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<Snipped quote by BBeast>

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Corporate takeover-mode.....activated.

And how would you manage that? Staring us down with the one burnt down city your company actually owns?

Here at Keriss & Co, we believe all resources can be exploited. Include your resources!

Okay. Anything else?

Aren't chimichangas supposed to be everywhere?
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

How DARE you! Here at Sin Industries, we literally have the ability to bring about the END of the universe if we wanted to. But that would be bad for business.

*leaves bad review on Google*
Lord Demotoriaus of Lordea

For the entirety of the council, Lord Demotoriaus had sat with complacency held close as the others spoke their piece. Demotoriaus, himself, was fine with most of the subjects brought about until the pastor had spoken in which a greater tax had been suggested. Being of peasant birth, the lord knew of how taxes were not something to be trifled with, a thin balance between what is good and what would cause rebellion. “My liege, I do not believe that the Parnal power gain addition gold at the expense of us. While I do agree that the Templar would crave the blood of the wretched Orcs, if they truly wished to field them then mayhaps they should not field them all at once.”

The eyes of the man shit over to the pastor before returning to his king, speaking once more with a rather neutral tone, “Additionally, if they cannot afford to maintain these Templars then perhaps they should consider disbanding some of these elite forces.” Demotoriaus crossed his arms while speaking, his voice growing colder as he continued, “How are we to be taxed because the Parnal powers wish to make war? If you ask me, the powers should be the final bastion of defense of our great Kingdom if our armies would fail or should we request their aid. That is my only suggestion as of now.”
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

Yeah its pretty deadly. I mean, Tobias is the son of the most savage dude on Galbar, but he still gonna get his shit kicked in. Plus I get to make up super-predators that don't share my skin tone! (Wink, wink, nidge, nudge)

Well if you don't survive the Venomweald then obviously you don't have the skills to pay the bills provided by Sin Industries.
<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

y'all mean the Venomweald, right?

That place ruled by a psychic ogre king and his elemental-augmented ogre legions?

Uh huh.

I'm sure he is a reasonable fellow. I'm positive Keriss can, erm, persuade him into giving up all his land.

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Well, there are some claims on parts of land right now, mostly outside the Venomweald. If you want to try your hand within the jungle heart we have some prime real estate with pools that aren't green!

Hmm. Does the heart of the jungle come rich with resources of any kind other than lumber?
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Why didn't you say so earlier! We have some prime real estate in the area. Beautiful place really!

How about some strategically important areas? Resource rich area in particular? I am looking for some good areas to build some great communities.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Back off, that's my territory.

I'll buy it from Sin Industries.
If anyone wants to make their own hain civilisations, those would be the places to start.

I was actually thinking of starting something in the Venomweald, maybe by that northern pass in the mountains or something. Though, as far as plans for a grand civilization goes, I don't have much.
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