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As night came, Sabrina found herself in the hangar once again. As usual, she was tending to her frame. Her uniform blouse had been unbuttoned a bit at the top with her sleeves rolled and a towel around her neck. The rest of the day had gone on without much event. She was processing what was going on now with her unit. A lot of it stunk like her old Joint Task Force business in the NSU, but this was different. Still, there was a lot she learned in those years fighting the SSU on the frontlines, and a lot of things she picked up on. NSU rock n' roll was certainly piqued her interest, and she got to listen to it a lot when she was on-base down in that jungle.

Music from her portable radio was echoing from her station where she worked at something with a crescent wrench on her FRAME's foot. Her dog tags clinked as they hung just barely free off her bust while she had a knee down to get into the inner workings. She wanted to make sure everything was good, and no problems would be plaguing her in the field where it meant the difference between life and death. That was another habit she picked up in her deployment time: Fixing her machine herself. It wasn't that she didn't trust the other mechanics, but she needed to be able to recognize the difference between something that isn't a problem, something that's worn from wear, and something that may look like sabotage. She watched her back but didn't make it obvious that she was doing so. She didn't want to seem paranoid, after all.

For now, Sabrina continued working on her FRAME, enjoying the air conditioning after wiping some sweat off her face with the towel she had. A toolbox, some oil pans, and a other odds and ends lay clustered into an organized mess for quick access when she needed it. The lights were dimmed as a sign that there weren't many people around at this late an hour. The soft clinking of her dog tags punctuating her wrenching was one of the only noises she heard for now as a single flood light spotlighted her in her work, being full on in contrast to the others that were saving power.
>Brings a tank to a gundam-fight

>Scares people with a tank that can jump and fly like a gundam

>Drops Bolo.

That's already been done.

<Snipped quote by Massasauga>

I still play Feds vs Zeon, along with Encounters in Space. I actually have Zeonic Front on the way in the mail, which I'm super-excited about; it's a combination of third-person MS action and real-time strategy. Almost like Rainbow Six 3. The best part is, things like flanking, radar, sonar and thermal sensors matter.

I want it.

I remember when my friend got a copy of Gundam Full Boost and I faced off against all the really souped up Gundams from Wing and G-Gundam and all that. I trashed them all in an Ez8. It was glorious.
>no-nonsense, utilitarian pieces of military hardware.

Yesssss. This is making me want to boot up my PS2 and play Fed vs. Zeon again. I'll do it when I get home from my squadron meeting.

@Silverwind Blade You should go look at Sabrina's character sheet. I put something in there I think you'd enjoy.
I was never truly a fan of the flashy, high-speed low-drag, dual laser cannon wielding Gundams that you see a lot by the pre-pubescent main characters. Gundam is good, don't get me wrong, but put me on the ground in a RX-79[G] and I'll be happy.

Especially in this bad boy.
Maybe one day I'll get to have a character pilot an Ez8...one day...
Are our FRAMEs water-tight?
I smell shenanigans brewing.

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