Avatar of Narukami228
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    1. Narukami228 7 yrs ago


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Roxas listened as Jax was speaking. The last time he was in a party they all died. Not that he was thinking that was going to happen with these guys, but it happened all the same. Ophelia walked over to listen too and Roxas put his arm around her waist. Jax seemed convincing enough, but he still just wasn't sure. She was righ about one thing though. He wasn't going anywhere Ophelia wasn't. In that look I guess he was stuck. "Okay I'm in, but under one condition." He looked at each and every one of them. "I have been doing this a lot longer than you three have so when I say that something is to hard, or we won't be able to take it by ourselves, you better listen to me. I'm not losing another group of friends." He made sure all of them knew that.

Roxas had been alone for the last five years so if Jax was going to be the leader he could already tell there was going to be some head butting involved. Like he said, he had been doing this for a while and was pretty sure he was more knowledgeable about these things. It didn't bug him as much as he thought it would so that was a plus. Jax just better not get them all killed. Roxas has the got of death in his head, if Ophelia get killed, there's no where anyone could hide from him once he released Ifrit. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that though.
Welkins sat right upfront wanting to see who would win. He had never seen Reia fight before so it would be cool to see what all she could do. Isara was a great fighter, but her temper could get the best of her. If she ever lost that's mostly what the reason would be. The Two of them were standing in the middle of the ring and waited for the battle to start. Reia kicked off her shoes while waiting then got ready. As the battle began it ended almost just as fast. He could tell Isara was mad and was saying something to Reia, but was unsure what it was.

Reia moved really well and seemed to be able to dodge most of Isara's attacks it was a good battle, but it was just so quick. Isara defiantly slipped up because Reia was able to kick her square in the breast bone. She screamed out in pain for a bit then conceded the battle. Welkins was shocked by how fast everything went. He was even more shocked that Isara lost, but was also really happy for Reia. Maybe now Isara would finally leave her alone for a while. Reia walked over to Welkins and smiled at him gently. "You did great!" Welkins said, leaning over the railing and hugged her gently. He saw the wound on her shoulder and grabbed some cloth from his uniform and patched her up. "I'm surprised at how quick you kicked her butt. That was some great skill. You might give me a run for my money." He winked at her and smiled. "I think what I picked out for later will really be worth it now. Both a date and a congratulations." Welkins finished patching up Reia's arm and helped her get over the rail. "My turn now. Since you beat Isara pretty bad it looks like I'll be fighting our instructor." He smiled and hopped the railing. The Instructor was a beefy man who had two axes and a side sword. Welkins had beat him once before, but the battle was very long and he almost broke both his sabers. "Wish me luck." he looked back at Reia and smiled.
Welkins watched as Reia walked in and sat next to him. "I slept great I hope you did too." He smiled and gently laid his hand on hers under the table. As soon as he thought the day was going to be great, Isara walked in. Her head was held high and she was staring right at Reia. For a breaf moment he wondered what she was even doing in weaponry class, but then realized that it was sparing day today and Isara was one of the best fighters in the guild. He gently looked at Reia and noticed her daggers already on the desk and she was staring right back at Isara. He sighed then dropped his hand from Reia's so he could grab his sabers and rifle.

"Since Isara is a guest today I think we'll have her choose who she wants to spar with first." The Instructor said harshly. Immidiatly Welkins just rested his face in his hands and knowing exactly who she was going to pick first. "I think I'd like to spar with the new girl if first if you don't mind." She looked right over at Reia an smiled a little evil smile and winked over at Welkins, noticing that his eyepiece was all fixed. Everyone in the class muttered to them selves while they grabbed all their gear. 'What has gotten into her?' He thought as they made their way down to the sparing ring. Isara had her usual battle garb on and her ax like spear that glowed blue from the type of magic she could control. She did look quite good in it, but still couldn't keep his eyes off of Reia. This was going to be a good battle to say the least.
Welkins decided not to get up for his early morning walk this morning and instead planed out a date for him and Reia to go on. There was always going to Aunty Jane's restaurant for lunch or dinner. It was run by a little old couple who had been running the business for years now. Ever since Welkins could remember. Instead he figured they would go out to the meadow a little ways out of town and bring a picnic. He had always wanted to go there with someone before so why not have a first date there.

Once he had the plans made, Welkins found a basket and a blanket. He didn't know what she liked to eat so he figured they would come back here and make some food. After getting every together that he could, Welkins grabbed his rifle and sabers then makes his way to his first class. He just wanted it to go by quickly so he could see Reia right away. It's all he wanted out of his day. Strategy class was slow as expected though. Since he already knew everything that was being said in the class Welkins didn't really pa much attention and just thought of Reia. As the bell rang, he quickly grabbed his stuff and ran to weaponry class. Sitting in the same spot as last time, he waited until she entered the class. He was stunned at her looks just like he way the day before and the day before that. Was it love at first sight? He couldn't tell. All he knew was that he was super happy and that's all that mattered.
Welkins closed his eyes when Reia gave him a peck on the lips. He felt a small shot of warmth travel through him and he instantly wanted to kiss her again. When he opened is eyes Reia was unlocking her door. He could tell something was a little off, but couldn't quite put him fingure on what. Maybe she was still shaken up from today. It was a bit of a shit show with Isara and could completely understand if that was the reason. He decided not to press it. "I'll see you tomorrow then." He waited for her to turn around again after the door was unlocked and smiled gently at her. "Have a wonderful sleep and sweet dreams." He looked at her then took her hand and kissed it. After that he started to Make his way back to his place.

