing this place up." he sighed.

Another Dagon spoke up. "We are also limited by the lack of knowledge we have on our enemy, nor do we know from where they will attack "

”Well then I am sorry to say that I do not have a clue as to what we are going to do. We have not fortifications, virtually no choke points, and we are fighting a battle against the strongest enemies that, potentially, any of us have faced. I am at a loss.” Keriss admitted, feeling defeated already.

"We have no fortifications," echoed the Blowfly, her thoughts beginning to surface. Home ground. The palace. Ruins. "There's this story the soldiers used to talk about. A strong man faces a weak man in a- A forest, I think. Then you ask a question. 'Would you rather hide behind a shield or a shrub?' The right answer is shrub, because anyone can see you hiding behind a shield. They see the shield. It has some kind of meaning. I forget." Something shuffled in the air, as if waving away a distracting thought.

"Keriss and I fought to clear the city for some people to get out. None of this is new to me and the Rotfly Watch. For us, Xerxes has been a war ground for weeks. We've gotten good at killing in the City. The ones of us that are left, anyway." Was the voice from the mask even colder than usual? Impossible to say. Probably not. "They're coming for us, right? So they- 'they-' expect us to be defending. But we're not defending. If they look at Xerxes, they'll see tatters. But it's not. It's a forest. Our forest. And it's not a weak man hiding in the trees." Tauga's glove rose to point sharply at the hateful eyes of the Dagon Victor. "It's that."

With each word AmartĂ­a smile grew wider and wider, but he remained silent, hushed by the void of uneasiness that washed over him upon Tauga's last few words. But soon, he spoke.

"If we act like prey, they’ll act like predators." Amartía began, his eyes leaving Tauga and focusing back on the rest of the group. "So we flip the switch, play the game differently. They wish to come to Xerxes and play the predator, but this is our 'forest'," he said, air quoting his lieutenants words. "and we will stalk from the 'bushes', turning them into the prey. The thing is, without buildings to hide in, our 'forest' looks pretty bare."

”As much as I hate to say it, I agree with Amartía. We have no buildings that anyone could truly hide in, unless we tried all the ruins we could.” Keriss began, her mind suddenly switching a different subject as she spoke. ”Amartía, how do the other gods feel about Lifprasil?”

AmartĂ­a turned to Keriss unflinchingly. "What the fuck is a Lifprasil?"

Keriss gave a bit of a confused look upon Sin's answer, trying to determine whether he was messing with her or not. "Lifprasil, my brother, your brother. Maybe the one who will be attacking this city with an army of Cosmic Knights." The demi-goddess answered in a confused tone.

Who cares, mouthed Tauga in her mask, finger tracing lines in the gathered dust of the table. Her thoughts had left the room and were already patrolling the streets, moving men. Out loud, she said, "Does he have worshippers? They might talk."

Her eyes shifted to Tauga. Her gaze went back to Amartía, ”Sadly, we are out of his worshippers, most likely. Though, it is a simple question, allow me to rephrase it; do the gods like Lifprasil.”

Sin's frustration bubbled, as it always did when he didn't understand something. "I don't know who this Lifprasil is, nor have I ever heard of him. So how would I know jackshit about how the gods feel about him?" he breathed, an edge gathering in his voice.

Keriss bared her teeth towards Sin, feeling that he was lying. Unknowingly she had stood up, a blink of realization made her realize that her mood needed some calming. ”I am going to take my leave, now,” came her voice in the form of a powerful hiss. With that she turned to leave, placing her crown upon her head once more. The unknown facts upset her. The fact that four gods would go out of their way to help a brother who she had not met yet, upset her. Having to fight for someone else’s honor upset her. At the very least, she knew that she was no help while being upset.

There was a conversational blank. Without lifting her gaze from the table, Tauga spoke as if she hadn't noticed the words of the last minute. "I have some plans. The city looks worse than it is. We can still make it- " Keriss reached the end of her tether on one of her tentacles, jerking it free- "-a place to fight in." Her face had twitched slightly towards Keriss' wake midsentence, and it dawned on Tauga that maybe she was meant to do something. But she didn't know how. So she didn't do anything.

The clenching and unclenching of AmartĂ­a's fist was the only indication as to his current mood. Thoughts that where best left unsaid assaulted his brain. Letting out a frustrated breath, he turned to Tauga, momentarily erasing Keriss from his mind. "What is your plan?"

