Avatar of Rai
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1878 (0.49 / day)
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
4 yrs ago
"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
5 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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The Setting


The Edafos

land mass 2460 miles across. Taking about 2-3 months to travel from Gaia to Nero on foot.



The Royal Families

Anyone can join as a family member. Ask the DMs if you can.

A new age of royalty has taken over this world. The former kings and queens have either passed down their titles through bloodline, or have been succeeded through trial. All the same the price for ushering in a new age of command is paid for with life and blood. This means each king and queen of each era has died. This is now on the second era of royalty without dragon rule. Will there be war or peace? The new age will tell a story that will change the world forever.

The Hanoxx

The Nept Family

The Mythue Family

The Niscent Family

The Vrondi Family

Manipulation & Manifestation

Through out the universe those who are able to tap into a higher level of being open the doors to limitless probabilities. The realms of time and space within higher and lower dimensions can be tapped into by those who reside in this world. The only cap to the size and power of manipulating probability to your will is ones soul. Beyond practice. One can only cast spells of high caliber with an expansive soul.


You can alter things around you as you wish. Flame control, air control, water control. Or even psychic powers like mind reading, or levitation. All of reality can be manipulated, even time. There are limits to how far one can go. However with proper training IG you can extend your influence. Humans are able to manipulate as well and find it easier on Protogonos. These manipulators are Indigos.

A descendants manipulation depends on their blood limits, personal choice, and experience. For example a full blooded Lassa will not be able to learn fire manipulations. Descendants use their souls essence when manipulating. This essence can run out but can be replenished. This replenishing takes time. Training IG can increase the essence and replenishing speed.

Manifestors -

Things that arise from no where. These things are taken from another world and brought here. This is beyond the impossible. Necromancy, spellcasting, Pyromancy, summoning. All forms of manifestations. For example when a descendant summons fire, lightning, or water from where there is none that is manifesting something into reality. Spell casting is a different and more varied way of manifesting. It requires knowledge of how to cast the spell. For a descendant the cost for a spell is some of their soul's essence.

Generic Descended.

Descended- Demon appearance
Female - deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Caller-84472..
Male - deviantart.com/art/Half-Dragon-370022921

Descended - Dragonkin appearance
Male - deviantart.com/art/Lizard-man-288986161
Female -

Blood limits

The blood% determines your affinity to certain abilities based on bloodline also your appearance. Your character will be considered a certain way based on looks rather than blood. However blood typically depicts the characters looks.



The descendants and their technology varies and at times their machines surpass our own. However most of their technology is sub modern at best. The most technological capitals are Fotia and Tearia. Outside of those two technology won't be available. Simple tech like a proper engine or a early musket will only be found in Fotia or Tearia and will remain difficult to attain.

Advanced Apps

The Advanced Apparatus. A mysterious creation of both the Lassa and the Magoi. But its origins are ever more of a enigma.The Abyssils that lived within the waters of this world had created the precursors. Their technology was heavily infused with manipulations. Energies taken from other realms and compacted into sentinels made of sea stone.

These golems of the past were what the Magoi found with the help of the Lassa. The revival of these golems sparked the creation of their very own hybrid version. These creations were abominations however. Instead of stone they used the flesh of dragons. Reanimating their molded flesh to act as armored guardians. However control was not easy. Only through trial and error did they realize that infusing the instrument with a host was it able to function correctly.

With the combination of technology discovered from the Abyssils, remnants of Atlantis, and humans were the Lassa able to create the Advanced App that is renowned for their power. However the draw backs of such technology is its link to the soul and the body of the user. If too much strain is placed on the user, if they are incompatible, and or use the suite for far too long they will pass out and become infused into the organic parts of the machine. Creating a beast of chaos.

Unlike the Lassa however the Tyro of Fotia had no allegiance to the Magoi and had no access to their many manipulations and manifestations. Thus they created their own weapons of massive desrruction, ones entirely machine. But more so they were projectile launchers in nature. While the Fotians were not as advanced as the Tearianarians the burning heart dragon slayers owned numerous thinkers and engineers. Tinkering together war machines. No where near as agile and capable as the predecessors. But able to bring destruction all the same.



