Getting a new computer to replace my laptop! I'm so stoked somebody might mistake me for the burning pits of hell!
9 yrs ago
Laryngitis and double ear infections. Today's going to be a great day.
9 yrs ago
I typically listen to metal, classical or rock, but here I have found myself listening to a song called "drop pop candy" on repeat for about an hour. I've changed and I don't know if I like it.
I'm interested. I don't have a large amount of experience with politics but I love to discuss. I'll most likely play someone with similar traits. Perhaps a beggar, discontent rebel or religious figure.
I'll get my CS up at the end of the day. I've written three CS's, but my computer keeps overheating and losing the data, so I'll write it in a word sheet after work.
1. Clans/Territories 2. Arena 3. Working as a part of a company IRL with a goal in-game(Not huge on the hacking on our end, but the rest I think is good)