I just joined the site a few weeks before all the shenanigans took place, so I hadn't really gotten to know anyone. I had, however, joined up in a few RPs.
Haze Park: can't quite recall any specific usernames, but it was my first step from Free to Casual, so I was extremely excited for it and rather disappointed that I have yet to find it or the wonderful person that started it.
Dead Space Something or Another: Again, I can't remember any names.
It's a Wonderful Life: Slice of Life RP. I was just getting to posting my first action when the shenanigans went down. The Mads Mikkelsen fan had one of his character piss out a window. I still get a chuckle out of that.
Other than that, the only person I've been missing is Queen Amaranth (fairly certain that is misspelled), whom had a lair that I very much enjoyed dwelling in.
Anyone out there?