Lucian was really pleased with all that they found, sure they still had not really found out why they had come...but the loot. A part of him felt a bit strange at the idea of just taking the stuff in a magical tower, after they had just beat up and killed the owner, and his men, But truly, hadn't he done this many times before in games? it really did put it into perspective though actually being the one to fight, and loot afterwards.
"Well, then, no qualms with that." Lucian, chose to follow the sound advice and leave the two boxes alone, though he felt the crystals could probably sell for a good value, it also could be more hassle than it was worth, and same with the unknown box. "Well then, here comes the dividing of the spoils, between five of us, how do we wish to go ahead? I know that I certainly want at least a Familiar Gem, and with five of them we should each get one. Also, if anyone does not want theirs, I would gladly trade for it." He pushed up his glasses and eyed up the rest of the goods that had been found, and more or less given to them, "I also agree with giving the enforcers some of of the potions, as a good will sort of thing, other than that, I would be fine with taking a stave or two, a psuedo stone or two, a bag of the orange magic dust, and a few of those instant magic circles. I have no use for Runes, so no real interest there for me." He glanced over at Ren after that one, knowing that he used them. "Any one else prefer certain loot?" he looked over the others.