Plot: The School year has just started. Unfortunately this school was normal but some of its students were not. These students hid with in its student body pretty well but they also wanted to be themselves. This Created the opportunity for many things to happen between the Humans and The Other species that have to go to school together. No one knew each other yet since it was the beginning of school. These species had to survive with in the student body with out the Humans finding out who they were. The Humans don't take to kindly to anyone who is not of their kind. For their were those who Hunt these breeds, though no one knows what happens to them.
Species Available:
Neko Wolf
Neko Kitten
Human ( A human can choose to be a Hunter or not )
*There must be at least one of each
*EACH one who is not human must have a human form.
Role play Rules: No God modding, no adding other species, no senseless fighting, PLOT DOES NOT CHANGE. Each character must be accepted first.