Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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No offense taken, Dedonus, War-Pulse's misinformed quip was intentional. I'm fully aware that silk isn't just shot out of a spider's butt, but War-Pulse is not exactly super smart when it comes to arachnids, so he'd probably have no idea how spider silk works.

"I'm ready!" The thankful cry of the woman rang out through the cave, bringing a sense of relief to the mercenary. It was now clear that she was actually creating a plan of some sort and did not just abandon him in a cave fighting a giant snake. For a second he figured he would have to finish the fight alone, wrestling the monster by himself in the dark, murky cave. Not that he felt he would not be able to kill it, he had never met a challenge he could not rise to and he felt this snake was no exception. That being said, it was nice to know the woman had not just up and high-tailed it when he began to wrangle the serpent. Dependability was always respectable, and who knows? Maybe he'd buy her a beer as a show of thanks for helping him kill the beast.

As soon as she gave him the word, he released the big beast's tail, letting the monster take off after the woman, darting into the shadows. He started after the beast, hot on the trail of the serpent as they bolted towards the woman. He did not know what kind of trap she had laid for the beast, but he figured that she would again need his help in dealing the final blows.

Or, that is what he originally thought, until the trap was revealed to him. As soon as the scene came into view his brief sprint came to a full stop, his jaw dropping open to see the giant snake wrapped in a giant web, writhing and screeching pitifully in the mighty cords of the silky web.

"What the fu--" Was the first thing to come out of his mouth, surveying the entangled beast with a hint of awe etched on his face. He gave the lady a look of confusion before turning back to the web, beginning to surround it. The only thing he had had known this lady was she dressed like a spider, but he had no idea that she could actually do things like a spider.

"Please tell me this did not come out of your butt or anything." He added, his arms crossing and his brow raising as he continued to inspect the work, very impressed by the woman's ability to think on her feet. He drew his finger on the webbing, strumming one of them to vibrate the whole web, causing the basilisk to growl in futility. "I'd hate to have that image ingrained into my head."

However, that train of thought came to an end as well when he saw her next incredible feat. He had sensed some sort of energy surge in the cave, though he had paid no mind to the feeling before, hell had risen, he had felt energy fluctuations all day. However, that surge made sense when the woman simply kicked the monster in the head, just once, and reduced the monster to mere cinders.

Again, War-Pulse's jaw dropped, even behind his face mask it was clear his shock by the wide eyes and shrunken pupils. The amount of effort he had given felt almost trivial now that she had killed the beast without even trying. Dumbfounded, he threw his arms up in the air and exclaimed. "Really!?! You let me spend god knows how long wrestling that thing and you could just end it with a kick?!?"

He let out a sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose for a moment before glancing back at the big, empty web where the beast was, shrugging with a small smirk on his face. "Oh well, at least it's dead, right?" He mentioned, taking a few steps toward the lady while ducking under the web. "Apparently I shouldn't get on your bad side, Spider-Girl. You did alright for someone who can only 'perform athletic and acrobatic feats and shoot webs'." He chuckled and motioned to the hole he came in. "You can probably get out that way, I'm sure there are a whole lot more demons for you to one-kick wonder into submission."
Dedonus said
*triple post* Anyways, I got an Arachne post up too. Hope that wasn't so anticlimactic as it seemed to me, but whatever.

Actually, I find it hilarious. and I'm working on my post now.

“From where I’m hanging, it looks like you’re doing quite fine, Astro-Boy. Although, I think you’re supposed to beat up the giant snake, not the other way around.”

He could hear her taunting from the sidelines, apparently tearing him a new one for calling her Spider Girl. He took a moment to glare at her, attempting to make a retort before the snake bashed its head on the ceiling, flattening War-Pulse before he got a chance to retort. He only managed a growl of dissatisfaction as he brought an elbow down on the beast's nose. This was not the first time he had charged something with no plan, but he figured if this woman was smart enough to at least figure out a way to help, anything that would assist his attempts to wrangle the damned thing.

However, before he managed a response of 'hit thing thing with everything you got' her response rang out over the snake's hisses.

“Oh, um, I have an idea. So could you just hold onto that creature for a little bit longer? Thanks!” Her voice echoed through the cave, and before War-Pulse managed to look in her direction, she was already taking off.

"Wait, What?!" War-Pulse shouted between pushes. "Where are you going? Hey! Don't just leave me here! Hey!"

Too late, he already lost sight of her. He cursed loudly, expelling his anger in another couple of punches to the writhing snake's head, causing it to buckle and shudder with each impact, responding in kind with another whip into the wall. He was helping her out, and she just books it? How dare her! What kind of goody-two shoes heroes populate this city if they all leave big fights up to other people?

Still, part of him wanted to believe she was actually coming up with a plan, you do not put on a gaudy pair of tights to run from stuff, and he had to believe this lady was no exception. He was possible snake food if she was, so he had to put some kind of faith in her. As she requested, he begrudgingly held onto the beast, causing it more pain and grief with energy blasts to the top of its head, forcing it to the floor. As soon as its head hit the floor, he hopped off and whirled around, delivering a massive haymaker to the thing's nose, causing it to reel back in pain, hissing and snarling in anguish. It responded in kind, bringing its tail forward in a massive strike, bashing War-Pulse off of a wall and skidding across the murky water on the ground. He came to a stop, and delivered another large energy pulse, blasting at the beast's face and body to try and keep it from pursuit. Indeed the blasts hit their mark, but the snake still moved forward, its mighty jaws snapping and snarling as it advanced.

