Okay! Character thing. I’m specifically looking at characters I have some issue with, so if you don’t see your name on here you don’t really need to change anything. I will still be giving a little time for people to change characters a bit or new character sheets to be posted, but I’ll probably decide who’s accepted tomorrow evening so we don’t spend too much time stuck on character selection.
@Scarifar: I like the character for the most part, but the weapons seem a little bit excessive. I don’t know how willing you are to modify the character, but a few things I’ll point out: Weapons in RWBY seem to be aura-powered, so there’s no real ammo limit except the users own aura, and the drain seems to be insignificant. ‘Ammunition’ is really in the form of dust used to modify your shots with elemental stuff. A sort of revolver shaped weapon containing dust cartridges might fit the sort of steampunk feel of the character, as well. As far as the other weapons, Mr. Invincible just seems like a little bit too much extra and unnecessary. Bloodseeker also seems fairly unnecessary as the same function could be achieved using his arm. (I also think extra arm transformation things would be neat, but that’s purely my opinion.)
@Mr_Pink: Character looks fine but how exactly does the semblance work? Is there a limited range or could he designate something as a bomb and then detonate it from the other side of the world? Do larger objects drain more aura? Is there an ongoing aura drain while an object is designated but un-detonated? It has the potential to be very very powerful so I’d need a little more refining on how it works before I was comfortable accepting him.
@Lazo: Your character is one of my favorites so far, and is pretty close to a shoe-in for a spot except you said you weren’t sure you’d be able to post regularly. If nothing else, I’d like some confirmation that you could post regularly during the early game, because that’s when it runs out of steam the fastest if someone has to leave.