Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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I'll get a post up tonight, hopefully.
Grahgh, about halfway done, but I can't keep my eyes open, I'll get the post up by tomorrow.
I will be trying to post within the next twenty-four hours, I'm so excited to start!
I will! Though I still need approval before we really dive into all this racial tension.
Pft, shadowborne for life.
You have a point, so I've fixed the powerset. Again, took way too long, but I think I have it down.

It was almost surreal seeing the guy in person, let alone following him. Icon had been on the news, his legend growing over a very short period of time. His reputation for heroics and extravagant feats of superhuman strength were already fairly widespread. Hell, because of this man was War-Pulse here at all, a focal point for the supernatural incidents to follow, and so far he did not disappoint.

Of course, it was only a matter of time until Icon had turned to notice he was being followed by the mercenary, and as a sign of non-hostility, he offered the hero a brief wave. This was indeed bigger than paychecks and contracts, hell itself was spilling onto Earth, and frankly they would need every person with a hint of superhuman in them to force these things back into their flaming pits.

And all at once, the portal came into view, massive and gaping, the very fires of hell leaking out with each sulfuric burst releasing another horde of demons onto the Earth. The feeling was almost overwhelming, the mere sensation of how much energy being used caused War-Pulse's senses to nearly overload. He had never felt so much power being generated, this gateway to another dimension was outright staggering in scale purely on a consumption level. However, War-Pulse would not be felled by his senses, shutting his eyes tightly and shaking his head to resist the overwhelming sense of power drifting through the air.

It was not long until Icon descended from the sky, going to assist a woman who looked like she just threw on the most extravagant and colorful clothes she had and ran outside, War-Pulse could only assume this was another superhuman. Before War-Pulse pursued, however, he could feel another discharge from the portal, something was trying to get through. He could not put his finger on it, but he could certainly feel either another rush of demonic hordes, or something much larger.

He slammed down a good distance from Icon and the woman, taking a brisk walk to get over to them, his eyes fixed on the portal the whole time. However, his stride was stopped by a slightly moving body at his feet. He glanced down to see a wounded demon, most likely from the claw marks and ripped wing, it must have been wounded during the initial infighting. It grabbed a hold of his leg, leering up at him from the ground with a mixture of fear, hatred, and pain mixed on its grotesque features. War-Pulse could almost conclude the thing was crying out for help as much as it was trying to kill him at this point. And for a brief moment, War-Pulse understood, not all these demons were pure malevolence, after all, hell was torturing them as much as anyone else, they probably wanted out for the same reason anyone wants out of hell, hell just sucks.

The problem was, they were still unwelcome here on Earth, and War-Pulse was not about to let one go free because it was too weak to fight back. With a nonchalant sneer and an outstretched palm, an energy blast erupted into the wounded creature, reducing it to cinders it instantly.

He made his way over to the other two as if nothing had happened, taking another glance at the portal before overhearing Icon's question. Not one to let a good opportunity pass, War-Pulse laughed and said. "You tried asking them nicely to go back to hell?"
I will try to crank out a post tonight, if able.
Man, this took longer than expected, but I finally got it done!
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