Location | Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, California
Time | 11:40 AM
The sun was shining brightly over the beaches of Santa Monica. Too brightly for the driver of the white 1996 Volvo 850 that was puttering along at its own casual pace. As she continued along Colorado Avenue towards the pier, she muttered something in soft Swedish as she searched for a parking space. Content to give up on trying to find anything near the popular Ocean Front Walk, she pulled into a nearby McDonald's and slammed on the brakes, bringing the veteran vehicle to a stop in the shadow of the Golden Arches.
The senior citizen breathed a sigh of relief as the giant corporate logo did block enough of the sunlight to allow her
to get her bearings. As she adjusted the narrow sunglasses on her nose and shook her head of long hair that was now more platinum than blonde, she turned to the passenger she essentially chauffeuring off on this grand adventure.
"That's enough for Gramma," she commented with the Swedish accent still somewhat present in her voice.
"I don't need to fight with all the tourists just to be able to smell the seagull poop! I can do that from here!"The younger woman riding shotgun shook her own blonde hair out and adjusted the aviator shades with the rose tint on the frame. Almost a mirror move of the driver.
"It's fine, Gramma! I just appreciate you willing to drive me down to the pier at all! I mean, I know you'd rather I not leave on this trip.""This is true," Gramma admitted.
"But I also know you can't be moping around the house with your parents gone all day just feeling sad and angry for yourself! I did that enough with your mother for 20 years. So if my grandbaby thinks this is what she needs to help sort everything out, then I will not stop you." She looked back ahead towards the ocean.
"But I will make you walk for it." She winked at her granddaughter.
"That's OK. I can work off the caramel mocha that I'm gonna buy cause you had to stop in front of the place where that is readily available," The young woman stuck her tongue out playfully.
"Mom's gonna ask why I gained 20 pounds this summer, and I'll say, it all started at this moment. Because I strayed too close to the McCafe."Gramma chuckled.
"She thinks I spoil you enough as it is. One more log on that fire won't kill me." She pushed her sunglasses down, allowing her grey eyes to stare directly towards the blue eyes next to her.
"Although if you ever want to come back home this summer, do not hesitate. I will drive to the airport to get you, and I know your father will too once he returns from his Scandinavian scouting trip. I know it may not feel like it some times, but they still love you, Emi."Emilia Seger smiled warmly at her grandmother and nodded.
"I know, Gramma. I know I am lucky. But like you said, I have to do this. For me, just to figure out myself. I mean, I want to know what to do. I'm a high school graduate now. I should have a plan. Maybe this will help me figure it out." She giggled.
"Maybe I'll never want to leave LA again, and I just stay here next fall? Who can say?"Another short laugh escaped the driver.
"I wouldn't mind at all, dear." She leaned over and gave Emilia a big hug, the kind of hug that kept kids warm in the Minnesota winters.
"Just look after yourself. And that Sami! Tell him not to get into so many fights! I'm not going to be there to patch him up now!"Emilia giggled again.
"I will tell him, Gramma! And I will keep you posted on all the adventures!" The teenager hopped out of the car, smoothing out the blue skirt that didn't really go with the black leather jacket she decided to buy for this trip and wore over a deep yellow cami, but she didn't care. Comfort over color scheme on the open road. Plus the jacket looked so ... rad, and it helped her necklace stand out.
She lugged one of her father's hockey duffel bags out of the back seat and slung it over her shoulders before adding her backpack to the load. The lone Seger child waved goodbye to her grandmother as the Volvo quickly peeled out of the parking lot, speeding back down Colorado.
Emilia looked at the restaurant doors she was certain she would fit through, even with her entire wardrobe slung on her back.
"Hmmmmm, I can probably get drinks for the rest of the crew too. It's dollar days, how hard can it be?"▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
Location | Misfits' meeting place, Santa Monica, California
Time | 11:55 AM
Interacting with | All the Misfits but Val
Turned out, it was very hard. People were not appreciative of someone bringing an Everest's trek worth of gear into a tiny ordering area, and definitely not when that person decided that multiple McCafe specialties were necessary. Even more difficult was balancing seven drinks on those flimsy cardboard trays that they hand out and keeping the other bags in place on her shoulders. But Emilia was going to make it happen. For the crew. With her family's well-known grit and determination, she made her way towards the pier, knowing that the meeting spot wouldn't be terribly far away. She may not have been in with the group as long as some of the others, but she knew well enough where to be and when to be there.
Or so she thought. Everyone was pretty much already there by the time Emilia spotted Sami and ...... what appeared to be an old cruise missile converted into a vehicle? It was hard to tell exactly what it was that Sami had gotten a hold of. But he was there, and he was tinkering away on it.
I'm sure it's a fine vehicle capable of tackling anything that might cross us on this voyage! It must be! Most of the others appeared to be there too, so everyone would get their drinks nice and cold.
"Hello everyone!" she shouted to the assembled masses, bright smile on her face even as the weight on her back had her struggling a little bit. But all those hikes with Jules were paying off for her endurance.
"Sorry I'm late! Gramma didn't want to come all the way down here, so I had to walk from Colorado. But I brought drinks for everyone!" She finally reached a nearby picnic table and quickly set the beverages down so she could dump the bags on the asphalt.
"Whew! All right! Good to see you all! Here! I got a sweet tea for Jules with triple cream, and a creamless mocha frappe for Kim, and.... Emilia held up a large bright pink drink in her hand before realizing she didn't have a Florida girl to hand it to.
"Oh shoot, where is Val? I knew I should have asked if she needed a ride... She took a long sip of her iced caramel mocha, scanning the beach to see if her friend was just on the horizon.