Avatar of Rai
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1878 (0.49 / day)
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
4 yrs ago
"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
5 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Velai watched with downcast eyes at Lila's reaction to the eerie mist emiting from the opened cylinder with a slight disgust on her expression. Knowing Lila was blind she did not attempt to hide it, and no other patrons watching would disagree with her reaction. She knew what was within this cylinder but has yet to find out who it came from, or why it was stored here just for her by Mirror's orders. What makes her so special in his eyes? Velai thought as she eyed the scythe this petite doll, this soulless shell, held so effortlessly within her tender grasp. No other Nayu came here in search for blood to drink casually. That was something done in the land of Nero.

Biting her lip Velai attempted not to think negatively when infront of Lila, even despite how much she harbored hate for Nayu kind. So many seraphim were missing due to the Dolofon, Therosi, and hungry Nayu so she had her reasons for feeling this way. But she did not know the extent of Lilas mysterious abilities and didnt want to risk curse or mind reading by giving off a bad vibe, from within or out, that would make enemies. In contrary though she feared the Nayu, and Lila potentially, she wanted to befriend the good ones.

Velais eyes widened with a blank stare before blinking a few times at Lilas voice. She was not expecting such a sharp reply that was so eloquently toned. She felt a familiar wave of pleasantry with her past conversings with the bard that once performed at the inn regularly. It was this that made her like Lila as a person, a individual. The seraphim girl would tend to wonder why a partner of Mirror remained so silent when she worked for the Sol and Seraphim against evil. Why did she not embrace their culture and lifestyle above her own? At that moment Velai tried to imagine Lila in a white tunic similar to her own and smiling in the sunlight with the rest of the Sol and Seraphim.

As Lila spoke about the previous server's fear Velai's wings laxed downward with a sigh escaping her lips. Hes afraid of you.. She let out a low whispered mutter before speaking loudly and waving her left hand in a slow and forward downward motion. "Its nothing!" Her petite lips tightened into a small mischievous smile. "He must have just thought you were cute!" She giggled after saying this behind her hands briefly before apologizing.

"Right.. Ill tell him.." Velai had a look of concern on her face as she attempted to look into the eyes of Lila. Something felt wrong about her relationship with Mirror, like a toy searching for its master. Empty amd always awaiting orders. This was conveyed to Velai as a indescribable feeling in her gut. This feeling was relatable was why, though she did not know, they both longed for Mirror to give them something. Yet he almost always refused, making her get it herself or not have it at all. All this held her back from speaking on how unsure she was on when she could see Mirror again to relay the message. "Yes dont worry Ill have it right away."

Velai looked at Lila as she rose up, grabbing her intimidating scythe, before bowing out to serve other customers with her coworkers. Bumping into the male Sol server with a slap to his back while he was unawares and inducing a jump reaction from him. "I told her you thought she was cute." She giggled more as she leaned against the bar table from behind the counter. The server she spoke to shook his head and his eyes widened in fear. "Are you trying to get me killed?" He said under a stressed voice while stacking cups for the travel to the back kitchen. "You could do worse". Velai almost sung those words as she strolled from behind the counter with him. As he walked he noticed Lila move her seat and head closer to where drinks were served, and closer to him. He tensed up. His legs scurried himself faster behind the veiled door to the kitchen only a few meters from the bar.

Velai approached Suleykaar and Alexis. A cup of water in one hand and tree sap in another. She sipped tree sap before placing it on a table next to Alexis. She met eyes with her and gave her a glance to share in the drink. A Lets get loose tonight expression in her eyes. She then turned to Suleykaar with a friendly and alternate expression. "It has gotten so busy thanks to you, more busy than in a while. Thanks again!" She bowed with her head, still balancing the cup of water in her right hand.


A bath was made as maids and gentle men were at the beck and call of Shanna. As a previous champion in the arenas she was offered luxuries from underground gamblers and fans alike. The warm waters, like small waterfalls, poured down from the personal spa and massage room. The alluring fragrances and calming warm mist escaped to try and envelop Shannas mind. The servers coercing her to enter the bath room. It was like being in the forest inside of it, but instead of a dirty lake the water was sparkling and clear with mist escaping its surface and exuding a flowery smell. As this was a personal bath the servers sat outside the door.

Upon entry to this room. Whether entering it or simply observing it after a moment the mist would move on its own. It would accumulate together into a form of a angelic being. But the silhouette was not detectable.Shanna.. A echoing feminine voice could be headd in Shannas mind. We will need your help Shanna. the voice went on As a seraphim it is your duty.. The mass of mist retained a simple shape of an angelic womans body yet its surface shifted rapidly due to fading and recapturing of mist. It sat on a stone above the water with its hands on the rock. It leaned back gently and turned its faceless head to Shanna. Seeking a reply.

The hours went by and the sun hung closer above the mountains. The villages of those outside the towns and kingdoms were fled and ghostly empty. The weapons that filed the walls of the soldiers guarding Sunfire was emptied. The preperations were getting tighter. Night was soon to come.

"Light it!"

A large flame was lit on the very top surface of the Sunfire tree. Its light growing more visible. A small mass of white rode down the grass field between Sunfire and Vrondi. Dragons similar to horses underneath these beings as they rode into the jungle around Sunfire in a split formation.

The Vrondi elites have arrived.. besides we would have been fine without them.. besides I think they are training recruits..
The Sunfire tree buzzed on.
I hope to see it soon.

You'll fit right in with bar's ragtag group. Ive decided to call those at the bar the ragtags. Outside ones Ill call the drifters.

So like. Going to Neros front door be like.
She may very well find out in due time.

Sure did give me a lot to reply to. So for those waiting for me, please be patient.
I assumed none of this would go without Velai's and Alexis's angelic bond. Simply put they are the least likely stereotypically as angelkin to harbor dark impure motives. Just connection.

I feel like Velai is.. going to learn from this. Maybe both will... 😶
New page. New music.

Who says I cant have ambience to focus on Ooc?
The first. Though I could be wrong. Its Greek after all and NOT something Im fluent in.
Since its relevant Velais appearance.

Welcome back!
Tempting fate got you here haha. Now someones super happy.
Your "like" war blew up my notifications.
@Landaus Five-One@Sohtem
Witnessing mayhem can be considered character development.

I call this. "How NOT to slay your dragon" featuring Magnix.wip
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