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@Lauder It probably says something about their relationship that Tauga sees an assassin walk through the door and automatically thinks 'hey Keriss this is one of yours right? gods know if anyone has random enemies all over the world it's that girl, probably her ex or something'

she was just trying to make a point but this isn't too far off

Dah and it was only a few posts ago they met and tried to kill each other!
Tfw Tauga calls Keriss a friend

Otto Engel

Otto gazed at Nalia for a moment, contemplating on whether or not he should comply with her order or not. Naturally, he refused to obey the orders of her, it would not be a man’s place to retreat while such a threatening figure stood before them. “As much as you would love for me to disappear, I shan’t,” the old man grumbled, his eyes returning to the assassin as he spoke with his gruff voice. How would he look if he retreated from the situation, certainly it would damage his reputation as a member of the family. Thusly, he would have to stay even if he openly defied the new leader of the house.

When the assassin looked down at Juniper, Otto took a threatening step forward ready to attack if this being attempted to make a move on someone he had helped to deliver. He wielded his cane in both hands, seemingly ready to charge should he need to. The foreigner spoke in a bit aggravated tone, “While, sir or madam, I respect that you dealt with those assassins for us, barging in here as you did certainly did not alleviate the situation one bit.” Hoping that the Crow did not call his bluff on attacking, Otto kept his face stern, attempting to hide fear. “I would kindly ask you to leave, as your presence is not particularly trusted here,” Otto ordered, daring to take another small step towards the Crow.

I have done my might and everything.


You can assume I'm always on m8

Hmm, I certainly don't remember anyone buying the deed to the Valley of Peace off me.

With what I'm planning, you won't need a deed!
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Projections are run by Sin Industries Financial Division, take it up with them. So Valley of Peace. It's a very popular region, which could jack up the price a little. How much are you willing to put down?

Depends. Do you accept severed heads and bones?
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

This is exactly the kind of propaganda we can expect from Keriss & Co. While Sin Industries is suffering from a slump this quarter, we are projecting global domination next quarter. Keriss & Co for one, have NO employees to vouch for, while Sin Industries boast over 60,000. And Tauga still works for Sin Industries. Your best friend...works for Sin Industries, and we thank her for her service.

Before you try and bad-mouth a superior, make sure your Advertising Division knows how to spell.

Hey, it's a start up business! Also where do you get these projections? I can't see them behind all the bullshit you boast. Anywho, now that we got all that smack talk out of the way, lets discuss a price on the Valley of Peace. Soon to be the Valley Water Resort!
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Who says we aren't gonna give her one to have? Then take it away again?

That is redundant! Plus what kind of Security will you offer your customers?! What is a benif of being an employee in your company of the damned? Here at Keriss & Co. (More like Keriss & @Kho) we offer the complete suffering if anyone were to break into your house, representatives of the company would be there in an astounding 0.00000000001 seconds to apprehend the criminal!terms and conditions may apply As well, if you were an employee one would recieve full insurance as well as a free coffee mug that states Sin Industries Is Gay! I am sure my little birb friend, Tauga, would certainly love working here rather than a company in its death spiral such as Sin Industies

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

You truly believe Sin Industries is still crying about Project: Xerxes! It was only a test, an incubator to groom Amartía into the perfect Business Man! Methodical, Moraless, Movivated, Ambitious. Worry not though. Sin Industries is coming...and its gonna steal your bitch.

How are you gonna steal Keriss' bitch when she doesn't have one? Sin Industries can't even get its own facts straight! Talk about true incompetence!
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