Avatar of MegaraFoxfire


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Not sure why I’m still doing this.
6 mos ago
It’s my nine year anniversary today!!!
8 mos ago
So not sure how I’ll be the next little while. I lost my grandmother today. So anyone writing with me if I seem to vanish I didn’t mean to. Just a heads up.
9 mos ago
Very sick of people dropping without word. And vanishing without a word.
1 yr ago
Okay for all those I’m writing with, I’m not going to be on as much this week for I am on my own with the kids this week and I’m also trying to redo my office space. I promise I have not forgotten.


I am Megara Foxfire and I have been on the site for around 11 years now, old site then the new site. I am married to a wonderful man who makes me happy every day and I am a interior designer. I am at home with our daughter and son and I love to write to pass my time when I'm not cleaning my house or doing other wife things.

I love doing 1X1 role-plays and I love using thread or pms. I either go off my interest thread, which I have one that is more updated going or I have a list of characters that I am working on to base plots on. If you are interested in being partners just PM me and I'll talk with ya on ideas. I write causal, sometimes higher if the story grabs me.

I am up for anything as long as it doesn’t include kids or hurting kids or abusing them. I’m a mom so I don’t do well with it.

And I also run a Etsy Shop!

Most Recent Posts

Ash holds her head as she sits down, her ears ringing more as her head spun. She said softly “can I…help at all? Feel silly…just sitting…” she stopped and held her eyes.

Scarlet took his other side as Shinlo muttered “I’m really…just fine…it’s nothing…” he walked with them but he was shaking worse as the went. Scarlet said “must be as bad as my light element…”
Yugi cheered “go Joey! Go Kaiba!” Serena smiled and said “don’t totally destroy them boys”

Ishizu waved to them and said “I’m excited to see this duel…”
Ash leaned on the assassins, her ears ringing as she said “thanks…hard to keep…my balance…”

Shinlo flinched and said “I can just takes time…and it hurts but…I’ll see if I can…” he closed his eyes to focus and his arm slowly started to shift back, sweat pouring down his face. After a long few minutes Shinlos arm was normal but Shinlo was panting and pale. “Let’s…return…” Scarlet moved to his side and said “are you sure you’re alright?” Shinlo looked at them both and his vision doubled.

Shinlo signed, looking pale s the doctor looked him over. “All…over…and it drains to keep it…like this…but it’s hard to pull back…” Ash looked at Carth and said “I can help later to…” she tried to take a step but suddenly got light headed and stumbled, her vision blurring.
Shinlo nodded and said “yes…the goddess that saved me…who gave me isis blessed me with dragon blood…a white dragon”

He looked at Orion with a little fear then held his arm out. “I triggered it when Carth needed help killing it…I don’t do it very much…it hurts”
Yugi smiled and said “Seto, you and Serena should have a duel when this is all over” Serena glanced at Seto and shrugged. “Maybe. We will see”

Ishizu said to Marik softly “I can see what she says…none of us have seen Serena’s full deck”
Serena waved her free hand and said “oh it’s not a big deal. Really. Not like these guys” Yugi laughed as Tristen said “so who would win, Serena or Kaiba?”
Shinlo looked at Scarlet who said “not what I was expecting…” Ash and the others made it back as Shinlo moved backwards trying to cover her arm. “No…I’m…I have dragon blood in me. It’s why I’m called the White Snake…”

Ash saw him and asked “your in pain…triggering the power hurts…” Shinlo nodded and said “yes it does…”
Mokuba smiled and said “then don’t have the cool voice when you say it” Serena moved over to Yugi and Cora and said “hey there. I’m Serena” Yugi smiled and moved to Cora’s ear and said softly “she’s the Queen of Games. Yami and her make the King and Queen”
Serena came up and ordered for herself and then paid, looking back at Yami. Then she got their orders and walked with Yami back to the seats.

Mokuba smirked and said “Seto…we are part of this circus” Ishizu covered her mouth from laughing as Odion smiled at Mokuba.

Yugi smiled and took her hand and led her over “well you will soon enough”
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