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<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Likewise! Here at Sin Industries, we believe that all things can be made valuable with a little elbow grease and the blessings of our Lord and savior: CEO Amartía! With thinking like that, a discount could be coming your way. Instead of 15% down, an amazing 25% down! What an offer!

*sips cup*
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Please do! We have a long line of potential customers but we would love to work with a depressed, bipolar, warrior lizard. In the meantime, take a look at our various housing developments in polar regions and our underwater townhouse.

I'm happy to hear that! You know, it's about time that something be useful with that valley. I mean, it's just been such a waster of land and a total eyesore to the demi-god community. It is high time that line become useful to everyone as a whole.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Sin Industries' "Real Estate division" would love to help you acquire this lovely piece of land! Visit out offices in the Ciphers basement and we can draft a contract and get started.

Sounds lovely Jim, I'll get right on that.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Oi oi, what do you think you're doing? >:(


Nothing. Why do you ask?

The valley of peace is larger than the Black Sea? Interesting, I think I just found myself new water front real estate. I hope those angels have flood insurance.
I'm still here
@Antarctic Termite

We could also use for some more tundra as it seems the north is largely populated by Boreal Forests. Moar arctic deserts are needed.
How did we turn a naked people club joke into a semi serious discussion?

That's just Divinus
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