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@Lauder Who are you to judge, Alice in Swolederland?

I am free to judge because I am the GREAT ME!

<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>

The use of the term 'shitlist' with White Giants makes them sound like bureaucrats.

Petition to tape square glasses on all the surviving White Giants. Eyelessness be damned.

I'll raise you one better. Googly eyes and glasses
@BBeast Hmm, I'm not actually sure. I imagine that putting a sack over its head would elicit a similar reaction to how a dog would react; either walking backwards or trying to paw the thing off.

You know, that would sound cute. That is until you remember what a White Giant looks like.
Demotoriaus listened intently to Lord Gerantius who promised swift action against the greenskins should the man become king, something he was all for. Yet, Lord James Conrad, the man he voted for originally, would only delay an attack against the orc menace which fueled a small rage within the young lord, finding that only action would prove useful in their crusades. He looked between Gerantius and Conrad for a few moments, before he heard Sforza voice his concerns regarding the subject of the Crusade. “Yes! We must take the fight against those vile beasts! Every moment we wait they will multiply and when they breed they will overtake us in a night!,” Demotoriaus roared, his fight against the orcs had not been extinguished in his time as a noble. He had slammed his hands onto the table, a fire roaring in both his eyes and his voice as he spoke, “We have the advantage as the savages flee into their homes! We must press it and slay their leader!”

The man soon realized that he spoke out of line, quickly he composed himself and let out a cough to clear his throat. “Sorry,” John muttered, seating himself once more as he looked between the two candidates. He supposed more questions would be in order before he could make any decision now as his vote for Conrad had suddenly evaporated right before his eyes. “I shall relinquish my vote for now. I wish to know more,’ Demotoriaus looked back to Lord Conrad for a moment.

“You say you wish to stabilize the realm against internal threats. Might I ask, what internal threats could you possibly mean? There are no rebellions currently, as far as I know no lords plan to question the realm’s legitimacy as a Kingdom, and certainly there is no vile thing plotting any of our downfalls currently.”
Lord Demotoriaus

Lord Demotoriaus watched as the other lords and lady cast their votes, confident that he had picked the right side until Lord Marek had brought about the subject of Orcs and thusly the crusade against the barbaric beasts. He turned to look at Conrad, stroking his beard lightly as the question came out of his mouth. “Yes, what of the tribal orcs? Would we continue the Southern Crusade against them?,” he asked with light concern in his voice. That crusade was the one thing that John was certainly knowledgeable about, the one thing the lord was probably most capable of doing at the moment. Then his eyes flickered over to Lord Gerantius, another question coming out of his mouth, “And what of you Gerantius? Would you continue the Southern Crusade?”
Mayhaps I shall write a post later today

'Tis the Battle of Xerxes, you deformed walnut
The battle commences next turn. The rise of more might will certainly make the battle all the more epic.
John Demotoriaus

The death of King Timault had come to Lord John Demotoriaus like the death of anyone else would, it hardly affected him in any physical aspect, it had only come to hinder him from learning more on the subject of ruling. The courier had come and gone without anything else of note, seemingly vanishing from the lord’s life altogether. He had informed his wife and she looked more distraught than he, possibly because she had been a noble longer than John, but that was to be expected. Demotorias arranged his wear of fine linen clothing before he departed to the Tythmas. Much of the ride to the highlands was long and dreary, not a thought of the King had come to John’s mind nor did it bare down on him at all.

Upon reaching the capital province of Osteria, he was greeted kindly, as a noble. Demotorius was still not used to such a greeting, chuckling lightly at the formalities that the guards shown in the presence of him. Soon he was beset by servants who beckoned him to where the Council had supposedly set the meeting and so he had followed them with a light haste and a smile coming to his face despite the rain and the mood of the event. Seated close to Duke Conrad, someone who he had never seen before in his life due to John’s own preference for staying home and learning how to properly govern an area.

Upon hearing Lord Merek, John feigned a look of sadness as he attempted to fit in with the rest of the contempt faces around him. Demotoriaus had only been considered a duke for over a year now, still he had never received anything from the king other than having to send some tax to him which John was not outwardly opposed to. Though, he felt a true tug of sadness come to him as the man spoke with such eloquence, twas a strange thing to affected by a speech of someone he never cared for.

For a moment, Demotoriaus heard only silence before the voice of James Conrad had come to his ears, again a man he cared not for, but hopefully he would be able to get to the man proper. The man spoke of another fight against the orc menace after bringing stability to the realm, stability being the key word to reach John’s ears. Then Lord Gerantius spoke, speaking of prosperity due to the bounty of food that his province produced. The choreographed servants certainly caught his eye but not his heart for any fool could organize servants to do one thing at the same time, he denied food or drink.

“Well said Lord Aldwyn,” John began, a small smile on his face, “but I stand with Duke Conrad here. While I appreciate your choreographic attempts to woe me, I believe a man should speak without such a show to get his point across. Trust me when I say that I believe you would, perhaps, make a ruler, but I see Conrad better suited to be King of Osteria currently.” Demotoriaus spoke clearly and swiftly, not wanting to keep the attention of these fine people when more important things were at hand.

Hah. Level 1 one Keriss is a care-free cutie pie. Now she has grown to a level 4, filled with angst and depression!
[@everyone thanks to kho]

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