Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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Alright, back in the game and ready to go with my first post. Solo arc shouldn't last too long, so I'll be excited to begin interacting with both old and new heroes!

"Bar up that door, dammit!" Screamed Teddy 'Tin Man' Williamson, local big-time gangster in the northern coast of Little Sicily. "Don't let that...that freak get any further into our home!"

He had made a living for himself working as a higher ranking mafioso in Lost Haven under the watchful guise of a mafia family in New York, having a certain degree of power and influence for expanding their territory all the way up to the coast of Maine. It had been a long and hard road for him, many times did he have to get his hands dirty, but he earned his power. Soon enough, he had declared the gang he had helped create to be his own, cutting his group off from the New York branch and trying to establish himself as more than a lieutenant, but a full on leader of his own.

Today he would learn that was the biggest and last mistake of his life.

He now found himself huddled in a freighter sailing away from the French Quarter, the boat preparing to leave the small city and plow into open waters, escaping the would be pursuer he knew was already hot on his trail, and the loud explosion coming from up above told him he was far too late to really escape. As the big metal door he scrambled to hide behind was closing, the two men pushing the door closed could see the blur of a body being hurled down the hallway, end over end. A stifled yelp managed to escape Teddy's lips, followed by the panicked glances of the other two men and a hurried attempt to close the door. A loud creak erupted as the portal shut, the large wheel briskly turned as the large steel bars locked the door. A small breath of relief exited Teddy, though his men still exchanged worried glances between each other.

"Boss, the guy tore up half the crew on deck, we don't have an exit here!" One man said.

"Do we have a way out? A life boat or somethin'?" The other one squeaked out.

"Both of you shut your mouths!" Teddy barked at the two of them. "Maybe he didn't see us! Even then, that's a foot thick steel door, it'll at least take him a few minutes to get through it....right?"

As if Teddy's pursuer was waiting on the other side for him to say that line, the door erupted to the sound of what could only be perceived as a laser blast straight out of science fiction. The door flew off of its hinges, crumpling like tissue paper. One of the two men with Teddy did not react quick enough to clear the pathway, letting out a brief scream of peril as the door slammed into him, plowing him through the air and slamming into the opposite wall with a audible crunch of his bones being crushed against the wall. The two remaining man took a few seconds to even register the damage, before their widened eyes turned to the cause of such inhuman damages.

A black and silver glove stood out from the smoke, stretched out from the smoke kicked up from the ensuing strike, and as it lowered, the body attached came into vision. A man garbed in silver and black, dressed in what could only be identified as battle gear covered in a long, sleeveless coat. A brief silence before the man stepped out of the clearing fog, the two panicked gangsters recoiling as he made his advance. From behind the face mask, one could possibly make out that the obvious assassin was sporting a smirk as he entered the room.

"Ah hah, there you are." Said the man. "I've been killing all over for you!"

"Don't....don't you mean looking?" Said the man next to Teddy. The hitman took one look at the man, then outstretched his hand again for another deafening burst of energy, rocketing the man into the wall behind him.

"Everybody's a fuckin' critic." Murmured the hitman, keeping his passively optimistic disposition as he turned to address Teddy.

"Wha...what do you want from me?" Teddy managed to stammer out, pointing his revolver at the man.

"Aw, don't be dumb, Teddy." The man replied, taking a step closer. "If you can't figure it out by this point, I'm really doing society a service."

Teddy didn't respond audibly, instead letting three shots from his revolver speak for him. To his visible dismay, he watched as the bullets simply ricochet off of the man, implanting into the wall around him. He let out another squeal of terror before fleeing down a door behind him, taking another handful of futile shots at the assassin.

"Aw, c'mon Teddy, don't make me chase!" The man taunted as he followed at a brisk stroll, clearly taking enjoyment out of this despite his words. "It's not like you have many places to hide on a boat!"

Teddy raced down the hallways, a cold sweat visibly running down his face as he pushed men aside, shouting at them to get the guy behind him. The sounds of gunfire, explosions and screams echoed behind him, signaling every grievous failure those men had suffered. He was in a full sprint, trying to lose his assassin in the hallways, trying to outrun what was clearly inevitable.

