Well, I will be writing up a CS once I have figured out if I'll be "recycling" a character or just doodling up a new one :) Look forward to seeing the other characters that will be joining this as well~
.....you drew that?
....must. refrain. asking. to draw. my character xD
Still can't find a good pic for Sidney...xP
Everything else is good, but blargh. Pictures are always so troublesome xD
Awesome work, by the way~
She looks adorable x3
Though apparently we have three bunnies now xD
Bunnita is back!~
For some reason I got this urge to call you BonBon xD
Which means the heat is on again.
Time to spin the roulette of death and see who'll get hit~
Eh I'm having trouble with theme songs, everything I like seems to include vocals >_<
OwO!!! Holy furkin' crappin' lurvs, iknorite??!! Woooooows...!!! ^Talented, wut! @MelodyNoir Yayuh~~<3!!! xDDD
Gives me shirt!! Nows. MEE!!! Nowwie-NOWS!!! :33333