"Basements. False floors. Hovels dug into fallen masonry. Arksynth." said Tauga, as if it answered the question. Most of her brain was still pacing around the drawing board. That, and the laboratory in the barracks. "Hiding in buildings isn't hiding at all. It's still a shield. A drunk will guess that there are people in buildings. A forest is- Chaotic. City is too. To count on what's still intact is stupid, but we can turn the mess into a disguise, make them think we're broken when we're not. We have the manpower to hide an army in the ruins. The Dagon are loyal to you." She paused. One could sense her gaze focusing on the once-Victor. "I think."

Sin rubbed his chin absentmindedly, his mind split between Tauga and Keriss' words. To play dead was what he garnered from her plan, which was fantastic if they could expand upon the idea. But this Lifsprail being suddenly had him worked up. Why was Keriss so worried about him?

AmartĂ­a turned to Tauga. "Before you continue any further, he paused, dawdling on his words. "have a talk with Keriss. Bring her back."

"Sir." Tauga stood to loose attention. The pose didn't suit the environment. It felt forced. Obsolete. Her heavy presence left the room with her and spilled into the streets, sprawling like vines. Her sharp walk split into a run.

The cord swooped down to catch her as she leapt, carrying her effortlessly up and over the dreamlike cityscape. Outside the barracks, Tauga was all but alone. A single figure was walking the maze now, somewhere, and there was nothing to do but look for her as the arc of the hain's leap came to a slow landing. From one rooftop to the other, she scouted the city.

A tendril tasted something familiar and the hain at its base spun, jogged, then walked in its direction. "Keriss?"

"What do you want, Tauga?" the lizard asked in a blank tone, not bothering to turn towards her friend.

"Amartia needs you," said Tauga simply.

”And why would I want to go back right now? Planning for war while angered is not particularly good.” Keriss growled, crossing her arms.

"Oh." Tauga touched the back of her neck, as she often did when she'd drawn a blank. It seemed to be something she'd forgotten to consider. "I guess that's true."

Was she losing touch with how to talk to friends on intimate terms? No. No, she was long past that point.

"You could tell me why you're angry," came a lame response. "Then we could go back after a while. Wait here until then." Fairly useless suggestion. "Or we could fight it out." Oh, no, wait, that was worse.

Keriss turned to Tauga, giving a look of angered confusion. ”Do you now fight Amartía’s duels for him? You dare challenge me on the behalf of some foolish coward!?” Keriss hissed, balling her hands into fists.

Tauga leaned back on the side of an abandoned wagon, unclipping her mask. Her eyes, when they were revealed, rolled. "No, you big scaly fuckwit. Spar. See if you have any new tricks for me." She grabbed hold of one of the wagon's arms, and pushing her shoulder at it, broke it off at the yoke. The stick made a satisfying thak thak as she tapped it on the road.

"Sometimes, when two human soldiers are at odds over a girl or something," explained the general, "We put them in a ring in nothing but a loincloth and gloves, and we make them box. Because it's better that the blood gets spilled sooner rather than later in some backstreet, with knives involved." Thak thak thak. Tauga ambled closer as she spoke. "Same thing here. You're steaming, Keriss. You're absolutely blind pissed over something. Don't hold it in. Whatever it is." She prodded the great lizard's thigh with the stick.

Eyes narrowed, replacing the confusion that was previously on her face. ”My anger is rests on the gods, it does not concern you.” Keriss admitted to her friend. ”And, unfortunately, I would rather not talk about family business much. It would only make me angrier.”

"Then don't. It's not my pit to crawl out of." Pacing around Keriss took a surprising amount of time for a hain, even a tall one. "I don't have the head to deal with it anyway. All I have is hands and a stick." She rapped the lizard's clawed toes with the pole, trying to make the point more obvious than it was. "Don't need much else to get rid of anger, honestly." Keriss' tail came into view and she batted at it.

”Very well, you wish to spar? Then we will spar,” Keriss hissed, moving her tail away from the hain as Tauga began batting it.

Keriss had her claws bare by the time Tauga ducked into thrashing range. The stick sang as she whipped the big girl's hand at the wrist. "Finally," answered the hain, and rammed her heel into the lizard's ankle.