As soon as it was in range, War-Pulse dealt it an uppercut, its head flying up into the air before making a u-turn and slamming back down on the mercenary, again catching it in its mouth. With another whip of its head, it flung War-Pulse back into another wall, his body cratering into the soft dirt and making a new tunnel just for himself. War-Pulse took a minute to shake off the vicious strike, shaking his head and groaning before flying back out of the tunnel. To his dismay, the snake had turned its attention to the end of the tunnel the woman had ran off to, beginning to chase the potentially easier prey.

War-Pulse chased after the beast, grabbing hold of its tail and attempting to keep it in place before shouting, "You better have a good plan down there, lady! I don't think it finds me appetizing anymore!"
Oooo, Strike is aware of War-Pulse! Wonder exactly what they have interest in the merc for?
Hound55 said
*Gestures at NeutralNexus*"On yer bike, son..."

Hah! You have to be wearing pants for the punishment to work! My lack of shame protects me!

"Fine, but you go first." The lady in the spider suit replied to him, still hanging from the ceiling. Judging by her response and insistence on him taking lead, she not not run into this thing by choice, perhaps a mere accident while fighting other demons or something. Nevertheless, War-Pulse gave her a brisk nod in acknowledgement as the snake charged the to of them, fangs on prominent display. There was not a lot of room to move in the cave, barely enough for the snake to turn around, and honestly too dark to see what was behind them, the only real bit of light eking through was from the recent embarrassing hole he had made falling into the cave. Trying to outmaneuver this behemoth would be next to impossible with these kinds of conditions, and the beast hurdling towards them did not leave much time to think up a battle plan.

Without much else to do, War-Pulse charged the creature head-on, attempting to at least slow its progress before it tried to swallow both of them. Throwing his arms forward, his hands grasped the massive beast's fangs, the beast's momentum slamming into him and causing his feet to drag along the ground, building up big piles of rubble at the heels as he clenched up his muscles. He let out an audible grunt as he let a large expulsion of energy out behind him, utilizing powerful bursts of momentum to force the beast to a halt, meanwhile trying not to pass out from the overwhelming stench of what could only be described as rotting venom emitting from the beast's breath. Nevertheless, the charge began to indeed slow down, grinding to a halt by War-Pulse's strength. Now locked in a stalemate, he could feel the monster trying to push some more as he held his ground.

"Hah....guess you ain't so..big and bad...after all..." War-Pulse uttered, making another step towards the beast in an attempt to push it back.

Of course, the large snake was smarter than it appeared, as soon as War-Pulse began to taunt and boast, it simply stopped pushing, causing War-Pulse to lose his footing momentarily long enough for the large snake to whip its massive head upwards into the ceiling of the cave, bringing War-Pulse's body with it. More rocks and rubble caved in from the ceiling as War-Pulse made impact, a loud grunt of alarm coming from the mercenary before he let go of the beast and sank back to the floor, in which the serpent was in hot pursuit, coming down on the fighter with its huge jaws and catching War-Pulse in its razor like teeth. The kinetic sheath surrounding War-Pulse protected him from the razors as the snake raised him up, the beast gnawing on the mercenary as he struggled to free himself.

Trying to pry the monster's jaw open from his position was not working, with his torso sticking out of one side and his feet sticking out of the other, he did not exactly had the leverage to utilize his full strength. He began to punch the creature violently on the nose repeatedly, the sound of fists against scales ringing out with each strike. The creature roared in pain from each strike, but refused to let go, instead smashing War-Pulse's head into the wall with a quick flick of its head to try and knock War-Pulse out first. Seeing his scales have little give and the beast having a much higher pain tolerance than War-Pulse was acclimated to, War-Pulse resorted to a dirtier tactic. Extending out with a free hand, a powerful blue burst of energy came rocketing out of it directly into the basilisk's eye. With a thunderous impact, the monster immediately let go to let out a screech in pain, giving War-Pulse the opportunity to pull himself free from the thousands of teeth, whirling around to grab hold of the top of the monster''s head and pull up, causing the creature to lurch back in surprise.

The resulting scene was reminiscent of a twisted rodeo, the serpent writhing and thrashing to throw off the brash idiot riding on top, and War-Pulse attempting to pull hard enough on the beast's nose to keep it distracted and stable enough for the woman in the spider suit to get a good shot at it.

"Whenever you're ready, Spider Girl!" War-Pulse shouted, the beast slamming him into the ceiling again. "Hit it with...whatever it is that you got!"

Which I probably should have asked what she could do before jumping onto the head of a demon snake thing. War-Pulse's subconscious chastised, gripping hard on the monster's nostrils for anchors.
[[Double post to be deleted]]
It momentarily backed away, it's still right there.
Time for some unintentional teamwork with Arachne!
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