I think a good idea would be to have a total of 3 weapons for each pilot: 1 primary, 1 pistol and 1 anti-Titan weapon. If you want, you can also swap the primary for a second pistol for duel wielding. Aside from that, every Pilot has
a Data Knife, which can be used both for melee combat and hacking. A full list of weapons will follow later.
For those who have played Titanfall 2 Multiplayer, they would know there is a thing called kits. However, thinking over the practical uses of the kits in kit 1, I decided that none of them would be useful since tactical and health regen don't really apply in an RP and Ordnance Expert (which shows the trajection of ordnance like grenades) shouldn't be necessary for a trained Pilot. This would mean that everyone would get Phase Embark, meaning there is basicly no transition from infantry-combat to Titan-Piloting, which is kinda lame. Instead, I though it would be better if everyone had both Wallhang and Hover, meaning you can hang on walls and temporarily float in mid-air. Low Profile (hiding jump jet trails and delaying Titan Rodeo alarm) could be used in certain stealth events, but I don't see the use of Kill Report (showing on display the locations of enemy deaths) either.
Another Titanfall 2 Multiplayer thing is Boosts. Basicly, they give you a certain upgrade after a certain amount of kills. However, I find this not very useful for the RP as it would mean players would focus on kills to get their Boosts then use the Boosts (and there are a few OP ones among them) and get more kills until they get a new one.