Aurora nods her heard wearily to Gabes answer. "To be honest it started loosing it's charm awhile ago. We've been here what, a day, maybe two? In that time we've learned that this Bavlorna Blightstraw has been terrorizing this area with her brute squad of rabbit people, stealing things from people to make them miserable, trapped people here ,and attempted to trap us here. We all watched Brut wander around that hut in some strange drunk hallucination only coming out it after getting eaten by divines know what in the mirky water. We've help with a coup in the Bullywug court, which I am now second guessing as I was going to call in them to help us fight Bavlorna. You heard Charm, Bavlorna has fled as she has told her to. Now we have to help a scarecrow so we can even remotely have a chance to get out of here. We have no clue where Jub and Brutrumukk had gotten off to, let alone where exactly we will end up if we help this scarecrow." She paused trying to collect herself and not continue to just spew out all the things that had started to bother her.
"Sorry to just drop all that on you two. You both have been dealing with it all just as well as I. All these dealings, double dealings, and manipulations reminds me to much of the politics of Aglarond. To many petty and easily offended nobles who would never speak strait. The only thing that could get them to fully cooperate was when Thay would attack the borders. Even then there was some political backstabbing or what not. " Aurora let off another sigh and turned to look at Gabe and Zav, only glancing at the head king Gullop briefly in annoyance. "I believe this is the scarecrow that Charm spoke of." She turned to fully face the scarecrow. "Greetings, we were told that you might be able to help us. Provided we help you of course. We are seeking to find a way to leave Hither and find someone. What can we to help you?"