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"Wipe your ass, sir? I believe we ran out of blankets, only thing that can handle your bullshit."
Yiiss. More people, this shall be good.
Stayin' alive but I'm barely breathin'. Prayin' to a god I barely believe in.
God damnit me.

I try to make a funny comment and it goes into the wrong tab. Someone kill me.
Name of Lord/Lady
Lord Demotoriaus

Physical Description:
Lord Demotoriaus is a man of an athletic build, muscular but not heavily by any account. He is faired skin with dark hair, that hair covers his head in a close fashion with the exception of his beard. Demotoriaus can commonly be seen ornate in full armor, polished at all times unless in the thick of battle.

Claimed Fief:
Duchy of Lordea

Basic History:
Demotoriaus was born to a lowly family on the reaches of Lordea and was actually taught the way of farming more than anything. That was until he was conscripted into the military at the age of sixteen, primarily seeing combat against the Orcs. The lad proved his worth, and with the help of loot retrieved from the battlefield, ascended his family along with increasing himself in rank. It was found that he possessed a highly tactical mind in regards to combat, leading to many small victories against the orcish menace. Eventually, he married his Lord’s daughter which helped to ascend his legitimacy of being a noble. However, disaster befell his Lord who sadly bore no heir, thusly Demotoriaus was ascended to the title of Lord of the lands not soon before the death of the King. For a year, he gathered his court with the help of his noble wife until the death of King Timault.

Champion (Bonus to Combat Rolls)
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