Basic rules apply. No Godmoding, Powerplaying etc.
This is casual to advanced so at least three paragraphs is needed for each post.
No ongoing details of sex and mutilation etc. Some is ok.
The IG stands for In Game. What is allowed must be achieved in the roleplay.
The descendants range from demon, angel, dragon, and mixes between these. Nothing more or less.
The world is as it is, confusing and mysterious. Keep it that way, however your own history and even something like a village can be created to fit it. The overall world must remain the same.
Fighting and dealing with death is based on how I decide things should go. But as this is story driven Ill be lax on that as it is not my focus. I dont intend to allow anyone to survive everything either.

Character Sheets











Any more scenarios can be suggested. All related to the world I created ofcourse.

Rebooting this up. Awaiting responses.
Haha only if it fits. Ill make an exception.
Once night comes, I want to emphasize. It will shift to very action heavy. So I hope youre all good with that. It wont last too long since it will be one night. For those who sit the battle out.

Keep the music coming, whatever youre into I dont mind. Just not in the IC I RUN THAT
Music in my OOC ♪♫

So how is the RP going so far to you all? Any lurkers still around? Come out dont be shy. ;)
I thought adding several players to my roleplay would make me go all out and make a book in each post. Exaggerated but I felt I could write more. And no details are not what makes a story good. Its the way the details are presented. Turns out a lot of posts have little interaction with players and are instead internal struggles between the players own characters and how they percieve the world. Whether this stems from the writers own personal struggles or my inability to interact the shit out of their character with npcs and environment. Whatever the case its mildly annoying.
It will be. So have your characters enjoy the peace and love now while they can.
Not really forgot as much as had little to reply to. It seems for those not in the bar their lines in this play are short. For now.

Id say wait for night. Which Ive prolonged enough. My next post will begin nightfall. Then Ill give you a decent amount to reply to.

Ill post it up. Good work :)
@13orgI made some memories between Mirror and Lila hope thats fine. Nothing too big. You cant be that lazy if youre willing to risk rewriting a post. ;-)

@Zi Hang in there its coming. D:

The Sol waitress patiently waited for Ava to finish her rant before taking down the order Serena gave. She left and soon returned with their food and drink. "I forgot to say we have free drinks if you buy from the bar." She spoke as she placed each plate down one by one, taking then off the surface of a large plate she balanced it all on. When Soron came over she flipped the empty surface and pressed it against her belly. She looked down and bowed with her head to Soron. As he was with royalty she assumed he was affiliated and gave the respect it commanded. "Is there anything I can do for you sir?" She asked before she would return to the other areas of the floor.

Another duo that caught the people's attention strolled in. Ofcourse before this, as they walked the path to the inn, the wings of one of the girls struck whomever cast gazes on them with awe. If she was for sale she was priceless many believed, though most didnt think her wings were real. As the Sol loved lavish colors and designs they adored the sight of colorful hair, scales, or wings. So much so there have been artificial ways to achieve these appearances, though not perfectly in most cases.

The two girls, Patricia and Heather were immediately greeted upon entry by a Sol man. He was servicing in an all green and white tunic that was clean, wrinkle free, save for the inner elbow, and his shoulders were sharp. He had his white hair slicked back in a smooth and wavy fashion. His red eyes were squinted with the dimples of his smile pressing his low lids up. He gave a white toothed smile before taking their order.

"What can I get you beautiful ladies. By the way we have free drinks courtesy of that fellow." He said before doing so. Putting emphasis on the beautiful and pointing to Suleykaar near the bar table. If not for his quick response a few patrons may have acted on their cat calls from a distance. Though these were not young men doing the calling, a recognizable old man giving a gapped tooth smile and wink at the girls almost as if they were wenches patroling for work. As the hour was still far before midnight the robust amount of drinks some of the men were having was degenerate at best. The wealthy men of higher class choosing to pay for their own food and drink in silence away from the crowd forming around the bar.

As the day grew on the attention on the ongoings within the inn grew exponentially. So much so children, and then curious adults looked through the glass circular windows. Two obvious ones being next to the front entrance, then the ones on the left and right sides.
@Landaus Five-One

That girl..
Girl? Monster is more like it..
Can we trust a Nayu of that caliber..?
Why is she free roaming unsupervised? This is scary..

