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Still waiting on Olivia.
Kanbaru Otoko

Not paying attention to her allies seemed to have cost Nephy more then it did Kanbaru, a flash of shock paralyzing her when Thomas barreled through clad in black flames and launching the white wolf into the abyss of caverns with a vicious thrust. That on its own wouldn't have brought the undead samurai down but the whale knew full well she'd already beaten her to her limit, a cold certainty gripping her that Nephy would be limping to her death if she even rose at all after that. Her moment's hesitation passed and she whirled, pained expression melting like wax till she was gnashing her teeth in a tumultuous scowl.

"I had her under control! She would have lived long enough to apologize to the damned Princess herself when she came back, and now you've made a liar of me!" The Whale felt ready to snap, fed up with the constant backstabbing of her companions. It was like everyone of them was as much an enemy to her when it really mattered from Caprice to Akiko, and now Thomas goes and kills the stupid bleeding heart wolf she promised to show the sky. "Why don't any of you trust me? Why does no one ever listen and let me have a chance to carry through?! Is my parasite the only one who fucking lis-"

The rant died with an audible change in pressure, body turning with every instinct both natural and JSTR related screaming at her to witness something. Something never thought possible but long clamored for, a merging of entities whose destinies were divided along a clear line yet were now joined in body and spirit. Her relief that Nephy hadn't bit the bullet yet was swept away, a mote of dust in a maelstrum of emotion that was the JSTR when it was roused to action. It wasn't gentle in pushing her forward, any ire with Thomas smothered as she stood beside him and the steadily assembling party. Katie was there, clothes whole but powers diminished with what were undoubtedly the lesser Vassals Erika and Esa overseeing the battle like the Valkyrians they were.

"Marianne in the flesh." She noted, finding it almost expected that every member of the group was possessed by some power. The Tower may as well have been training them for it with their early reliance on Serei cards. Still there was precious little room in Kanbaru's mind to not focus on the fight before her, this apotheosis that had to be tested. There was no room for being fair or sporting, the whale's power surging beyond her limits. Flesh teared and muscle shredded, bone pulverized and washed away under a swirl of blood. The Abyss shook yet again, not from a force that threatened the foundations of the floor, but from the fathomless depths themselves as the very waters they entered from drew upwards and carried it to the effigy of blood in Kanbaru's shape.

She drew the water into her self, blood diluting, mixing, and merging with all that had drowned in the murky depths, yet her shape did not swell. Denser and denser did she grow, the stone shattering under the weight of her body at rest till she could not stand a moment longer. Kanbaru formed her sword from the same bottomless well of mass and a thick orca tail sprouted from her rear, striking the earth to rouse a mighty tremor as she hurtled through the air upon a torrent of water to clash with fusion of Nephy and Runa.

"Don't make a liar of me, Nephy, or I'll drown you right here and now!"
Suzuya: Audibly gulps as she tries to befriend Olivia and Xolys without transforming.
Suzuya Kuzunoha

What followed after the team's run-in with Moonlight Tsubasa was less a patrol and more a tense walkabout the city. If any of them had the presence to truly be keeping an eye out for Pageless they didn't find anything, but it was more likely attention would be turned inwards, at least for Suzuya. At least the rainy weather was a familiar comfort, the soft crackle of rain evaporating against her bushy tails forming a steady background noise she savored.

Even with the awkwardness of the other team flying by to check in on them. And for all her frustration and discomfort, Suzuya didn't say a word of it. Slipping into the role of the shy foreighner was easy when it served a purpose, and it let her reach the academy without any further attempts at provocation. And Suzuya was quite aware she'd tried to provoke a response at the stupidest time, nearly re-igniting the conflict they'd barely averted with her slap to Camelot.

Pride was not something Suzuya was used to holding in high regard, but her Grimoire was not something she felt she could stand to be insulted on top of everything else. She was no King Arthur and she was hardly to ever be known outside her home country, but it wasn't some great hero that had saved Suzuya from her first brush with the Pageless. It was the story of a warrior wife who lived for love, only to suffer as her supposed allies betrayed her and placed insurmountable odds before her that claimed the life of her heart's dearest.

Suzuya blinked, a moment of realization dawning upon her and snapping her from her thoughts to notice steam no longer wafted from her cup of green tea. Sitting beneath an umbrella-covered table in Merrywell's courtyard, her magic keeping her dry and cozy as she looked out over the grounds. She found herself waiting for her room mate, the elegant Alter with her terrifying paramour that Suzuya found a newfound desire to connect with.

Her likely deepseeded trust issues aside, she found the hypocrisy of judging Camelot while following her mistakes simply impossible to swallow. Even if it proved...difficult, she was going to get to know her roommate.

Suzuya Kuzunoha

Suzuya had to admit that Tesni could provide weapon's-grade passive agressiveness with impressive speed, turning from hot blooded combatant to the cattiest girl she'd even seen without sporting a spray tan and bleached blonde hair. And if an iota of it was directed at her she might have bristled at it, but being a bystander left her muted to the monkey's words.

Camelot was not going to earn any praise from the Japanese Magical Girl for her handling of things, either in words or actions as both managed to hurt Lilac with visible effect. That all of this was public with a senior magical girl like Ozma around only made the shame of it burn her ears a cherry red as she tried to keep calm-

Her hand was wrapped around the hilt of something deadly when the floral-named Magical girl yelped. Burning Heart narrowed her gaze and deliberately released the weapon back into her tail, chiding herself for succumbing to the alien desire for violence. What she wouldn't abstain from after seeing Lilac wilt under Camelot's words was stepping between the two girls and turning her back to Camelot so sharply her tails swung like ninetuple bludgeons of fluffy reprisal.

And if they had the hardness of iron-banded cudgels to them, clearly Burning Heart was just a tad slow in withdrawing the weapons held in her tails. She was content with blocking Camelot as she enveloped Bonnie in a tight hug.

"We needed only to fight shoulder to shoulder one time for me to call you my friend. You are kind and welcoming, like the first rays of the sun breaking the night, and though I am not happy to have left my home, I think it was worthwhile to have met my....first friend." The fox with the stalwart heart found herself faltering for the first time while transformed, ears drooping as embarrasment won out even over the Grimoire of the warrior wife.

"So, you don't need to pretend for me. I, umm, did enough of that for all of us before I got my book. So let's get better at this Magical Girl duty together." Burning Heart said with cheeks the color of vibrant flame, her eyes wide and lips uncertain if she should be smiling or not.

But what she held with absolute certainty was Lilac in her arms, finding there was no question to be asked on where her arms should be.
Sword: Unsheathes slowly.

A shame it’s my turn to post next. Reacting to Lilac’s breakdown would have been good for Suzuya to react explosively in the name of love and Revengance.

Still gonna explode though, I just won’t be blasting “It Has To Be This Way.”
The moment you realize you're all fighting for the wrong side.
Finally some Worm content on the Guild. I'll give this a check in the morning but I'm hyped by the setting alone.
Been a winding week for me, but I can’t post yet either. So imma just flip till I can post
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