After sparring for what seemed hours, Keriss and Tauga returned to AmartĂ­a, battered and bruised. For the Demi-goddess, the term bruised meant that she was missing a scale or two in certain places. For Tauga, well, who could say? The flight suit was as grey as ever, even if its occupant was moving a little more carefully.

Keriss gazed at Amartía with a blank expression. [color=green]”I heard that you required my presence,”[color=green] she stated with an equally blank voice.

With a look of exasperation on his face, AmartĂ­a's tapping fingers welcomed the two lieutenants back. "Well I don't know Keriss, can a king win a war without his general?" he sighed, biting sarcasm in his voice.

”If he is capable enough, yes.” she answered, ignoring his sarcasm as she walked to the table to sit once more. Tauga didn't comment on the apparent exchange of ranks. It was probably just a turn of phrase. Stand to attention. "Sir."

AmartĂ­a pinched the bridge of his nose, his patience waring thin. "Have a seat, both of you. While you're at it," he turned to Tauga. [color=Crimson]why don't you go over what our reptilian friend here missed."[color]

Respectful nod. "We have manpower in the Dagon, but we also know that our enemies are stronger. Whatever they are. So our real edge is home ground. Xerxes is a ruin but it's a ruin we know well. Numbers are good for more than just... Swarming. In what time we have left, we can turn the City into a trap. Taking its safest places for ourselves and leaving everything else as dangerous as we can. Hiding. Disguising. Leading them on. My Watch is used to losing an open fight, so we know how to fling a sucker punch. There's some 'synth tricks I can work too. It'll help make a maze of ambushes." A shrug. "I'd get to work as soon as I can, sir."

”That sounds like a sensible idea, I feel that should work to our best advantage.”

The look of confusion danced across AmartĂ­a's face, not a side-effect of Tauga's plan, but a cause a resurfacing memory. In a flash its played; roving beasts of chitin, constantly changing, always adapting, always consuming, and at its head, was a boy-god.

Gritting his teeth, Amartía endured the sudden pain that lanced his eyes. It had all been so familiar, all so close yet so far away. Confused yet unditured, Sin played off the feeling of deja vu and rose from his throne; he had a war to win. "Go forth Tauga, enact this plan of yours. Within your oversight I leave the Victors." Amartía paused and turned to Keriss. "I would like to have a word with my……sister. Alone."

Nod. Tauga shared one last glance with Keriss, willing her to pull through the second round of Amartia's company alone. Then she spun on her heel once again, bent into an unnaturally easy sprint, and was absorbed by the action of the coming days.

”You calling me sister? That's certainly new. What is it that you wish to discuss, my dear brother?” The world slowly ran off her tongue, a crude and mischievous smile coming to Keriss’ face as she stood. Her eyes gazed not at her brother as she walked towards him, but instead at the scales of the back of her hand and her nails.

Sin gritted his teeth. "Don't get used to it." he spat, folding his arms across his chest. "I have two things I need to relate to you about. First, is this Lifsprial. I truly have no recollection of such a being in my life. Where did you hear that name?"

”I have heard his name from father, Vestec.” Keriss began, pausing as she stopped next to Sin, ”I also share a mother with him, Vulamera, who informed me of his existence shortly after my birth. However, I have not met him, unfortunately.”

A small chuckle fell forth from AmartĂ­a's lips, the notion of 'mother' setting him off. It wasn't a jest in spite, but one of genuine amusement. "So that makes this Lifsprial your brother." he breathed. "That brings me to my second point. Dear sister of mine, I walk a thin line between life and death; I am certain that this war will take my grace from the face of Galbar."

"Vestec will not let you die, just as he will not let any of his children die," Keriss informed, her cheeky smile disappearing as she spoke. She walked behind him, a softer voice coming to her, "Like it or not, dear ol' father cares for us. My enemy cares for me. The one you seem to detest cares for you."

AmartĂ­a snorted at the thought. "Keriss, I am a byproduct of curiosity and cruelty, forged by the fires of conflict from the very moment of my conception, an immortal stuffed in an mortal body soaked with chaos and stringed by a foreign soul; so believe me when I tell you, if and when I die, I want to warn you."

"And what would you have me do with this knowledge? Do you wish for me to treat you any different upon knowing of your death? Perhaps you would like for me to fight harder to avenge you or continue your devious work? In all potential cases I will do no such thing." Keriss inquired, circling around to his other side. She folded her arms behind her back as she walked.

