Avatar of Rai
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
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Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Nice post. In my next post Im going to timeskip you into night which is the current time everyone is in.

I got 3 settings to post
Thats cool.
@Landaus Five-One
Nah hes actually more speed based.
My Ascension music lol
Looks great. Digging the atmosphere music. Totally isnt putting me tk sleep as i read. Zzzzzz..

Im not sure. I hope it does, maybe. Depends on how tough Soron is.

Lila's sudden disappearance did not rattle Velai, instead she composed herself by straightening her hair away from her face. The sudden vanishing act within Velai's sight was done by replacing Lila's body with a solid ice replica. It stood exactly as Lila did before she was then teleported outside and also cleared the wind that was rising within the room. The ice statue glistened within the dim room with white streaks of moonlight and reflected the smooth curves of Lila's expression flawlessly. A masterpiece instantly created and a prize of Mirror's abilities. However just as he loved beautiful things he casted them away just as quickly. The statue cracked after Velai stepped around it towards the room door, looking back at the orb on the desk as she did so. She watched as the statue collapsed into hundreds of broken pieces that continued breaking until it made a pile of fine snow on the floor in front of Mirror's bed. "Thank you Velai." Echoed the voice of Mirror from the orb with a low tone and solid expression of sincerity in his voice. Velai paused, her eyes looking to the floor as she stood with a half turn. "No problem." She spoke softly but with a normalcy that was devoid of emotion. "You always say that.." Velai's lips quivered before she stepped out of the room. The door she opened creaked before soundlessly widening to allow Velai to exit, and creaked again to close. Velai sighed deeply as she held the door closed. She took the key in her grasp and locked the door with a simple twist. Then she turned and learned on the door. She could hear the closing of a door within another room through the thin wooden walls. She walked to where she heard this sound and found the room Ava was in.

Opening the door Ava was revealed to her laying within a bed. Velai assumed she was still injured and approached her cautiously. She almost did not make a sound as she lightly stepped across the air above the ground to reach Ava's bed. She knelt down by Ava's side and placed hands over her. She breathed in slowly and then exhaled with a soothing long expulsion. Her eyes were closed as she did this. Focusing deeply within her she exuded her souls essence to nourish Ava's soul and amplify the cellular process that the soul was connected to. She felt a bit tired after doing so, a humid sweat forming on her forehead. She looked to Ava to see if she noticed herself being healed. Just as she did this she was startled by a gentle whistle from behind her. It came from the doorway which was open after she entered in. There stood a man with a hat and something on his large belt, It resembled a rare weapon used mostly by Tearians, Fotians had these as well but they were not sleek and compact. This he had looked special, even more so than what the Tearians had. A projectile weapon that can be used with a single pull of a trigger. Velai looked up at the man with horrified eyes as they met his. He looked amused in the poor lighting, a sharp tooth grin visible underneath his hats shadow. Next to him in the shadows of the hall was the boy he had next to him. His back was to the wall and was not visible. He only listened.

"I think you can help me with something... Mirror related." His fiery eyes almost glowed as they were lit up with amusement.


The battle waged on. There were not enough lives to scatter the field with according to the mass numbers pouring out from the jungle behind and from the sides of the mysterious men. The massive Basilisk looked on at the battle. Steel slamming into flesh
And severed limbs from their bases. It was horrendous to peer deeply into the constantly moving erratic masses of bodies both dead and living. The Vrondi soldiers kept their lines in order and skewered those who dared try to come past it. Many did however, constantly. Keeping their formations together was a key point in their desperate attempts to stay alive and survive this night. Blood would paint the faces of the brave as they cut through the cultists. Those who were taken would be huddled up on and torn apart by the savages. Their fresh organs being devoured before their brothers who could only watch in agony. Their line was more important than saving one soldier who unfortunately was stripped away. They then looked up with hope against the horrors as two seraphim emerged from the forest skies above and brought rain and lightning on their foes. Despite this the cultists seemed unfazed. Their numbers still swollen.

