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Lord Demotoriaus of Lordea

Knights strode around a large town, watching the peasantry and inspecting them in case they were preaching ideas that would lead to civil unrest. It was around noon, a small crowd had gathered around one figure who spoke of the times of when Lordea had been a sovereign state, a more powerful state. He was speaking ideas that the peasantry seemed to agree with. While this gathering was peaceful, the knights could not take a chance if this man wished to cause civil disobedience. Three knights strode up on their horses, pushing their way through the crowd, making their way to the central figure, an old man who leaned on a wooden cane.

“Hail Knights! What brings you to my gathering,” the old man asked, a hoarse yet kind voice. His neck craning upwards to look upon the knights, a small smile coming to his face.

“I regret to inform that you cannot preach these ideas. We fear that it may cause civil unrest which we have been informed in gripping the region. If we see that you continue these practices against the name of the newly crowned King Gyre and the lords under him, then we must stop you by force. This is your only warning,” the head knight, Alfric the Vigilant, warned. The knight’s voice filled with confidence and command. The warning went through the crowd, acting as an invisible force which drove the peasantry away to continue with their daily lives.

“As you wish Sir Knight. You will no longer hear such ideas from me again, I am too old to attempt to fight you and your men off,” the old man stated quietly, his smile slowly fading into his wrinkled face.

“He pulled a knife!” Alfric cried falsely, tugging back on his horse’s reins causing to lift its forward body and kick out against the old man. However, before a single hoof could reach the old man, he was skewered by a spear from one of the other knights who rushed forward. Alfric calmed his horse and unsaddled in order to pick up the now dead old man and take him away from the town. There would be no burial for this traitor, instead he would be dumped into the wilderness. “You two,” he began, pointing to the leftmost knights, “Continue the patrol I shall be back with haste.”

A letter to the most esteemed Ecclesiast Timone the Second

My dear Ecclesiast, it has come to light that not all within the Duchy of Lordea embrace the true faith and remain heretical, bringing with it disorder and anarchy. I solicit thee to send missionaries so that the Vinossian faith may spread and with it bring a religious unity to the Kingdom. Currently, my knights are dealing with silencing those who may wish to cause unrest within my Duchy, but I fear that may not even quell the heretics that dwell within these lands. This is a matter of utmost importance to me and perhaps should be of great importance to the Church of Vinos to stamp out those which may speak lies to the peasantry, thusly creating a larger monster which may be difficult to destroy later.

From Duke John Demotorious of Lordea

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Otto listened to Nalia speak to Juniper, a snicker coming to his face as he heard her speak the way she did. He may have helped with delivering her, but she had always been independent which was not a quality that women should strive for. Nor should a woman be in charge of a house in his most personal opinion, but he would hold his tongue out of respect for Leon’s interests despite Otto’s warnings in the past. The old man felt his eyes narrow in the process, forcing himself to look away and brood for the time being.

Then a most terrifying sound shook him to the very core of his being, the sound of a musket filled the air and grabbed the attention of the doctor. Almost immediately, the man stood from his seat and looked around with wide eyes, grabbing his cane by its neck as he prepared for some form of fight. “What was that?” he asked, a worried voice coming over him, looking about in a paranoid manner. “Meldyr, investigate this,” Otto commanded, knowing the Guard Captain should now be doing his job.

The man looked over a Nalia for a moment before his gaze shifted over to Lucien, wanting affirmation of what to do from him rather than the lad’s sister. “Lucien, what do you believe we should do right now,” he asked, concerned about the entirety of the family being in one room if there may be an assailant close by. Whether or not it was an intruder being shot or some form of assault on the house, Otto was not ready to take the chance of the latter option. The doctor kept his eyes moving between the entrances of the room, fearing that someone would murder them all where they stood. Of course, fear did not show itself on the face of the doctor as that would be unmanning, though it was still obvious with how he was looking around.

<Snipped quote by Slime>

They better get dressed.

Other than Belvast, he's a cat.
And Lazarus, she's a bird thing.
And Keriss, she's a lizard.

But they still don't get to join the club.

WHAT?! You are racist against Demi-gods?! We will not take this from the likes of you!
Otto had merely watched the conversations between the house members, not finding it in his best interests nor his place to speak in such a conversation, he was merely a doctor. The foreigner exchanged a sigh as he closed his eyes for a moment, remembering the past when he had first met Leon. Those were indeed the good times, a smile creeping to his voice as those thoughts dared to come to him.

”Those were the good days, the most fortunate day of my life as I dared exit the galleon in which had taken me to a strange a foreign place. ‘Twas a place of majesty and a land for hope in the eyes of the younger, if not more cheerful and unmanly, me. I barely understood the native tongue, it differing from mine to such a large extent, but I managed. And yet, it was then, as I left the ship and docks behind me, when I had met Leon Delorano, a most magnificent man and a most kind man. We made talk as I left the docks, I told him in how I was searching for a new occupation in these lands and I remember that I complimented him on his extravagant wares. We conversed for hours, Leon touring me through the city and showing me much of his family estate. It was as if two parts of a puzzle simply clicked together and formed a picture in complete unison. As luck permitted, it was that very same day that as one of Leon’s friends had fallen sick and I rushed to help the fool who had merely contracted a small bout of food poisoning. After such a treatment, Leon hired me and thusly I joined his family, quite happily as well. I remember being more intune with the family then, this family in which I am forever grateful for. Forever, shall I be grateful for my friend Leon.”

Though, the words of Lucien and the Guard Captain to Juniper snapped him back to reality, reminding him that he lived in the present and not the past. Otto’s smile seemed to disappear within an instant at the notion that someone have to leave this meeting which was in remembrance for someone so grand, offended. “No,” Otto spoke up towards them, “I do not believe that anyone is unimportant here as this is Wake is in remembrance for Leon, as we all should know. It would be disrespectful to his very being should we not all attend.” With a sigh of disapproval he continued, “And look at us. None of us are celebrating, there is no joy here. Where is the merry we are supposed to be making? Why have we simply been moping when Leon is in a better place?”
<Snipped quote by Slime>

No no no, ew. People. This is a club for naked gods. Only. You keep people out of this.

<Snipped quote by Kho>

What about demigods?

@Muttonhawk Arrrgghh, I can't believe you posted that! MY EYYYES.

You know, their most recent victim has been The Irish Tree. They savaged him. Utterly. It's because he played the only cat - and you know how they are with cats...

Avert your eyes, children! You cannot see this bloodbath!
Demotoriaus looked between the three contestants, thinking long and hard about who he should properly side with as that would be his new king. On one hand Lord Gyre promised Demotoriaus a position as leader of the Order Celeres, such a position would only further bring glory to his house as well as let him control many more knights than what he currently has. On the other Gerantis spoke with a great passion, thusly inspiring the young lord to only want to go and fight the orc hordes. At the same time, Gerantis was an older man with much experience and would have less time to rule the kingdom whereas he knew Gyre would have more time to rule yet was presumably more inexperienced.

In the end, the lord knew that the Kingdom would need someone who knew how to more properly govern the people and allow himself to thrive, thrive amongst his peers that is. With a light saddened look to Duke Gyre, he let out a sigh, “I am sorry my good man. You promise me a most honorable and glorious position, I am gracious and humbled that you would considered me worthy for such a title. However, I feel that Lord Geantis would better suit the title of King for all of us. You do have my sympathies Gyre, however, you do not have my vote. I am sorry.”

[Demotorious votes for Lord Gerantis]
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