Avatar of Rai
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
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Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
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Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Another sketch. Let me know if you can tell whats happening.


And i might sketchup a request for fun

"What a terrible situation.. A attack inside Sunfire of all places. Who'da thunk it?"

The wind howled and barreled toward the man who spoke with a deep tone towards the hills that overlooked Sunfire. His hat was similar to a farmers, round and blocked the sun from his eyes. His other apparel was similar to a traveling nomad. A large cloak covering his body, the front was lifted over his shoulders and went around his neck like a scarf. Blowing in the wind was both his torn hat and cloak. His fiery red eyes peered at Sunfire with a wide all encompassing stare. Holding the monument in its gaze as a silhouette within his eye moisture's reflection. A omen of shadow. A hand tugged at his cloak from behind. A young boy emerged from behind his long flowing tattered cloak. It was a dark blue in hue, which almost contrasted to his red horns. The boy however contrasted him, his medium curly brown hair and the boys short spiked, white, and pale complexion. His own small horns however being black and eyes a emerald green. He cowered behind this confident figure as they both looked at what would unfold this night. One with a grin, the other with a shiver.

Velai winced a little as she attempted to relax by leaning against a table. Her hand was wrapped well and no blood was visible through it. But the sting was visible in her quivering right brow. She looked at Lila give what she assumed was a pleased response to the blood she received. She gave a weak smile. I swear if he doesn't come.. She broke out in her head. Her sacrifices beginning to weigh on her. It was true she had a long life as a descendant, but could she keep serving Mirror in this way? He is always just out of reach. Her thoughts were broken as Suleykaar approached her. Taking her by surprise she looked at his changed expression. No longer upbeat and inviting he felt closed off to her, she sensed this immediately and could guess why. If it were not for him a lot of them would be gone, this though alone rattled her core. So before he spoke she let out a Thank you. When the money was brought out she gestured for him to drop it on the table. Her eyes widened at the amount, but it made sense. There were burn marks on the outside of the inns surface and on the roof, but it was mostly fine thanks to Alexis. Velai was surprised to looked up and see Suley walk away. She stood there in place almost stuck, turning her upper body and head as she watched him. Before he left he told her about the flower she forgot was nested in her hair. She touched the flower's smooth glassy surface as he pushed out the doors to exit.

When Soron spoke Velai almost tripped in surprise as she was broken out of a trance. He mentioned Suley returning once he cleared his head. She sighed. "I can relate." She said, feeling a bit worn from these events. She took the opportunity to kick back within a seat close to Soron, Lila, and a few others. Soron agitated Lila a bit, this caused Velai to shoot him a glare. Don't mess with that one. She thought. Then Soron left, heading toward Ava and her sister. Then came Heather. It was odd to see a Seraphim interact with a Nayu openly. Though Lila was not intimidating beyond her rumored past accomplishments. The interaction of the two girls made Velai smile, but she looked over with concern to Patricia.
Time went on shortly. The soldiers lined up within the jungles. Their squadrons prepared and different camp bases were made going along a mile or so away from Sunfire. Their camps had fires rising into the air through the thick jungle to mark their locations. The majority of soldiers were on foot as it allowed them ease of maneuvering through the jungle. Flying or riding anything beyond a truly agile beast would not do well in such terrain. Only a few soldiers rode large reptile like dragons that clung to the earth on all fours. It moved through the jungle like a snake mixed with a feline, leaping and landing among the large tree limbs with fluid effortless speed. These riders were scouts. They emerged from the tree tops and peered into the empty open land that was once used for farming and as homes for many of the nomadic people in Vrondi. Now it was desolate. Left behind crops rotted as they dangled toward the earth, scorned by the sun that was gently fading into the mountains. It was only a few minutes now until night fell.

The orange and red sky the sun casted into the vision of the heavens above was met with a loud horn in the distance. Very few eyes witnessed the emergence of a dark mass of people marching from the mountain sides and deep uninhabited jungles toward the direction of Sunfire. A empty cavern of an ancient temple sat in the shadows of the mountains south of Sunfire. Its jungle vines scattered across it seemed almost dead even as they grew relentlessly around it. A coiling mass began to worm itself out of the dark cavern. Emerging before the final rays of light as a giant black basilisk. Its size as it began its crawl toward freedom was able to rival the ruins themselves. On top of its massive head stood two figures. One had its hair flowing in the wind and a gentle expression of enjoyment, like a afternoon stroll in the rose gardens. The other wore a hood with a silver mask covering his face, and a black cloak over his crooked slender body, he also held himself up with a long cane with small skulls dangling from the top.

The clearest camp of Sunfire was directly a mile ahead of it. Soldiers were making constant trips back and forth, carrying supplies from Sunfire to the soldiers and other goods, including people like healers. There at that camp standing tall in its formidable presence was the eternal guardian. Steam still emitting from its ethereal flesh beneath the armor even as it stood still and motionless. Ever facing the north of Sunfire. Around it and the camp it stood in front of was an open land. But it was about half a mile across and surrounded by jungle. A line was made before the guardian of soldiers, and elites behind them in a circular formation. They were ready.
It's okay. My next post will just start night at the end of it.

Not necessarily waiting for you. Just a headsup.

Omg, my fingers are burning

That waa fast. Good job haha So Ill work on mine now.
I doubt you will. I cant wait to start night already. So much buildup. At least you all gave me a reason to reveal the guardian of sunfire early.

Ahhh welll..
I know hun. If I post before you Ill always to make sure not to skip anyone's chance to post. So dont worry.

This goes for everyone ofcourse.

Ill post soon.

Definitely both. But the first one is what caught my attention the most. I like the spells and backstory.

Adds to the world without affecting the main lore.
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