The bodies of Vrondi elites were tossed aside before the lightning came down from the fair seraphim, to the man Singard. He was forced to throw his blade. His method of doing so was by having the cloth around his body fing the blade like a weightless tool toward the stream. Catching the stream around its surface it hurtled with constant rotations toward Serena. A voice echoing in her mind to Watch out!! So as Soron moved in, using the lightning as cover, Singard watched him intently. When Soron vanished Singard swiftly turned his neck, his body following behind. As the blade Soron soared toward Singard came in Singard’s palm flew with intense speed to match the blade. The blade would pierce into Singard’s left palm and he would slide his hand down it’s length to grip onto Soron’s hand beneath the hilt with his elongated fingernails, allowing him to try and plant his right fist into Soron’s abdomen. It was once said amongst those savvy to the Arenas that a blow from Singard was like a blow from from a large dragon, blind with numbing fury.

"Kuukuukukuh…” Cackled a voice in the dark behind a tree to Lila’s back. The laughing could be heard after she cleared a good portion of cultists from her location. The Sol man who sat limp with an arrow in his throat whined silently in the grass by the large tree roots. His hands glowed gently as they covered his throat all while they shook with a feverish shiver. He could only watch helplessly as Lila battled on. A few Sol archers aiding her. But the blood that painted that dark green grassy area black and crimson was all due to Lila. This seemed to amuse the figure that stood invisible in darkness, but not invisible to Lila. His form emeged from the shadows as a y large statured dragonkin. He leaned from behind the tree in what seemed like a uncharacteristical way, his size being hard not to see behind the tree and yet he remained invisible just the same. As he slowly made his way out some more his body momentarily hit the moonlight. He froze as a twig broke beneath his heavy feet. A chuckle could still be heard however coming from him. He then clasped a hand on his jaws amd closed them. "Kukukuh.. I cannot contain myself."The voice was deep but gentle like rolling thunder. He said with a stifled voice. "To think this is what they made of you.. marvelous work.." he muttered. Seemingly uncaring if Lila found him. Upon acknowledging his presence he would stumble in suprise. "Ack! Not again.. kukukuh.." He seemed unthreatening immediately. His calm demeanor only found amusement out of the transpirings rather than fear or shock. Whether he was friend or foe was yet to be answered. But for now he only amused himself witb Lila's presence.

While there were no objections Alexis's quiver pull was met with uneasy eyes. They watched as she aimed carefully at the target and fired. The arrow would stretch for many yards before soaring downward to the body of the proclaimed lord of death . The arrow silently flowed as it did and as such seemed to take the man entirely by suprise. The hooded man almost fell in shock as he was startled by the sudden whizzing sound and an arrow being held in the hand of his master. He seemed unaware of catching it as he peered at Singard's battle. He handed the arrow to his servant whom graciously took it with a bow. "Oh how Ive missed the dangers of war.. death lingers." His hands began to emmit a black mist that engulfed them before he slammed them together and summoned a bow. It was crescent and silver like the moon. He placed a hand over the bow and pulled back on the quiver. A solid arrow began to form from pure shadows. The pitchness was almost two dimensional in nature even as it sprayed black arrows in the hundreds into the jungles tree tops where the Archers remained, and where Alexis fired from. The black arrows pierced through the vegatation and the bodies of many archers who were cut off guard by the sudden retaliation of this magnitude. The cultists themselves being little threat beyond their numbers and madness.

After doing this the man lowered his bow. Having only pulled it once he seemed satisfied with himself. Looking up with a smile he pointed to Singard and a sand timer appeared hovering above his hand. It flowed silver grains. "Singard has 3 minutes to create a path."

@Landaus Five-One
The more the merrier.

Welcome. @Ayame
I almost missed something in the sudden page addition.

Mostly accepted. Under the revision of Castiel's ability to bring good out in people. As long as its a passive and can be resisted.
Also over time you may want to put in their experiences what they did to learn their spells and special abilities.

I'm posting soonish.
I dont mind answering. Most of their recruits are forced servants from defeated wild tribes like nomadic villages, and barbarian tribes that usually attack these people are finding themselves under attack and forced into servitude.

Many outlaws and prison escapees joined up as well. The worse the better.
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