Well, she's half finished.
Name: Nanami Yoshida (吉田 七海)
Age: 15
Appearance: PENDING
Nation: Empire of Fuso
Kaigun Shōi (海軍少尉 / Ensign)
Striker Unit: Yamanishi Shiden Model 53 N1K5-J (
Weapon: Type 99-2 Model 2 Kai autocannon
Magical Ability:
Hidama (火玉): Nanami has the ability to generate and manipulate fire in the same vein as Perrine's
Tonnerre and Erica's
Sturm abilities.
Animal Familiar:
Japanese MartenPersonality: Nanami is pretty shy, to the point of generally avoiding direct contact with her peers unless pushed. If she is pushed, she's awkward and prone to stutter. In general this sort of personality would be more suited to a Night Witch, Nanami lacks the ability to generate a Magical Antenna, relegating her to conventional squadron service.
Bio/History(At least a paragraph, be sure to make it obvious that you want to keep some parts vague on purpose):