Soon enough, Teddy came to a clearing, the bottom floor of the freighter, the cargo hold. In it were his best men, the elites, the men he could count on when all else had failed. Running by one of the larger men, he pointed at the door behind him, screaming his head off.

"Shoot whoever comes through that door! I don't want anyone getting through! That freak things he can just step on our turf and wipe us out?! He's got another thing comin', right boys?"

The shout was met with uproarious cheers in agreement, countless arms, legal or no, began to gather. Shotguns, submachine guns, miniguns, RPGs, assault rifles, an entire militia prepared to fight to the last man. Their resolve began to waver, however, when they could still hear the screaming of the men who came before.

For a brief moment, silence entered the cargo hold, had the pursuer given up? Had he taken a different route? Their question was answered with another body come flying through the doorways. To their horror, they could see the man's head had been twisted at a disgusting angle, his eyes permanently wide with fear, his mouth silently fixed in a scream. In walked the assassin, crackling with a blue light, seeming to surge with power as he entered the room. The men backed away as he stepped forward, they knew how many he had killed, the fear in the room was downright palpable. The assassin's eyes, alight with energy, crossed the room of his opposition, scanning for what could be assumed was his target.

Before he could finish, however, the voice of Teddy screamed out over the crowd.

"The fuck are you guys doin'?!? TAKE HIM OUT!!"

And with that, a hailfire of bullets, the sound of gunfire ringing out over the crowd. The assassin raised his hands up in defense, the bullets bouncing off of him, though the impact of so many bullets had indeed begun to push him back. The sound rang out for what was at least two minutes, men quickly reloading to keep the pressure on their foe. Soon enough, the men sporting rocket launchers had armed their explosives, and within the gunfire alighted the trails of several rockets, converging on the assassin's location before ripping the room apart with several explosions. After another 30 seconds, the men were all out of immediate munitions, their was only smoke and silence, the recent sound of a miniature war zone still ringing in their ears. They all waited in eager anticipation to see their results, hopefully a body littered with bullets, or simply body parts and a crater.

In both cases, they were bitterly disappointed.

As the smoke cleared, the thugs were horrified to find the lone fighter without a scratch on him, his clothes had some tears and scratches, but the figure was clearly unharmed by the assault. He took another step forward, his body again crackling and surging with visible power.

"Good attempt, guys. I think I almost felt that one," Said the man. "my turn now!"

His body began to light up more and more, moving forward to unleash his power. A few men, either fearless or insane, tried to charge him, attempting to stop his advance. They only met with the fists of the assassin, sending them flipping through the air and crashing through their own illicit cargo. A few tried to run, but already it was too late. With a tremendous shout and a extension of his arms, what followed next was a kinetic explosion, large enough to encapsulate the room. Men began to be thrown through the air, the wave of explosive energy ripping through steel, wood, flesh, concrete, and anything else that stood in the way of this deafening burst from the man.

The resulting explosion probably could have been seen from the docks, a huge chunk of the freighter being taken from the side of the freighter, ripping the hull open like a can. By now the assassin would have to be aware he would be on a time limit, as no doubt someone from the docks would already be calling the police."

Teddy opened his eyes, his body broken and shattered among a litter of drugs, guns, and contraband he was smuggling on the freighter, his operation and crew both decimated, already being taken by the water filling the ship.

And standing before him, was none other than the assassin, silver coat giving off a sheen in the outside light.

Teddy raised his hands, covered in blood, whimpering out. "H-h-hold on, man...don't do this..."

The man raised a brow, giving an amused chuckle to the plea, his head cocking to the side as he replied.

"I think I've gone a wee bit too far to not go through with killing you," He motioned to the dead men around him. "Wouldn't you?"

"O-o-o-okay...what are they paying you?" Teddy pleaded. "I-I-I'll double it!"

"Awwww....Teddy, Teddy, Teddy..." The man responded, wagging a finger at him. "Don't make promises we both know you can't keep. The Boss Man himself hired me to take your little AWOL branch, and I know you can't pay more than he can."

"Aw c'mon man!" Teddy whimpered out. "Don't do this! I'll do anything!"

"Sorry, pal. Deal's done." The man responded, outstretching a hand to Teddy, glowing and crackling with energy.

