Avatar of Miss Echo
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 52 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Miss Echo 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Alright peeps, I am back home now and back to my computer most of all XD... I will try to get my stuff together within the next few days and get back on my Rping feet.
9 yrs ago
This little Priestess will be gone from June 24 - June 28 or 29, I shall return ASAP and try to get some RP in... For now, just be patient.


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O.o Yes??@DashingHeights
"I-I didn't mean to...." With sincere words, Titanius stepped back a few steps to allow Primara to fully sit up still cradling her head in her arms. Moments passed before Titanis sat down on his haunches when Primara didn't answer him or even move at all once she sat up. In his silent moping, he didn't realize that Primara had already stood up and was running her fingers over his cheeks. Placing a kiss right between his eyes, almost on the beginnings of his beak. Making his tail wag and thumb against the ground that he was forgiven by her just as easily as any time before. Feeling complete bliss when Primara squished his cheeks in more. "I could never stay mad at you." Cooing at him like he was still just the hatchling he had been five years ago when his partnership started with the fair skinned girl that was giving him the love and attention that he looked forward to everyday.

With a short giggle to how her gryphon cheered right up when she expressed that she wasn't angry that he dropped her head on the ground. Primara stood up to stretch her hands way up over her head. Going onto her toes while letting out a delighted sigh when she no longer felt that she had been kept in a barrel for two days. Titanius stood up on his feet long enough to get closer to Primara to plop back down and resting his head on her shoulders. Both of them forgetting that they had almost turned back around again. Now, Primara had the chance to look around and find out where they had come.
@DashingHeightsMy heart couldn't take just leaving her like that.
@DashingHeightsI was going to have Ian go off to find poor shivering Mayla
Ian stood out in the cold. The smoke from his lungs mingling with the hot breath on the cold air. To anyone walking by, Ian might have looked like he was one of the crazy people as he continued to mutter to himself on how he was starting to get really sick of all the more experienced hunters taking all the glory of the kills. Any normal person would have been happy that someone else was taking care of what was a problem for the humans. Not how Ian was raised. To him, this meant everything. Even if it would be easier if he was hunting with a partner, or even one of the so called 'seasoned' hunters that knew what they were doing. "But.. Would dad approve.." He mumbled in a whisper, his cigarette bouncing against his lips as he talked. Only to be distracted out of his thoughts by a girl walking right in front of him to the room that was right next to him. Of course his eyes followed her without really thinking. Getting lost again as he stared at her like he was some kind of creep.

Mayla didn't know where she was or how her paws had lead her to where she was now. All she knew was that she was cold, shivering, hungry, and lost. Huddled up against a building like it could offer her some kind of warmth and shelter from the snow that was all around her. To protect her from the harshness of the cold blowing wind that whipped past her ears to make her let out another whimper for someone to help her out. The heartbreaking scene played over and over again in her head of hunters mistaking them for werewolves and attacking without full proof that there was a reason to attack them at all. Mayla didn't know if her family had made it out as she was told to run as fast and as far as she could while her mother lead them away. Frightened, she took off as fast as possible in the form that would allow her the most ground covered. Even if it landed her in this bad situation.
The girls companion twitched in his sleep ever so slightly that he folded one wing over the girl without disturbing her just yet. Not till after he inhaled deeply, forcing it out with a huff as if he was having a bad dream or in the beginnings of one. Causing the girl's head to move with his stomach. Having the feathers of his wing brush lightly against her nose. In which she woke up with a sneeze, startling her companion awake to get up, letting the back of her head hit the ground lightly. Lightly, but, enough to gain a groan out of her while holding her head. It wasn't till the gryphon looked around wildly and wided eyed, that he realized that his girl was hurt. Whimpering as he nuzzled her arm Prim?? Speaking to her through his thoughts. "Why... Ty... That hurt..." Primara didn't know if it was on purpose or not just as of yet. All she could think about his hold her head in hopes that the stinging would go away as soon as possible.
@DashingHeightsYou know that I'm down.
@DashingHeightsLet the drama unfold!! XD
@DashingHeightsWell, isn't this going to get really interesting.
@DashingHeightsAh, okay, so they basically keep to their own??
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