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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
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Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
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Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Well lets be clear. Unless Sulley has mental blocks hes open to recieve messages and have his thoughts read.@FallenTrinity
Amplified link accepted. Drive each other insane at will. Nice post by the way. @Vesuvius00 & @Sohtem
I don't have much of my plots planned out. I have a direction but I leave it open to change depending on the road to getting there. So Im always thinking on my feet when Players make moves that will hinder my desired progress. Always improvising and using a bad or offsetting shift in pace to create a desirable and unexpected turn of my and my players contentment.
@Ayame Didnt think youd have Castiel remain in the feral grounds. Ok then ^_^
Made a post for @Ayame to try and catch her up. Also detailing the locations she visited with her characters.

The Town of Blaze. An industrial town that housed mostly Fotians. The other less rarely seen group are Gaians. The flow of earth and fire keeping the machines drilling into the ground both in sea and on land. A mist forming on the waters from the redirected lava flowing beneath its surface through pipes and directed to massive machines above the water and within that act as factories to heat metals and shape them for many different needs. One important one being Fotian war machines that are capable of firing explosive projectiles from great distances and layered with metals.

1. Fotian Soldier HQ. Fotian soldiers and guards hold up here and coordinate themselves using the mass of supplies held inside. Weapons, food, beds and more makes stationing here a breeze.

2. General goods stores and markets. Fresh fish from the sea and a path to the docks. The workers mostly live here and have a tight community of mostly Fotians and Gaians. Given the technology being built here a few Lassa are about but mostly are just visitors.

3. General goods market. An indoor market for general goods being sold by various sellers.

4. Pyrus Temple. A temple to honor the bloodlines of the kings and queens of Fotia. The story of ascension being told from the start to current era all carved in stone and in dramatic depictions.

5. Royal smith. A blacksmith for the guards and soldiers whom also does work for high buyers. He enjoys the sea waters and has a daughter that loves tinkering with tools.

7. Dragon lodging. Holding barn for dragons of riders.

8. High Power Factory. A factory made on land to build various important machines. Mostly war machines and the Fotian attempts at creating advanced Apps without the help of the Magoi or Lassa.

The day went by as usual. But as the night drew closer Fotian soldiers began to line the outer barriers. They were all fully armored with their dark red almost brown leather paddings and ash colored metals. Helmets shaped like dragon mouths as they peered into the darkness and marched through it, aiming to meet whatever waited for them within. It was not long until the forces of Blaze met to push back the cunniving forces of the cultists. These cultists attacked from the south east mountain on the map. Using it to penetrate past the volcanoes Fotia relied on to protect its capital. The flaming mines did away with many of these cultists. Their remaining forces meeting pillars of flames as trees and whatever stones remained were turned to cindering blackness that escaped to the skies. Blades met bodies and ejected blood to wash away the fire and spelled a sweeping victory early on for the defenders of Blaze. Though the cultists continued to refrain from letting their high numbers be underestimated and the nights battle continued.


Feral Grounds. Nero

The grounds were not suprisingly quiet. The life of the forest seemed mostly still which was eerie for the day. It was not long though until one would find the bones riddled across the forest floor and none remained firmly attached to a joint or socket. Skulls, ribcages, hip bones, all were dry and picked clean. It was silent still as one could move in deeper without fear. It was then though when the mist began to rise from thr ground from what seemed to be almost from a far away place. The ground found itself covered in more bones at this point making it impossible to step around them all. Soon one could see beneath the hill was a massive elongated creature slithering on the ground and through the forest trees. It rose its long body and head to the sky and let out a mist from its nostrils that fell to the forest floor around it. It was this that made this massive creature invisible, hiding underneath thick mist. It was reason for pause and most a reason to try and escape.


Twilight Town

The simple town of Twilight. The bar and inn and the simple general stores reside infront of the well in the middle of town. The tour guides to Nero's capital and back reside to the west near the towns entrance and exit. Vrondi guards keep watch of this area but do so lightly. The presence of Nayu soldiers linger in and out every once in a while to keep the power over this simple place divided. Those who live here are mostly Sol but many of them have Nayu blood. Thus the town is home to the moonlight sorcerers and warriors, those who harbor both blood and commune at night in the light of the moon. Awakening rare spells and abilities that manipulate darkness and light.

As night fell the soldiers of Vrondi unified and protected the boarders from attack. It came from south east of their location and from the west. The Nayu actually taking up arms and fighting the cultists on their side of the territory along with the moonlit knights and sorcerers of the town aiding both sides.

Great. Might be best for Alexis to leave. Things are about to turn up.

I have a lot to post in my next one so the faster you post the more thought I can put into it pertaining to your characters. I do have a bit of anticipation for the next steps.

Also changed the front page song. Because of reasons.
So who is next to post?
@Doc Doctor

Magnix's lower legs and arms were darkened to a coal color. His eyes were closed as the eruption overtook him. Reopening to find himself midair over the ground and skidding to try and slow himself to a stop. As he did so Auz came charging out of the cindering cloud of the remains of his charred outer accessories and features. Much like Auz Magnix seemed to suffer from result of the flames. His long dreaded hair placed in a ponytail was on fire. Yet he was not in pain nor was there smoke from anything burning. The flames began to run down his hair lines as he pushed off the ground with his left hand, the ground cracking underneath his hand aswell as flames ejecting from his palm once they left the ground. He went into a sideways spin that sent him flying to his right while rotating midair diagonally.

The flames erupting from his left palm was angled facing to his left to allow his spin more speed to complete it. Also as he did this a 6 inch wide ring of fire began to form around Magnix's upper body and about a foot away from him.

He would try to complete the first rotation swiftly, his wings going fluid like a cape on his back. Coming up to face Auz now, 5 feet away from his initial location and right as Auz would hav been on him. He was now midair and was 4 feet off the ground but was steadily rising all while still moving further away. An unnatural hurtling force by his seemingly simple single handed push off.
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