A smirk danced itself upon Sin's face as he stepped away from his sister and made his way towards the exit. Before he crossed the threshold, he spoke. "No, Keriss. I warn you because I fear for the world's safety for when I return from death."

Keriss could only chuckle, turning her head towards her exiting brother. "Then I look forward to our rematch." Soon her chuckle disappeared as her head turned away. "But, let us focus on destroying our current opponent."

AmartĂ­a only pitied his dear sister. When he returned; he wouldn't make the same mistakes again.

"Consume and adapt I always say. We have work to do."

One Week Later

Anger and confusion only continued to stew within Keriss’ veins. When she left that meets a week ago, the thoughts of the gods helping her brother after she toiled around on the planet destroying chaos plagued her. She had no clue of the deeds that Lifprasil had done but Keriss sacrificed happiness, she sacrificed her life, and her own child in order to destroy chaos and where was her recognition? ”Where is my praise? Where is that promise of the gods loving me, mother? The only one who treats me with what I deserve is Vestec and he is supposed to be my enemy!” She roared internally.

Keriss no longer knew what to truly think anymore, thoughts seemed to pelt her like an endless storm. These thoughts made her blood boil, finding no solace in the confines of loneliness that allowed her to simmer down and reflect. The thoughts refused to yield, her mind attempting to quell the rebellion that it caused itself.

In the ruins of some building that was barely standing, she awaited for herself to calm. Keriss gripped her horns, she wrapped herself in her wings as if attempting to hide from the thoughts but to no avail.

”Pull yourself together, Keriss, these thoughts- this anger, is pointless.” She commanded herself. Her breath grew shallower and shallower by the second, closing her eyes and pointlessly attempting to calm herself. The Demi-Goddess would not let her emotions get the better of her any longer. ”A dreadful existence was what I was born to. They only created me to destroy chaos, a war machine. They never cared about me, no one but Vestec.” Keriss told herself, the thoughts seemed to overwhelm her.

She forced herself to unwrap her wings from around her, there she saw only serpents of ash approaching her. Keriss did not move, the serpents edging ever closer.

The lizard stood to full height, staring at the ash. The very burnt wood of the building seemed to be dissolving to join the serpents, slithering towards Keriss. The thoughts only seemed to grow more aggressive as the serpents approached, the lizard turning around and around only to see more serpents. The worms refusing to stop, one began to surround her foot.

”No,” Keriss commanded lightly to the worm, the serpent refused to recognize her order. ”Stop!” she growled. The worms only seemed to move faster. Keriss soon found the worms set crawling all over her, some segments joining with other serpents in their attempt to surround Keriss.

”Go away!” Keriss roared, wings flaring, teeth bared. The ash scatter into a cloud around her, a ripple seeming to go through their forces as the ask slowly began to reform into a cloud gaining greater and greater speeds. For now Keriss could see through the haze of the cloud that formed around her. The building only seemed to join the ash, adding to its power. She saw that other burnt buildings began adding to the storm. She could see the very ashen winds pelting the Dagon outside. Soon it all became black, the wind roared.

Keriss looked around, she could barely see two feet in front her as she slowly began to walk out of the ruin that she was in. The lizard spread her wings and flew upwards before the winds pushed her back down in a violent fashion. Nothing could be seen as she returned to her feet. THWAK. She looked back in time to see a plank of wood smash into a Dagon.

She made her way back to the Cipher, remembering the path somewhat. Hiding behind a wall, she shallowly breathed as the ash storm only continued to rage outside. There was no more ash within the ruined Cipher, it had all gone to the storm. What had she done? What had she created?

Whatever this was, it certainly did not like it when Keriss rejected it. ”What is with this storm? Why is it so powerful?” The thoughts spoke to her once more, unrelenting in their assault, never giving Keriss peace.

Lounging upon his dais in all his glory was the one and only Lord of Sin, his face the epitome of hubris as Dagon carefully braided his flowing white hair with claws capable of cutting clean through bronze.
As was expected of one as ambitious as Sin himself, the week spent preparing Xerxes and the Dagon was more than enough time. Miles and miles of underground trenches dug with Dagon's claws, a byproduct of his genius intellect. Hiding the Dagon underground had been his idea, and with his guidance- and Tauga's presence, he supposed- thousands of Dagon now roved and raved in the ground, their ravenous instincts festering into uncontrolled rage, just waiting for the opportunity to attack. With every pocket of Dagon, each numbering in the twenties, lay a single Dagon Victor, ready to lead to hordes to the surface. With their superior senses and keen yet killer instinct, the moment to strike was left to them.