"NO!" Teddy continued to scream, raising his hands in a futile effort to defend himself from the impending blast.

"When you get to hell, tell 'em War-Pulse sent ya!"

Awesome! Now I just need to figure out what's going on and where to integrate myself!

Are we acting under the pretense that War-Pulse and Lyger still stopped some terrorists at one time?
Okay, I've finally finished my profile(Again). It's a little rusty, and I don't have the Writing example because I've been here before, so I didn't think I needed it, but if you want me to write one up again I can if need be.

Character you have created: War-Pulse
Alias: Trenton Hurst

Speech Color: Light Blue

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Identity: Known

Character Personality: At first impressions, one would define War-Pulse as nothing more than a superpowered brute. He talks trash, acts tough, and revels in a brawl, a punk in a bodysuit with a chip on his shoulder. For most part, this attitude is true, he will gladly spit in the face of law enforcement and isn’t afraid to get blood on his hands if that means a larger paycheck. However, underlying the rough and tough attitude of War-Pulse lies a friendly, charismatic individual with a sincere side. He is not afraid to stand up for what he thinks is right, nor delivering a firm fist to whomever he thinks deserve it. Direct, blunt, and unafraid of reprisal, this lovable mercenary is one who wouldn’t mind sharing a drink with anyone.

Uniform/costume: War-Pulse stands at about 6'3'', with a very muscular appearance. His jet black hair is medium length, just hanging over the ears, and unkempt. Typically he is dressed in battle attire, wearing a stolen silver and black suit that is a prototype nano-weave armor, providing decent protection with superior flexibility. The mask that covers the lower half of his face serves as both a filter for gases and loose debris that may hit him during an altercation, though leaving his steel blue eyes free of any cumbersome goggles or visors that would obscure his vision.

Origin Info/Details: Trenton is end result of a procedure funded by a defense corporation known as VIGIL Industries, a retrofitted weapons project to create a soldier with unlimited ammo. During his infancy, he was suffering from his body degrading much quicker than it should, a condition that would render him dead before he even could begin to crawl.

Not to be concerned with fate, his mother Valerie Hurst, the head scientist of the weapons division was already working on a nanobot project called the “War-Pulse” project. The project was meant to give any soldier unlimited ammo through energy converters to deliver powerful kinetic bursts. Quickly working on a genetic variation of the project, she had an experiment done on Trent in secret to save his life. Genetically enhancing his body, she forced him to grow new organs to deliver the same type of energy absorption technology, which would empower his cells and keep them from degrading.

With that project Trent’s life was saved, but two unforeseen circumstances came from this procedure. VIGIL quickly found out what their head scientist had done, and demanded the boy back under their custody. Valerie was able to talk them down to keeping him for ten years, but that was borrowed time. In that time, Trent’s body evolved and developed the organs put in his body, becoming much more powerful than the project originally intended, and developed powers that VIGIL had not even considered.. By age 8, Trent was physically capable of punching straight through steel with a kinetic punch.

Trent’s father Owen, however, was mortified by the whole project, his son now a mutated monster and his wife seemingly willing to give the boy over. He threatened to deliver the whole story to the CIA, in which he was a high ranking agent in, not willing to have VIGIL mutilate their child any more. That night, Owen was shot dead in his home by Valerie, and unfortunately Trent was witness to this event. Before she could even speak to him he ran from his home without ever turning back.

With the death of his father and no real home to go back to, Trent ended up growing up as a superpowered street rat, stealing and fighting to get what he wanted when not huddling up in the local orphanage. He learned very quickly that his superpowers made it very easy to do whatever he liked, and that perhaps he could make a living off of them. Quickly he became acquainted with mercenary work, by age 17 he was already a full-fledged and successful mercenary overseas in third world countries. He performed countless sieges, assassinations, and sabotage for whoever paid him enough. That is, until one incident in Syria, where he was hired to assassinate a dignitary. Something happened on that mission that changed the way he did business, he shortened his client list, took less pay, even began attacking certain groups unprovoked. What happened in Syria is unclear, but it changed the man he was, what that means for him in the future is unknown.