The minds of the common individual within Sunfire had raced as they passed the presence of her, the bloodied ally of light. Lila Moriarty. Though most who knew of her knew her to be an ally of their interests. But her stories were popular, being young it was new, hot. She was hated by those who sought a simple solution of eradication of those that denied the light and adored by the down cast that seeked to be accepted by the light. Though the exact details of her situation is not known by many, her stifled and abused upbringing were hinted at. Making most who are affiliated with her empathetic and also distrusting of her. Though that sentiment is born from weakness, those who could clash blades with her see her as just a lost girl in this world of monsters.

As Mirror once told her during a spar to test her worth for his angelic blood to feed her. "I dont decide when you are free.. you do." He whispered this before giving her a fresh taste from his self mutilated hand. Giving her what she craved but leaving her empty of purpose was what fueled their influence over her, and Mirror never treats her as his by his own choice. But by hers.

The patrons of the bar took a more watchful approach to the entrance of the Nayu. Not freaking out but watching carefully as she came in and took the attention away from the group that really were by now the talk of the inn and outside area of it. A few men were taking a couple bottles outside to enjoy on the moss and in the sunlight before the guards rounded them up.

The server for Patricia and Heather met Lila where she stood. Coming from the front and walking with elegance, in a fashion meant to be seen. But as he neared close he noticed the scythe. He froze. Her eyes were dark, black dark. She had a streak of blood coming down her lip aswell that made him shiver at the reminder that the Nayu existed. Though most that came over this far were good people, the horror tales of their home kingdom by those who desired seraphim blood were what nightmares were made of for Vrondi people. Sunfire included. They saw the vile blood drinkers to be harboring a truly bad element in their ranks. Many choosing to assume it was their nature, as blood nourished them.

"Blood.. and.. Mirror?" He tilted his head some in confusion. Though his fear of her scythe quaked his proper composure into reforming as tense and off balance. "Ill see what we can do. Please have a seat." He pulled out a chair not too far from the bar in hopes she would sit and wait. He then scurried off to search for Velai, who was nearly hidden behind the wall of men buying free drinks at the bar.

"Its a bit much. To be a dragon. And to be a ascended, like the king. Maybe Ill ascend one day, I am full blooded." She looked down as she spoke, feeling ashamed of the superiority of her bloodline amongst those who seek ascension. Given her young age she also had little anxiety over time spent enjoying her life outside of the serious observation of the universe.

Velais eyes darted to the new entrants. But as she felt her wrist being pulled she turned, her fiery hair whirling from the speed as she did not wish to fall and wanted to comprehend what was happening. Her eyes widened at Alexis taking her cup and placing her lips on it unapologetically. Velai took the cup back, her fingers grasping it from the bottom. She felt taken in by Alexis's expression that felt less fun flirtatious, but real flirtatious. Which excited her as the escalation of their little joke began to become more. "If you want more.. well.." Her free hand brushed hair from around Alexis's tender thin neck before matching Alexis's gaze with her own bedroom eyes.

"Velai!" Called the server man who was seeking her. He waved her over to him behind the counter of the bar. Velai rolled her eyes and blew a few rogue pieces of hair out of her face. "Be right baaack." She said with a singing tone. She shot a glance to Suleykaar to see his reaction, and sipped the tree sap as she walked with relaxed hips. Feeling far looser than a few moments ago. "Whats up?" She asked as she closed the barrier to the other side of the counter. "We have a Nayu customer. Shes asking about blood and a Mirror.. do we sell either of those?" The Sol man asked with raised brows and a perplexed expression. "Oh! That must be Lila!" Velai looked over where Lila was with a gasp, it was her. "Youre new so let me handle this for now." She said patting the man on the shoulder to ease his tension.

Velai soon came to Lila with a metalic cylinder. The top was sealed and it sat on a glass plate elongated upward. Balancing perfectly Velai gently placed it on the table infront of Lila. She twisted the top and a white mist escaped the cylinder. "Mirror is out right now. Hes been gone for a few days now actually. I can leave a message for him." Velaj tilted her head at Lilas eyes and cold expression. "Do you.. remember me?" Velai was and is just a worker but has been here long enough to have served Lila before.

The infestation of mystery spreading through out the town about the supposed royal patrons at the inn, and the talks of the battles going on outside the towns had begun reaching rumor levels. The idea that a meeting of royals to discuss the battle strategies, or top mercenaries from different lands, all meeting at one place began circulating the great tree.

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