Tauga herself had virtually disappeared, lost in the sheer scale of the operation. The Rotfly Watch had splintered into pairs and trios that led work-gangs hundreds of Dagon strong. The speed of the change from cutting down sin cultists to organising Dagon was uncanny; Within days of the last ship's departure, both their environment and their task had been overturned utterly. Still they adapted.

Left to tinker in the barracks while they weathered Amartia's initial storm, Dracces had managed to craft a spore-producing arksynth body, the organic powders of which fused painfully with skin, clothes and exoskeleton, spreading mycelia that could only with difficulty be scrubbed away. Something about the bizarre growth was sensitive to both texture and colour, and within hours the pallid blue fibres took on the dusty, ruinous appearance of the City itself. Tauga vanished into the makeshift laboratory for two days, and by the time she returned, she had weaponised the symbiotic camouflage in both yield and visual accuracy. The new strain even mimicked stains of blood, and could be coaxed to accept grafts of detritus. Only the decomposing matter required to fuel each body limited the output of sporeskin; Thankfully, Amartia's stone provided all in abundance.

Most of the Watch had experimented with the mycelia and, despite its discomfort, had added a layer or two before the fight began to loom. The Rotflies moved through Xerxes like the ghosts they were, forced to wear colourful rags just to recognise one another against the background. And those ghosts remembered every twist and trap in the City they had watched die. Each and every Watcher was a veteran of the Dark Carnival, and their hands were the ones that spirited away the Dagon horde between charcoal and bones.

Xerxes had been swamped by the blood rain. Every road was mired in it, and the sea had turned red. It did not clot easily, nor did the maggots thrive as they usually would in spilled blood. To this terrain Tauga brought a pulsating device like the scarlet gills of a gutted fish, and then, later, another- Soon every team was equipped with one. The 'synth organs absorbed blood and secreted vast films of a gelatinous membrane that mimicked the sanguine pools exactly, even supported the weight of real blood above them. It was like liquid woven into a textile, fusing with the earth at its edges, and did not easily wear. All evidence of tunnelling disappeared beneath the false streams and lakes of scarlet fluid.

Other kinds of surprises were scattered around Xerxes as it was transfigured into a deathtrap. The 'synth devices that Tauga had used to turn sugar into that volatile, toxic alcohol with which she had burned down Amartia's storehouses just weeks before were revived and fed on pure glucose from the Philosopher's Stone. These the Rotflies planted in many hidden places, their sacs bulging with the flammable liquid. Whether by torch, flint, or flame-tipped arrow, they could be ignited at any time from the Watcher's hideouts, spilling rivers of clinging liquid fire into the streets.

So the preparations spun, and night and day the City was crossed by Victors and Watchers, only ceasing when the ash storm drove them to their hideouts, ready for war at a moment's notice. Cautious eyes watched as a reptilian demigod strode through the scorched gale, the broken pyramid in her sights.

Smelling Keriss' approach long before he reached the throne room, AmartĂ­a saw fit to confront her of the unwarranted addition that raged on outside the Cipher's walls. "You made quite a mess out there sister." he cooed

”How do you that I caused this?” Keriss questioned, her eyes still wide and her breathing still shallow. Her wings folded around her, wrapping her body but keeping her head within view as she looked to her brother.

AmartĂ­a smirked. "Come now sister, I'm Lord of Sin, King of Transgression and Wrongdoing; not much gets past me. Not to mention your wide-eyed gaze and shallow breathe are a dead give-away."

She looked away from Sin as she gripped her horns once more. ”I cannot think correctly any longer. I can no longer silence my mind,” her voice sounded panicked as she explained the only thing she could.

"And what am I to do about it? I need a capable leader not a mental patient."

”Silence the thoughts, leave me alone, I do not know.” Keriss growled, before covering her head with her leathery wings. ”I do not know.”