Hero Type:

Power Level:
World Level

Kinetic Absorption- War-Pulse's power comes from him acting as a very large energy battery. On contact with a source, War-Pulse can absorb any and all energies and his body will break it down to the purest possible level of potential energy. This can range from Thermal, Kinetic, Nuclear, Ionic, Radiant, Magnetic, Chemical, Electric, and Mechanical. In recent years, his powers have even evolved and encapsulated supernatural and magical energies, allowing him to store to control and expel at will.. However, once the energy is broken down, it can only be used as Kinetic energy.

Kinetic Blasts- With energy coursing through his system, War-Pulse is able to concentrate the stored energy in Kinetic bursts from the pores of his skin. Along with the default beams, explosives, and area-of-effect bursts, War-Pulse has developed a special attack where he has originated his name from. War-Pulse will refract a burst of energy with a close range shotgun burst by building up too much energy in his hand, turning what would be a normal punch or push into a Kinetic explosion, or ‘Pulse’ from his hand.

Enhanced Strength- War-Pulse is able to kinetically empower his musculature to go far beyond even the superhuman limit his genetically enhanced body’s limitations. Depending on his energy intake, he can lift around 10 tons to well over 100 tons effortlessly. War-Pulse is also capable of firing kinetic energy from his elbow to increase the momentum of his punches.

Enhanced Durability- War-Pulse is constantly enveloped in a Kinetic sheath around his body, rendering him invulnerable to conventional attacks and weaponry. He can expand this barrier to surrounding allies, however the expansion requires more concentration and lacks the integrity of the shield.

Enhanced Speed- By expelling Kinetic Bursts behind him, along with supercharging his feet, he can push himself as supersonic speeds,

Enhanced Reflexes- War-Pulse already has a heightened sense of awareness due to his connection to the energies around him. However, he can add to the speed of his movements by releasing kinetic energy from his body in careful bursts.

Fight- By continuously expelling energy from his feet, War-Pulse is able to achieve flight at supersonic speeds.

Hand-to-Hand Combat Skills- Trent has gone out of his way to make sure that even if he is met with his match in terms of power, he can best them on skill alone, and has trained his body in multiple martial arts.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: 100+ tons(Depending on Energy Intake)

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 100+ MPH(Depending on Energy Intake)

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 5 hours, can go longer with use of his energy reserves.

Agility: 20X

Intelligence: Average(With exceptions to battle situations and basic knowledge of his own powers, in which he registers as Genius)

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Large(For a mercenary, he is very well paid)

Weaknesses: War-Pulse’s energy capacity is limitless, but that does not mean it is recommended. The more Pulse stores in his body, the less likely he is to control it, to the point where he could possibly cause irreparable damage to himself and others in its use. That being said, if Pulse were also to exhaust all energy reserves, he would simply die as his body can no longer support itself without any energy flowing through it. He is also susceptible to mental attacks, as his mind has no real means of defense from such strikes.

Supporting Characters:
Valerie Hurst- Trent's Mother and creator, she is single-handedly the most necessary and hated person in Trent's life, even when he has not spoken to her since he was 8 years old.

Owen Hurst- Trent's father, and an influencial figure in the CIA. He was killed by Valerie when he threatened to give information to the authorities on War-Pulse.

Rose Prescot - An old friend from the orphanage Trent grew up in, now currently residing in New Haven.

Reggie Samuels - An old friend from the orphanage Trent grew up in, also currently residing in New Haven.

"Warden"- Another secret project, this time created by the U.S. government to be a living data bank, a man who's brain allows him to think three steps ahead of everyone else. However, he found it illogical to stay with the Government and promptly left to be an information broker. He quickly met War-Pulse and forged a partnership as War-Pulse's agent, getting him contracts around the world.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:
Default Appearance

Without Coat

In battle
Hmmm...between moving and job-searching, this bio may take me a few days, but it will be done!
Alright, I'll rewrite my bio up and start him fresh. Last I checked he had just killed three old buddies of his from old mercenary days in the heart of Lost Haven. We can just pull out the Njalll and Forsaken business and still label him as a mercenary.
Holy crap, I remember this RP! Nitemare Shape, do you remember anyone by the name of Swordsavior? Or War-Pulse? I was in this RP before the guild went down! Could I by any chance start up the character again and continue on where I was?
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