Welkins' mind was all over the place and he didn't really know how to react to what had just happened with Reia. "Why on earth would I say that? It turned out okay, but I took a major gamble. What had gotten into me? I never to that." Whatever the case was he was happy that it turned out okay. After the short walk home Welkins decided to take another shower just to cool off. A lot had happened today and the last few hours. "What is this feeling?" His stomach had been hurting ever since he had left Reia's. He had never felt this way about anyone before and it was really strange. It this point in time Welkins was way to tired to think about it, so he shrugged it off and got out of the shower. Once all dry he got the fire going and hopped into the bed. "I wonder what tomorrow holds?" He thought to himself then passed out.
Welkins didn't want to stop looking at Reia. She was so cute and her eyes were captivating. "I don't want to distract you in anyway and I can help you with anything you need when it comes to classes. I've taken just about everything the guild has to offer." He wasn't kidding either. All the classes were easy to him that's why his father was teaching him more. What he wasn't expecting is what she said to him next.

"How about this... You take me on a date. And then we can see how it goes...?" That took Welkins by surprise and he almost staggered when she said it. "I.. I would love to take you out." He said shakily. "I won't disappoint you." He looked at her and smiled. Her hand was warm in his and even though it was a little smaller than his, it still felt like it fit perfectly. He looked at their hands and shifted so that they were linked together. Still smiling they started to make their way back to Reia's house. After a few minutes and a slow paced walk they finally made it to her front door. Welkins looked at Reia and thought about kissing her again. This time he did, but leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you for the wonderful night. I really enjoyed our time together. I can't wait to see you tomorrow." He smiled at her and stayed looking at her gently taking in all of her features.
Welkins and Reia both made their way down through the house and out the door. He never needed to lock his door before so why now. He followed Reia out the door since she seemed to be able to see more than he could. He really wanted to hold her hand while they were walking, but he thought best not to. So instead he just stayed close to her, feeling her aura was good enough for him right now. It was dark, but he knew Galia well enough to be able to tell where he was going. "I hope you had good night with me." He looked over at her and smiled as she lead the way back to her house.

Even though it was a rough start Welkins could tell that he and Reia would get really close. He could already tell that his feelings for her were going to grow quick. He just wished that he knew what she thought about him. At this point he couldn't take it anymore and gently grabbed her hand. 'What are you doing??' His mind was racing not really sure why he did though. It was to late now he'd already taken her hand. She didn't seem to be fazed by it though so that could have been good. Though they just met he felt he had to say what he was feeling. Even if that meant that she wouldn't talk to him anymore.

"Reia I need to tell you something." He stopped. They were about halfway between her house and his. "I know we just met, but I think I've already started developing feelings for you. I know we don't know much about each other and I'm aware that it sounds crazy, but I just wanted to tell you. I Understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore, but for some reason I feel I can't keep anything from you." Welkins looked away and felt his cheeks go beat read. 'Now you've done it Welkins. You spilled the beans after one day. You've known the girl one day!' His mind was now racing faster his head started to hurt. 'Shut up me.' He thought trying to get his thoughts in order.
Welkins could feel Reia by his feet and smiled. "I'm sure she'll get over it. It'll just take her some time to get to know you. I promise she's not all that bad, but then again I've never seen her act like this before." He looked up at the stars then the time when she said that it was getting late. He didn't really think about it that much sence he does well in all his classes. Understanding that Reia just started and that he was pretty sure she wanted to do well too. "Would you like me to walk you home then?" Welkins sat up and could see Reia clear as day. Being a wood elf had its perks. His low light vision was pretty good when people where up close. The eyepiece helped with that too.

Welkins didn't notice how close he actually was to Reia until he realized how well he could see her. Her face was inches away from his. Her skin glissened in the moonlight and her eyes were beautiful. "I.. I'm sorry.." He said even though he didn't move. He couldn't, he was to stunned by her to move at all. It was almost as if she had put a spell on him or something. Even though that could't be possible. At least he hoped it wasn't. 'What's wrong with me.' he though to himself 'Why can't I move.'
Welkins sat and thought about Reia's words. He was going to talk to Isara because he wanted to know what was wrong that made her act like that. She also was his friend so he wasn't going to be mad at her for long. "I will. She's my friend so I'll forgive her." He spoke gently and laid down. "I'm glad you moved here though. I know we just met but I feel like I can talk to you." He looked over and could only see the outline of Reia. Even in the dark she was still stunning. "Oh and for the record, I think you're very nice." Even though she probably couldn't see him, Welkins still smiled at her. It was going to be a better day tomorrow, he could feel it. Most of the time his gut feelings were on point.
Sorry for the mixup with the last post everyone
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