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Sin abruptly rose from his recently polished throne of marble, interrupting the Dagon's hairstyling, earning him a short snort and growl. Pacing his dais, he pondered on his sisters growing dysfunction. Many a man gave notion to the nastiness of women, but Amul's Eye Keriss was a handful that Fate made a mistake in ever shitting out.

"Look Keriss, I….understand your plight; and I assure you I'm more than concerned about you." he jibbed, sarcasm thick in his voice. "But I can assure you, whatever has happened to you, is nothing compared to the yoke on my end. I regularly am subjected to episodes random visions of a past I know nothing about. There was an attempted assassination on my life yesterday; thankfully taken care of by Tauga, I have a population of super-predators who can't braid hair for the life of them, and the gods will probably smite me off the face of Galbar who knows when!" he droned breathlessly before waving Keriss off.

"So if you find it necessary to curl up in a ball, then realize that your problems are the least of anyone's concern."

Turning to his sister with a look of genuine concern despite his scathing words, he continued on. "Great talk though!" Now, where my mentally stable lieutenant?"

Keriss remained within her ball, silent. "You were right about my existence being a long and lonely one."

Amartia snapped his fingers and sent a faint pulse of Wrathful energies out into the air, just as a Rotfly messenger had awkwardly instructed him to do on Tauga's orders. A faint smattering of fresh blood joined the ash storm beyond for a moment, the two demigods' powers momentarily intertwined. Not long after the first and last droplets fell, sprinting boots were heard approaching through the ruined palace.

The Blowfly's splay of unseen tendrils filled the room before she did, the taste of blood fresh in their memory. "Sir. You signalled."

At the sound of Tauga's voice, Keriss shifted her wing around so that she may view her friend. Slowly, the lizard unravled her wings, remaining silent.

Struggling to keep the look of utter disgust and reproach from his face, he forced a deadpan expression and turned to his Lieutenant. "Tauga, you have done a wonderful job so far. With all our pieces set in place - are we ready for this little invasion of ours?"

Days of work by tens of thousands of abhumans were condensed into a single "Yes." And they were ready, Tauga knew. Ready to die. Her soldiers had given everything they had left to this bloodbath, and now they waited for the end.

Outwardly, she unclipped her mask and brushed ash from its surface, standing to watch Amartia with one pair of eyes and meet Keriss's gaze with the other. She could see her friend's anxiety, and acknowledged it without really thinking, added it to a list of things that needed her attention. [color]"What's with the storm,"[/color] Tauga opened flatly.

Keriss looked away upon hearing Tauga’s question, not daring to open her mouth to the subject any longer. She wrapped her tail around her legs, slowly. The thoughts only continued to roar, thousands of voices speaking at once.

"Come now Keriss, what exactly is this storm about?"

Keriss let out a long, heavy sigh as Amartía dared to question her. ”I know not why the storm has come to be so. All I know is that the thoughts do not stop talking.”

Though she spoke, she refused to look at either of the two, disgraced in herself.

"Drink," said Tauga, not a grain of malice in her voice. "It shuts up the voices for a little. I think." A small shrug. It was borrowed advice, but back when there were still people left in the city, still hope to be lost, it had been easy to watch that advice in action. When Tauga continued, she was addressing Amartia, deliberately pulling both their gazes away from Keriss. "You think you can stop the wind?"

A frown played on AmartĂ­a's lips; he may be an all-powerful, beautiful man of a man, but even in all his glory, some things just escaped his soft -- yet capable -- hands.

"Unfortunately, he began, another sigh of exasperation escaping his mouth. "Such a storm is not in my pay-grade. If you haven't noticed, I'm a meta-physical bugger. Speaking on such matters, Keriss, why not just relinquish yourself to the rage, that'll shut up the background noise." An almost imperceptibly small head-shake from Tauga's end of the table.

”No.” Keriss simply responded.

AmartĂ­a sighed. "That's to bad, I was looking forward to seeing you on a rage-induced rampage." No more movement from the hain.

Opting to change the subject, as was earlier attempted, AmartĂ­a switched his gaze to the hain, paused, and returned to Keriss. "Anything else you'd like to share with us? Before we move on?"

”No.” Keriss repeated softly, not returning the gaze. "What next," hastened Tauga at the same time.

Sinking into his throne, AmartĂ­a medicated on that very question. What was next? As soon as the answer came to him, a wolfish grin marred his features. "We wait."

<Snipped quote by Amartia>


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